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The Participation of the Students of the Colleges of Education in the Iraqi Universities in Literacy and Adult Education in Iraq. The Students of the Departments of Holy Quran and Islamic Education (A model)

The study focuses on the problem that Iraq is approaching an increasing rate of literacy;the available data refers to a rate of (18% -19%). In addition to the fact that the generalcurrent role of the programs directed to literacy is not actually effective enough to limit the expansion of this rate.

The importance of this study highlights the fact that the Iraqi universities are an important tributary among the tributaries of human development, especially in spreading the education of the voluntary work in literacy field and confirming the connection between the students and their society and their role in solving one of the prominent challenges that face the development, i.e., literacy.

The sample of the study is represented by a selection of University Professors, councilors, and decision makers of 20; the researcher has made a small sample as the society is relatively small.

The basic idea of the research is embodied in the contribution of the students of the colleges of Education in general and the students of the department of Holy Quran Sciences and Islamic education in particular in Iraq between (2008 and 2011) except for Kurdistan and its effectiveness in literacy program. This is done through assigning the student to teach 10 literate people as part of their requirements for graduation.

The significance of (10) people is to refer to the first teacher in Islam who is Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) when he asked that any prisoner of the battle of Badder who would help 10 Muslims to learn how to read and write would be sent free. The teaching was for old and young people equally.

Hence, it is possible to achieve the lowering the big number of illiterates and directing Iraq toward literacy and fulfilling the achievement of the goals of 2015 though making education available for all, and highlighting the role of the Universities in social services through investing the large numbers of the students of the colleges of Education and the departments of Holy Quran Sciences and Islamic Education in literacy and adults' education programs; in addition to providing real opportunities for practical training in the profession of teaching.

The researcher presented a set of conclusions, recommendations and proposals including:

  1. Literacy is the responsibility of all the members of the society and it is a sacred duty as it is a basic condition to achieve the total development and the Universities have the first role in that. 
  2. Making use of the previous experiences of the different countries, especially those that made use of the young people of the Universities in their programs of literacy and adults' education programs.
  3. The adoption of the current proposal of the study and moving it from the realm of theory to space experimentation (the application), and to evaluate the proposed program from the viewpoint of specialists to literacy and adult education, as well as conducting comprehensive surveys to know numbers of illiterates in Iraq of both sexes

The researcher presents the following strategies for application:

  1. A political decision that puts literacy on top of the national priorities through the three presidential authorities (the Presidency, the Prime Ministry and the Presidency of the Parliament)
  2. Accelerating the formation of the Supreme National Council for Literacy that is mentioned in the law of literacy number 23 for 2011.
  3. Forming a center in each of the colleges of education in Iraq that mainly deals with treating literacy as cooperating with the SNCL that deals with different tasks.
  4. Including the syllabus of literacy and the methods of teaching in the curriculum of the colleges of education for the four years of study and according to the departmentsincluding the department of Holy Quran Sciences and Islamic Education.
  5. Improving education and cause dropouts to educate and applying the law of obligatory education with the law of literacy and adults' education

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2018
Journal Name
Association Of Arab Universities Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Improvement of Domestic Wastewater Treated Effluent from Sequencing Batch Reactor Using Slow Sand Filtration

The effluent quality improvement being discharged from wastewater treatment plants is essential to maintain an environment and healthy water resources. This study was carried out to evaluate the possibility of intermittent slow sand filtration as a promising tertiary treatment method for the sequencing batch reactor (SBR) effluent. Laboratory scale slow sand filter (SSF) of 1.5 UC and 0.1 m/h filtration rate, was used to study the process performance. It was found that SSF IS very efficient in oxidizing organic matter with COD removal efficiency up to 95%, also it is capable of removing considerable amounts of phosphate with 76% and turbidity with 87% removal efficiencies. Slow sand filter efficiently reduced the mass of suspended

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Wed Jun 02 2010
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Journal Of Engineering
Bearing capacity of square footing on geogrid reinforced loose sand to resist eccentric load

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Thu Jan 01 2015
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Advances In Life Science And Technology
Polycondensation of Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid with Some Prepared Diamines Derived from Amino Acids or Antibiotic

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Wed Jul 08 2015
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The Iraqi Postgraduate Medical Journal
Simultaneous Complete Intracorneal Ring Implantation with Intrapocket Collagen Cross- Linking for Treatment of Keratoconus

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Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Second Engineering Scientific Conference

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Wed Jan 01 2014
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International Journal Of Computer Applications
Mobile Position Estimation based on Three Angles of Arrival using an Interpolative Neural Network

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Tue Mar 01 2016
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Journal Of Engineering
Some Mechanical Properties of Concrete by using Manufactured Blended Cement with Grinded Local Rocks

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Mon Jan 29 2024
Journal Name
Proceedings Of The International Conference On Research Advances In Engineering And Technology - Itechcet 2022
Effect of length to diameter ratio on column bearing capacity stabilized with sodium silicate

The numerical analysis was conducted to studying the influence of length to diameter ratio (L/D) on the behavior of the soil treated with sand columns treated with 8% sodium silicate for both floating and end bearing type by using finite element method (Plaxis 3D Foundation ) for isolated foundation of real dimensions. The analysis’s study indicate that in the floating type the best improvement ratio was achieved at (L/D=8) when using columns with a diameter of (0.5, 0.7), but when using columns with a diameter of 0.3 m, it was noticed that the bearing improvement ratio increases with increasing (L/d). While the results of the analysis for end bearing type show that the higher improvement ratio was achieved at (L/D=4) when using columns w

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 25 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Approximate Solution for Fuzzy Differential Algebraic Equations of Fractional Order Using Adomian Decomposition Method

      In this paper we shall prepare an  sacrificial solution for fuzzy differential algebraic equations of fractional order (FFDAEs) based on the Adomian decomposition method (ADM) which is proposed to solve (FFDAEs) . The blurriness will appear in the boundary conditions, to be fuzzy numbers. The solution of the proposed pattern of  equations is studied in the form of a convergent series with readily computable components. Several examples are resolved as  clarifications, the numerical outcomes are obvious that the followed approach is simple to perform and precise when utilized to (FFDAEs).


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Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
2020 8th Ieee Ras/embs International Conference For Biomedical Robotics And Biomechatronics (biorob)
Estimating Wrist Joint Torque Using Regression Ensemble of Bagged Trees under Multiple Wrist Postures

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