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العمليات المعرفية و الفروق الفردية وتطبيقاتهما التربوية
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        مهما كان السلوك الانساني بسيطا كطرفة العين او معقدا كحل مشكلة ما, فأنه يعتمد بشكل واضح على تكامل عدد كبير من العمليات داخل جسم الإنسان, وما يصدر عن الكائن البشري من سلوك خلافا للكائنات الحية الاخرى ليس مجرد استجابات, أو وروود فعل آلية بسيطة أو غريزية كما يحدث عند الحيوان, وإنما هي عبارة عن نشاط راق مركب, هادف قابل للارتقاء والتسامي . ويشير العلماء بهذا الصدد الى ان كل شيء موجود في الطبيعة يمكن ملاحظته باستعمال العمليات العقلية المعرفية.

   فهناك اذا علاقة ارتباط عضوي وظيفي بين العقل والمعرفة, لان المعرفة تمثل نتاج عقلي محض , ولا يمكن فصل العقل عن وظيفته الاساسية التي تتمثل  بالتفكير والادراك بصورهما المتعددة والتي تؤدي الى حصول المعرفة, بمساعدة بقية  العمليات المعرفية.

وتتمثل العمليات المعرفية بـ ( التفكير، والإدراك ، و الإحساس ، والتذكر ، والانتباه).

       و هي التي تميز الانسان عن سائر مخلوقات الارض, فنحن جميعا لا نستطيع ممارسة اعمالنا, دون الاعتماد على هذه العمليات, ودون الثقة بقدرتها على الوصول الى المعرفة. 

     (ملحم ، 2000 ، ص31-30) (الأزرق ، 2000 ،  ص 110)

  و لما كانت العمليات المعرفية تختلف من شخص لآخر تبعا لاختلاف الأشخاص فيما بينهم في القدرات العقلية المعرفية ، نتيجة عوامل متعددة أبرزها الوراثة و البيئة. لذا كان لابد من ان يعرج البحث على الفروق الفردية بين الأشخاص والتطبيقات التربوية لهذه الفروق

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A Comparative Study for Estimate Fractional Parameter of ARFIMA Model
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      Long memory analysis is one of the most active areas in econometrics and time series where various methods have been introduced to identify and estimate the long memory parameter in partially integrated time series. One of the most common models used to represent time series that have a long memory is the ARFIMA (Auto Regressive Fractional Integration Moving Average Model) which diffs are a fractional number called the fractional parameter. To analyze and determine the ARFIMA model, the fractal parameter must be estimated. There are many methods for fractional parameter estimation. In this research, the estimation methods were divided into indirect methods, where the Hurst parameter is estimated fir

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
Journal Name
The role of the theatrical technical supervisor in developing the skills of preparatory stage learners
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The current study aimed to identify the role of the theatrical technical supervisor in developing and enhancing the skills of middle school students in Baghdad. The sample consisted of 73% of the original community of theatrical technical supervisors, randomly selected from those working in the first, second, and third educational directorates in the Rassafa and Karkh areas. The sample size was 32 theatrical technical supervisors. The study used a questionnaire to collect data on three axes: the cognitive skills developed by the theatrical technical supervisor, the voice and speech skills developed by the supervisor, and the body movement skills developed by the supervisor. The results showed that the theatrical technical supervisor play

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 05 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Impact of Availabilit of Tax Assessor Skils in the Development the Tax Investigation: An applied research in the General Authority for Taxes
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The research aims to reveal the availability of skills to develop the tax assessor when carrying out the tax examination process. The study was conducted in the branches of the General Tax Authority in the province of Baghdad (the General Authority for Taxes, Adhamiya branch, the General Authority for Taxes, Rusafa branch, Al-Bayaa branch, New Baghdad tax branch) was approved The descriptive approach to achieve the research objectives represented by answering the following two questions: 1- What are the necessary skills that should be available in the performance of the tax examiner? 2- Are the skills of developing a tax evaluator available? The two researchers used the closed questionnaire as a tool for their research. The quest

