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المسؤولية الاجتماعية لأطفال الرياض الأهلية
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Taking care of early childhood is considered one of the most important criteria for measuring the level of civilization of peoples and nations. It is viewed as part of the civilized development. It is the maker of the future, since taking care of children at this stage is essential for the formation of their personalities as they are born with natural tendency to acquire and learn responsibility through care they receive from parents and those who deal with them. So if favorite conditions are available for the child to take a certain role within the group, s/he will grow with the sense of social responsibility.                  

The current research aims at investigating social responsibility of children in private kindergartens and to pin point differences in social responsibility related to gender. The study sample included 120 male and female children in private kindergartens.

The two researchers prepared a measuring tool to measure social responsibility of these children, having reviewed previous literature on the issue. The tool included 66 items in its final form. Verifying data was performed through apparent verification and stability was attained through re-testing.             

The research came out with the following results: 

1- children of private kindergartens have social responsibility;

2- females are more socially responsible than males.

A number of recommendations were put including:

1- advising parents and teachers of kindergartens to give the chance to their children to perform social responsibility;

2- including ideas and roles that encourage taking social responsibility in children theaters.

The two researchers also made some suggestions like:

1- to study the relationship between social responsibility and knowledge development of kindergarten children;

2- performing an experimental study of the influence of child theatre on these children’ acquisition of social responsibili


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Publication Date
Sat Dec 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Social responsibility of kindergarten teachers Eligibility and Government (Comparative Study)
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      The present research aims to identify the social responsibility of the kindergarten teachers of the civil and governmental schools (comparative study)? For the purpose of achieving the objectives of the research, the following formulas were formulated:

- Are there statistically significant differences at the level of (0.05) among the kindergarten teachers in the social responsibility scale?

 The current research was limited to kindergarten teachers (governmental and non-governmental) in the Directorate General of Education Baghdad Rusafa / Second.

The main research sample consisted of (100) teachers, (50) teachers from government kindergartens and (50) female kindergarten teache

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 24 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Corporate Social Responsibility
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The social corporate responsibility give guidance principles to any Corporation in the world to take an effective rule in community by running their adhering in their business the principles of Transparency and fairness to the society and by Protecting the environment. Thus we can say that the Scope of the Social Corporate responsibility is: First deliver its services and sell its products in responsible manner, second: taking positive rule in enhancing the economic condition of its local community, i.e. where it operate its own businesses, Third: Taking effective rule in protecting the environment by not operating its own business in manner that might has negative implications on the environment.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Social enhancement for the kindergarten teachers
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          The she/teacher is considered one of the basics of the educational process for its essential role in education and teaching the kindergarten child, thus  its lack to construct social relations in side the kindergarten environment working in it regarded one of the shortcoming factors she is suffering from which should be manipulated, because it could effect its enthusiasm to work in the kindergarten according to what has mentioned, the researcher presents the following objective:-


  • Identifying level of social enhancement for the kindergarten teachers via the test of the following hypothesis:-

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 24 2016
Journal Name
The effectiveness of pantomime in development of movement skills for Kindergarten: محمد إسماعيل الطائي
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In order to a chive the aim of the research the researcher chose the (Nebras kindergarten) to be the search sample .the member of the sampleFrom(males and fameless)and the researcher chose the class of(butterfly) as experimental group to do the pantomime consist of(15)males and fameless, and put(singles, senses ,double senses and communal senses)in the binging of the experiment the researcher applied the measurement of(AL Kaswany and other)as(pre_ test)which prepare to measure, the movement skills for kindergarten, the measurement have the validity and reliability to knowledge the difference between the two experiment. The experiment continue from(20/1/201to 20/2/2014)in the end of experiment the researcher applied the measurement of(AL

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
قياس المسؤولية الاجتماعية لدى طلبة جامعة القادسية
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أهمية البحث والحاجة إليه:

تبدو لنا المسؤولية الاجتماعية بأنها أحدى الخصائص التي يكتسبها الفرد من بيئته الاجتماعية, بتأثير مجموعة القيم التي تحكم سلوك الأفراد في ذلك المجتمع فتبدأ المسؤولية الاجتماعية بأولى صورها على شكل إدراك الفرد لمتطلبات المجتمع وإدراكه لدوره في المساهمة في أنجاز تلك المتطلبات, وفي الواقع إن الإدراك لوحده لا يكفي لان يمارس الفرد مسؤوليته داخل المجتمع, فيظهر المستوى الأخر و

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الألعاب الالكترونية وعلاقتها بالعزلة الاجتماعية لدى أطفال الرياض
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The past few years have seen the development of the quantity and quality in the field of software, as it has become the word of electronic games of common terms used in the modern era.

And the effects of this software it is working on a low ability to exercise social activities and the ability to perform the duties and turn away from physical exercise level and lead to the neglect of the child to develop friendships and social relations as a result of his over-zealous in use for a long time .olhz a stated research to achieve Ahavh which are:

- Learn about social isolation among children Riyadh.

- Identify statistically sig

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
External audit data on liabilitySocial organizations for profit
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Givers of foreign Audit about Social Responsibility of Profit Organization. The recent time is charcterstically with big economic Organization activities, because there are many transactions between these Organizations and different financial markets development techniques.

This  encourgage business men to increase their efforts for investment in these markets. Because the Accounting is in general terms it represents a language of these Unions Activities and translate them in to fact numbers, for that there is need for Accounting recording for certain of these Organizations behavior and their harmonization with their Objectives.

In this respect the Audit function comes to che

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 31 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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Objective the research is to identify Over the Commitment of a Rushed Bank in Baghdad has applied social responsibility in accordance with ISO 26000 by measuring and diagnosing the gap between the actual reality in the bank and the requirements of the standard.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effect of Social Responsibility initiatives in Financial Performance on economic unit and create value for it
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        Many of researchers have written about social responsibility and business strategy and competitive advantage, and they have given particular attention to the relationship between economic and social responsibility , but what is missing in this aspect is how the economic units that use their core competencies to advance social responsibility initiatives so that they can achieve a significant competitive advantage and create value for it ?

The current research aims to verify the view that "the economic and social objectives in the long term is not contradictory in nature but complementary objectives essential", as well as make sure that the s

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 20 2024
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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Woman is the first target of social advertising, because most of these advertisements are primarily belong to them. This paper which is entitled "Social Responsibility for the Employment of Woman in Sustainable Development Declarations, An Analytical Study of Road Advertising in Baghdad" focuses on the use of woman in advertising. This aspect shows that some people see that advertisement is a mirror to what’s found in society such as woman’s behaviors in her everyday life and so on, while other people see that as long as the public wants those advertisings, they are free to choose what they prefer. They think that the shameful advertisements are natural and unavoidable. These vie

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