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التكيف للحياة الجامعية وعلاقته بالصف الدراسي لدى طالبات الاقسام الداخلية في الجامعة المستنصرية
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يواجه الكثير من الافراد مشكلات في التكيف، خاصة الطلبة الذين ينتقلون من المرحلة الدراسية الثانوية الى المرحلة الجامعية، حيث يرافق هذه البيئة الثقافية الاجتماعية العديد من الضغوط والمواقف التي تحتم على الطالب الوصول الى تكيف مثالي.

ان التعليم الجامعي يوفر مجالات عديدة للتخصص تعمل على تحقيق طموحات الشباب التي تناسب قدراتهم وميولهم واهتماماتهم، وهو بذلك يمثل نوعية من التعليم تختلف عن النمط النظامي في مدارس التعليم الثانوي من حيث طبيعة الدراسة ونوعية التخصصات، وانماط التفاعل الاجتماعي واتخاذ القرارات وتحمل المسؤولية، وعليه فان معايشة الطالب للحياة الجامعية يقتضي منه التكيف مع البيئة الجديدة (العقيد، 1995، ص220).

 ويتعرض طلبة الجامعة لانواع شتى من الضغوط والمشكلات التي من شأنها ان تزيد القلق والاحتمال من الضغوط والمشكلات التي من شأنها ان تزيد القلق والاحتمال من تطوره والمعاناة من آثاره في المستقبل مما يؤثر سلباً في سلوكهم وطريقة تعاملهم مع الآخرين في المواقف الاجتماعية، وبالتالي تجعلهم يفشلون في التكيف مع متطلبات الحياة المعاصرة               (جمال، 1947، ص1) .

واشارت العديد من الدراسات الى ان الطلبة الجامعيين الذين تعرضت بلادهم الى غزو اجنبي كانوا يعانون من مشاكل نفسية عديدة تتمثل في الخوف من المستقبل وصعوبة التركيز في اثناء الدراسة بسبب القلق والارهاق النفسي الناتج عن الغزو (الفضي، 1993، ص22) (الغانم، 1994، ص221) (Saigh, 1984, p.185) كما اشارت دراسات أخرى الى وجود مشكلات تكيفية لدى طالبات الجامعة ترتبط مع مكان سكناهن ومستواهن الدراسي (الليل، 1993، ص13) (عبد اللطيف، 1997، ص303).

واظهرت دراسة ابو عليا ومحافظة (1997) أن سؤ تكيف الطلبة الجامعيين يرتبط الى حد كبير برسوبهم او انذارهم او فصلهم وان هذا يعد هدراً في التعليم الجامعي لابد ان تتصدى له الدراسات والابحاث للتخفيف عنه(وفي حدود علم الباحث لم يتناول موضوع التكيف للحياة الجامعية على عينة منه طالبات الاقسام الداخلية)، ووضع البرامج الملائمة لتخفيف وقوعه (ابو عليا ومحافظة، 1997، ص5)

وفي حدود علم الباحث لم يتناول موضوع التكيف للحياة الجامعية على عينة من طالبات الاقسام الداخلية، لذا جاءت هذه الدراسة للتعرف الى مستوى التكيف وعلاقته بالصف الدراسي لدى طالبات الاقسام الداخلية في الجامعة المستنصرية.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 23 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
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This research aims to show the sight at the importance of the private banking sector in Iraq and its role in financing of the investment projects , of the ability of Central Bank's decision to increase the minimum limit of capital for private banks to provide support to the economic activity and the development in Iraq. In addition to illustrate the importance of the capital increase, with a, and taking into notice the most important determinants that can stand in front of these banks in the beginning of the decision implementation, which in turn can lead to the most important proceedings that can contribute in the support of banks to implementation the decision.  Also, the research has highlighted the most important ways through wh

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 13 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Transient Behavior Analysis for Solar Energy Storage in PCM-CFM Material Using Equivalent Heat Capacity Method as Storage Model
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A paraffin wax and copper foam matrix were used as a thermal energy storage material in the double passes air solar chimney (SC) collector to get ventilation effect through daytime and after sunset. Air SC collector was installed in the south wall of an insulated test room and tested with different working angles (30o, 45o and 60o). Different SC types were used; single pass, double passes flat plate collector and double pass thermal energy storage box collector (TESB). A computational model based on the finite volume method for transient tw dimensional domains was carried out to describe the heat transfer and storage in the thermal energy storage material of collector. Also, equivalent specific heat metho

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Balancing the Multi Assembly line Using Ranked Positional Weight and COMSOAL Algorithms: Case Study at the Sewing line Factory (7) /the General Company for Leather Industries (GCLI/ Baghdad)
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      The problem of multi assembly line balancing appears as one of the most prominent and complex type of problem. The research problem of this dissertation is concerned with choosing the suitable method that includes the nature of the processes of the multi assembly type of the sewing line at factory no. (7). The State Company for Leather Manufacturing. The sewing line currently suffers from idle times at work stations which resulted in low production levels that do not meet the production plans. The authors have devised a flexible simulation model which uses the uniform distribution to generate task time for each shoe type produced by the factory. The simulation of the multi assembly line was based on assigni

