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التكيف للحياة الجامعية وعلاقته بالصف الدراسي لدى طالبات الاقسام الداخلية في الجامعة المستنصرية
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يواجه الكثير من الافراد مشكلات في التكيف، خاصة الطلبة الذين ينتقلون من المرحلة الدراسية الثانوية الى المرحلة الجامعية، حيث يرافق هذه البيئة الثقافية الاجتماعية العديد من الضغوط والمواقف التي تحتم على الطالب الوصول الى تكيف مثالي.

ان التعليم الجامعي يوفر مجالات عديدة للتخصص تعمل على تحقيق طموحات الشباب التي تناسب قدراتهم وميولهم واهتماماتهم، وهو بذلك يمثل نوعية من التعليم تختلف عن النمط النظامي في مدارس التعليم الثانوي من حيث طبيعة الدراسة ونوعية التخصصات، وانماط التفاعل الاجتماعي واتخاذ القرارات وتحمل المسؤولية، وعليه فان معايشة الطالب للحياة الجامعية يقتضي منه التكيف مع البيئة الجديدة (العقيد، 1995، ص220).

 ويتعرض طلبة الجامعة لانواع شتى من الضغوط والمشكلات التي من شأنها ان تزيد القلق والاحتمال من الضغوط والمشكلات التي من شأنها ان تزيد القلق والاحتمال من تطوره والمعاناة من آثاره في المستقبل مما يؤثر سلباً في سلوكهم وطريقة تعاملهم مع الآخرين في المواقف الاجتماعية، وبالتالي تجعلهم يفشلون في التكيف مع متطلبات الحياة المعاصرة               (جمال، 1947، ص1) .

واشارت العديد من الدراسات الى ان الطلبة الجامعيين الذين تعرضت بلادهم الى غزو اجنبي كانوا يعانون من مشاكل نفسية عديدة تتمثل في الخوف من المستقبل وصعوبة التركيز في اثناء الدراسة بسبب القلق والارهاق النفسي الناتج عن الغزو (الفضي، 1993، ص22) (الغانم، 1994، ص221) (Saigh, 1984, p.185) كما اشارت دراسات أخرى الى وجود مشكلات تكيفية لدى طالبات الجامعة ترتبط مع مكان سكناهن ومستواهن الدراسي (الليل، 1993، ص13) (عبد اللطيف، 1997، ص303).

واظهرت دراسة ابو عليا ومحافظة (1997) أن سؤ تكيف الطلبة الجامعيين يرتبط الى حد كبير برسوبهم او انذارهم او فصلهم وان هذا يعد هدراً في التعليم الجامعي لابد ان تتصدى له الدراسات والابحاث للتخفيف عنه(وفي حدود علم الباحث لم يتناول موضوع التكيف للحياة الجامعية على عينة منه طالبات الاقسام الداخلية)، ووضع البرامج الملائمة لتخفيف وقوعه (ابو عليا ومحافظة، 1997، ص5)

وفي حدود علم الباحث لم يتناول موضوع التكيف للحياة الجامعية على عينة من طالبات الاقسام الداخلية، لذا جاءت هذه الدراسة للتعرف الى مستوى التكيف وعلاقته بالصف الدراسي لدى طالبات الاقسام الداخلية في الجامعة المستنصرية.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effectiveness of Instruction Program on Teachers’ Performance of Counseling for Primary School Pupils regarding Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder
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Objective(s): To evaluate teachers’ performance of counseling for pupils with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder, to identify the relationship between Teachers’ Performance of Counselling for Pupils with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder and their demographic.

Methodology: A quasi-experimental (pre-posttest) design was carried out to evaluate teachers’ performance of counseling for pupils with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder, at Al-Firdous mixed primary School and to find out the association between teachers' performance about Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder and their socio-demographic characteristic. The study was started from 18th September 2

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 28 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Preparing the Arabic Language Teacher for Non-Native Speakers, Following the Experience of the Arabic Language Institute at the International University of Africa: منى يوسف محمَّد وقيع الله
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The study aims to examine the reality of preparing the Arabic language teacher for non-native speakers by presenting the experience of the Arabic Language Institute at the International University of Africa. Thus, it addresses the following questions: How is it possible to invest the long scientific experiences in proposal and experiment preperations to qualify Arabic language teachers for non-native speakers? What is the reality of preparing an Arabic language teacher at the Institute? How did the Arabic Language Institute process teacher preparation? What are the problems facing the preparation of the Arabic language teachers and the most important training mechanisms used in that Institute?What problems faced the implementation of the

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Availability Assessment of theManaging the Audit Program. According to the Specification Standard (ISO 19011:2018): A case study in Ministry of Construction Housing and General Municipalities
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The research aims to study the reliability of government institutions, including the audit directors, which are one of the most important oversight formations in the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Public Municipalities, on which the responsibility for comprehensive auditing of all the Ministry's (municipalities) formations falls on the Managing the Audit Program according to the specification (ISO 19011: 2018) to improve the audit performance which requires compliance with the application of the audit management system in accordance with the standard Specification (ISO 19011: 2018), depending on the methodology of the case study, and using of checklists, which were chosen ac

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluation of projects during the trial operation period in accordance with the cost, quality and time - applied research in the Directorate-General for the distribution
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Research includes evaluation of projects implemented and which entered into trial operation period in accordance with the evaluation criteria and of (cost, quality and time) to determine the size deviations gap for the sample of projects during the years of assessment (2011-2012-2013-2014) of each of the three evaluation criteria, and then followed by a calculation the size of the overall gap to the problem based on the research problem to determine deviations from the specific implementation of each project by answering several questions to answer turns out the reasons for these deviations occur.