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2017
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The effects of Internet use on university’s students: “A Study on a Sample of Jordanian University’s students "
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The effects of Internet use on university’s students:The effects of Internet use on university’s students:“A Study on a Sample of Jordanian University’s students "This survey aims to identify the most important effects of Internet use on Jordanian public and private universities’ students by monitoring and analyzing a set of indicators that show the quality of the effects on specific fields such as  cultural, social, psychological, moral and political effects .To achieve these goals, the study attempts to answer the following questions:1.   What are the effects of Internet’s use on students?2. What is   the relationship between the effects and demographic variables such as  gender, age, family size an

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The Role of Banking Governance in Guarantee of Credit Risks
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Risks are linked to banking activities. In order to overcome these risks, the bank has only the ability to rely on guarantees that are various and varied. These include traditional guarantees such as personal guarantees, commercial and real estate mortgages, insurance operations, specialized to cover the risks of foreign trade operations.

Including the procedures and procedures that the banking institution should abide by in the practice of its credit activities both before and after the grant to detect the risks surrounding them early and address them before they grow, by following the rules of banking governance of forming specialized committees in the bank, Monitoring credit operations and reviewing the credit portfolio to asc

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Bandwidth Improvement of a Cone-Inverted Cylindrical and Cross Hybrids Dielectric Resonator Antennas
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In this work, two cone-inverted cylindrical and cross-hybrid dielectric resonator antennas are stacked and excited by the coaxial probe method with an operating standard resonant frequency of 5.438 GHz. A drawback of these standard Dielectric Resonator Antennas (DRAs) is their narrow bandwidth. For good antenna performance, a stacked DR geometry and a thick dielectric substrate having a low dielectric constant are desired since this provides large bandwidth, better radiation power, reduces conductor loss and nonappearance of surface waves. Many approaches, such as changing the shape of the dielectric resonator, have been used to enhance bandwidth. Using DRA, having the lowest dielectric constant, increases the bandwidth and the electroma

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 04 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Approximate Solution of Sub diffusion Bio heat Transfer Equation
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In this paper, author’s study sub diffusion bio heat transfer model and developed explicit finite difference scheme for time fractional sub diffusion bio heat transfer equation by using caputo fabrizio fractional derivative. Also discussed conditional stability and convergence of developed scheme. Furthermore numerical solution of time fractional sub diffusion bio heat transfer equation is obtained and it is represented graphically by Python.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A Cognitive Linguistic Study of the Present Simple: An Experimental Study in the University of Baghdad
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Some research reports that cognitive grammar (CG) theory has good contributions to teaching English as a foreign language. In this research, the researchers seek to apply this theory and its principles when teaching the simple present tense to Iraqi students who face difficulties in differentiating between the multiple usages of this tense. To achieve this objective, the researchers have conducted an experimental study on a group of 60 Iraqi students in the University of Baghdad, College of Education for Women. Langacker’s (2003) theory has been adopted in the analysis of the cognitive relations to understand the common and different connections of these usages of the simple present. The study has concluded that the cognitive grammar t

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Reducing the Mutual Coupling of Cylindrical Circular Microstrip Antennas (CCMAs) Array Using EBG Structure
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A theoretical study to design a conformal microstrip antennas was introduced in this work. Conformal microstrip antennas define antennas which can be conformed to a certain shape or to any curved surface. It is used in high-speed trains, aircraft, defense and navigation systems, landing gear and various communications systems, as well as in body wearable. Conformal antennas have some advantages such as a wider-angle coverage compared to flat antennas and low radar cross-sectional (RCS) and they are suitable for using in Radome. The main disadvantage of these antennas is the narrow bandwidth. The FDTD method is extremely useful in simulating complicated structures because it allows for direct integration of Maxwell's equations depending o

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Google Classroom in Teaching Writing Composition for College Students
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Technology plays a vital role in all walks of life, one of these is Education. Google Classroom is one of the educational tools that are free of cost and recently has gained popularity within a short period in many countries, including Iraq. The primary purpose of this study is to explore the Google Classroom use in EFL learners' composition writing. The sample of the study is EFL Second-year College students from the College of Science for Women /Computer Science Department, which consisted of (35) students who have implemented Google Classroom for at least one semester in their classroom. The students were asked to finish two uncompleted paragraphs that have the only main idea and write a suitable conclusion to each one. The results sh

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