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analsis of politic behavior and its impact on displaying the continuousness of organizational trust mantainance ,applied research of a sample of AL-farouq State Construction contracting company Employees
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The research aims to know the concept of politic behavior as one of the important behaviours in the different fields and sectors. It is considered to be part of the organizatial work to face the expected  risks. It includes two group of factors personal (self –monitors, locus of control ,expectation s of success, perceived job alternatives)and organizational(promotion ,division resources,role  ambiguity ,democratic decision)studied by the researcher  in the frame of the relationship with the variable  of display  continuous trust matain which includes two variable (build trust mantain, display  trust continuouness)through applied frame by random sample consists of (90)employee  at Farouq State

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 02 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Linguistic Errors in second language learning through Error Analysis theory: هه‌ڵه‌ زمانییه‌كان له‌ فێربوونی زمانی دووه‌مدا (له‌ ڕوانگه‌ی تیۆری شیكاری هه‌ڵه‌ییه‌وه‌)
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Second language learner may commit many mistakes in the process of second language learning. Throughout the Error Analysis Theory, the present study discusses the problems faced by second language learners whose Kurdish is their native language. At the very stages of language learning, second language learners will recognize the errors committed, yet they would not identify the type, the stage and error type shift in the process of language learning. Depending on their educational background of English as basic module, English department students at the university stage would make phonological, morphological, syntactic, semantic and lexical as well as speech errors. The main cause behind such errors goes back to the cultural differences

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Metaphor in Political Discourse Press Articles By Louis Bassets As A Model: La metáfora en el discurso político. Los artículos de Lluís Bassets como ejemplo
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       The present paper focuses on studying a rhetorical form often used in Spanish linguistic discourse .It also examines the study two sides (theoretical and practical), the concept of metaphor, the most important modern school that deals with this issue, the development of this technique and its relationship with other intellectual ideologies, and the role metaphor plays in interpreting the meaning of the linguistic discourse especially in conveying political message. The study allows the formulation and the creation of a conceptual picture for the purposes of metaphor in the linguistic discourse used in Spanish press. It investigates discursive models from the Spanish press,

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Studying the genotype of Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor-Interacting Protein (AIP) Gene (rs641081C>A) in ‎Iraqi Samples with Acromegaly Pituitary Adenoma
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Pituitary adenomas are the anterior pituitary tumors. Patients with an Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor-Interacting Protein (AIP) mutation (AIP- mut) tend to have more aggressive tumors occurring at a younger age. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in many studies have been related to metabolic comorbidities in the general population. Study aims investigated the role of AIP gene SNPs with susceptibility to acromegaly pituitary- adenoma, with levels of LH, FSH, TSH, Testosterone, IGF1,GH, FT4 , Prolactin hormones and blood sugar levels.  The study ‎was conducted on a group of acromegaly patients, including 50 patients) both Genders( with ‎hyperplasia of the ends, and apparently healthy control group. Genotyping of

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Jan 13 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Impact of sociodemographic characteristics and drug-related side effects on quality of life of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma receiving sorafenib treatment in Iraqi hospitals
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Background: Sorafenib is an oral multikinase inhibitor which has been given approval by the United States Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of patients diagnosed with hepatocellular carcinoma and advanced renal cell carcinoma . However, measuring quality of life and patient-reported symptoms may provide further information for evaluating and comparing treatment efficacy and toxicity profiles during cancer treatment. Despite the critical importance of patients' quality of life while receiving anticancer treatment, neither Iraqi patients undergoing anti-cancer medications in general nor those receiving Sorafenib in particular had any published data evaluating this important parameter.


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Publication Date
Wed Oct 11 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Teaching Problems Faced by Female Teachers of Students with Intellectual Disability in Special Education Programs and the Proposed Solutions for that from their point of view - a qualitative study
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This study aims to identify the teaching problems that teachers of students with intellectual disabilities face, in addition to exploring the solutions suggested by them in order to overcome such problems or challenges. The researchers used a qualitative approach in order to understand the teachers' perceptions about these problems in a more in-depth way. The interview tools (in-depth and semi-structured interviews) were used to collect data from (3) female teachers from special education programs in the Asir region. The results revealed a number of themes including problems related to students, teachers and the teaching methods they use, curricula, school environment, and school administration. Moreover, the results indicated that famil

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
The Impact of COVID-19 Infection on Gonadal Hormonal Hunctions in Iraqi Wome: تأثير كوفيد -19 على الدورة الشهرية
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Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has had effects beyond the respiratory system, impacting health and quality of life. Stress-related to the pandemic has led to temporary menstrual pattern changes in around one-third of women. These changes, likely driven by stress and anxiety, can result in problematic heavy bleeding, causing anemia and negatively affecting women's well-being. This also places a substantial socioeconomic burden on individuals, families, healthcare, and society.

Objectives: This study examined the impact of COVID-19 infection on the hormone levels (estradiol, prolactin, follicle-stimulating hormone, and luteinizing hormone) and heavy menstrual bleeding in Iraqi premenopausal women

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