The importance of research Focus on the evaluation of received projects from contractors executing the projec

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 04 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Digital public relations and its role in prioritizing the masses: An analytical study of the United Nations website : (A paper extracted from a PhD dissertation)
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This paper aims to identify how the United Nations works through its website in prioritizing audiences towards international issues، by identifying the digital PR mechanisms used in digital PR contents in prioritizing audiences towards the international issues they deal with. To achieve the objectives of this paper, the researcher used the survey method and content analysis tool with a view to identifying the ranking of international issues on the website of health، peace and security، humanitarian assistance، human rights، women، migrants، refugees and displaced persons، economic development، United Nations affairs، culture and education، environment and climate، sustainable development, and law and crime prevention. One of

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 05 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Cytotoxic Activities, Determining Toxin, and Molecular Docking of Ovary Pufferfish (Tetraodon leiurus) in Singkarak Lake as Cancer Chemoprevention Candidate
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The primary toxin class discovered in freshwater pufferfish is a category of neurotoxins called PSTs (Paralytic shellfish toxins) and pufferfish toxin has been observed to have biological, biochemical, and cytotoxic effects on cancer cell lines. Therefore, it is crucial to determine the cytotoxic activity, toxins present in the ovary of T. leiurus, and interaction between ligand (toxin compound) and receptors test. This study used the MTT method in the T47D cell lines, liquid chromatograph-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), and analysis of the molecular interaction using molecular docking. The ovary of T. leiurus had cytotoxicity on the T47D cell, having an IC50 value of 229.535 μg/ml, and generated a chroma

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
Journal Name
Use of Multimedia in the Design of Educational Websites and their Role in Enhancing the Cognitive Aspect of the Learner: احمد ناجي علي-يوسف مشتاق لطيف
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Multimedia is one of the most important elements of modern educational media and must be used in educational websites in order to disseminate knowledge on a large scale and should be used to provide scientific information to all, as the current research tried to explore the possibilities of employing them in the design of educational websites and highlight their role in promoting the scientific aspects of the user. This study included four axes, the first of which was devoted to the introduction which includes the problem of research, its importance, objectives and its objective, temporal and spatial limitations, which were limited to the study of the main pages of Arabic educational websites published in 2019.  The second axis cont

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
360 degree reverse feedback / comparative analytical study for a sample of managers and heads of departments in the Central Electricity DepartmentAnd the General Directorate of Water and Sewage
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يسعى البحث إلى الاهتمام بإحدى الوظائف المهمة في إدارة الموارد البشرية وهي تقويم الأداء التي تواجه مجموعة من الانتقادات والآراء السلبية، اذ ظهر في الأّونة الأخيرة أنموذج جديد يمكن إن يتجاوز تلك السلبيات وهو أنموذج التغذية العكسية المتعدد المصادر درجة .وقد حاول الباحثان توظيف هذا المفهوم في اثنتين من المنظمات العامة العراقية هما (دائرة كهرباء الوسط) التابعة لوزارة الكهرباء
و (دائرة الماء والمجاري) ال

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 05 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Land use change in Baghdad City and assessment of the Jadriyah and Umm Al- Khanazeer Island Important Bird Area (IBA) from 1984 to 2020
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Land use change, particularly the expansion of urban areas and associated human activities at the expense of natural and semi-natural areas, is a major ecological issue in urban areas around the world. Climate change being a very strong additional driver for changing the temperature and habitat in the cities. This also applies to Baghdad, Iraq, where urbanisation and climate change exerts a major pressure on the natural habitats of the city, and thus may affect the ability of city planners to adapt to future climate change scenarios. Here we present evidence of substantial growth in urban areas, increases in temperature, and degradation of natural vegetation within Baghdad city by using Remote Sensing techniques and an assessment for the

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Using Wild Plant Species Grown in Wadi Al – Tib Region North East of Al – Ammara, Iraq, as Indicators of Heavy Metals Accumulation
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The current study included, studying the ability of eight genera of plants belong to Brassicaceae family, Brassica tournifortii, Cakile Arabica, Capsella bursa – pastoris,Carrichtera annua, Diplotaxis acris, Diplotaxis haru , Eruca sativa and Erucaria hispanica to accumulate ten heavy metals Cadmium, Chromium , Copper, Mercury, Manganese ,Nickel ,Lead ,and Zinc . Plant leaves samples were collected from Al-Tib area during spring of 2021.The data demonstrated that, the highest conc. of Cd was 2.7 mg/kg in Diplotaxis acris leaves and lower value was 0.3 mg/kg in Cakile Arabica leaves. For Co, the highest conc.was 1.3 mg/kg in Capsella bursa – pastoris leaves, whereas the lower value was 0.5 mg/kg in Cakile arabica leaves. As for Cr ele

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