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مستويات البنية العاملية لمقياس كوستا وماكرا للعوامل الخمسة الكبرى للشخصية مطبقاً على البيئة العراقية
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Levels of the Factors structure of the scale Costa and McCrae applied to the Iraqi environment

      A previously_prepared Iraqi version of Costa & McCrae the big five factor has been adminstered to (200) students at University of Baghdad in order to investigate the hypothesized differences in factor structures between the original version of Costa & McCrae test and the Iraqi version.

    To verify the hypothesized differences , the minieigen value. Factors , maximum likelihood criteria of determining the number of factors , and varimax and promax as methods of rotation have been used.

    The results showed that there are many differences in both number and content of first and second order factors.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 03 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
العوامل الخمسة الكبرى للشخصية
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The study of personality has had an important position. This, in return, has assured that important position and considered the personality as a result of several factors. These factors are the result of interaction between several traits, physical and psychological. It also identifies the manner of individuals' dealing with the constituents of the environment. It is very important to mind the personalities of the community at the present time. So, we observe competitions among various countries for the purpose of upgrowth of humankind and the preparing him/her for this age. It should start from childhood to a venerable age.            &

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 07 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الشعور بالوحدة النفسية وعلاقتهُ بالعوامل الخمسة الكبرى للشخصية لدى طلبة الجامعة
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Aim of the current research is to know: -
1 - mental loneliness among university students.
2 - personal attributes according to the model of the list of top five factors of personality among the students of the university.
3 - differences in mental loneliness by variable sex (male - female)
4 - Differences in the top five factors of personality variable by sex (male - female).
5 - The relationship between loneliness psychological and personality traits according to the model of the list of top five factors of personality among the students of the university.

      To achieve this used researcher scale Badri (2010) to fe

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Intellectual Stress and Its Relationship with Personality' s Five Major Factors of Counselors
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The current study aims at identifying:

1-The intellectual stress of counselors according to gender variable (male, female ).

2-The five major  factors of the  Counselor's  Personality.

3-  The relationship between intellectual stress and the five major factors of the councilors' personality and according to gender variable (male, female ).

4-The significant differences in the relationship between intellectual stress and the five major factors of the councilors' personality and according to gender variable  (male, female ).

The sample of the study includes (260) counselors (130 male

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The exploratory and Confirmatory Factorial structure for Riso-Hadson enneagram test indicator
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This  investigation was conducted to recognize the structure for (RHETI version 2.5  1999) by using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Sample of (620) student of Al-Mustansrya University were administered the (RHETI).

The data of their responses was analyzed by using (PAF) and oblique rotating .

The findings explored (9) factors as one factor for each type and (184) items were loaded by the factors: (60) item for feeling center, (61) items for instinctive center and (63) items for thinking center.

Results of confirmatory factorial analysis supported a model designed by the researcher depended upon a theoretical views of Riso and Hudson

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Exploratory and Confirmatory Factorial Structure of Test-Wiseness Scale: A Field Study on a Sample of Students in Hama University
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The current research aims to recognize the exploratory and confirmatory factorial structure of the test-wiseness scale on a sample of Hama University students, using the descriptive method. Thus, the sample consists of (472) male and female students from the faculties of the University of Hama. Besides, Abu Hashem’s 50 item test-wiseness scale (2008) has been used. The validity and reliability of the items of the scale have also been verified, and six items have been deleted accordingly. The results of the exploratory factor analysis of the first degree have shown the presence of the following five acceptable factors: (exam preparation, test time management, question paper handling, answer sheet handling, and revision).  Moreover,

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 04 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Factorial Structure of The Emotional Intelligence Scale to Bar-On Applied on Students from Preparatory School in Baghdad City.
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The aim of the study was to know the factors analysis of scale Bar-On & Parker, post analysis is found fourteen factors for the first degree of the scale. Also we extracted five factors from the second degree.

  The scale consists of (60) items , applied on sample of (200) students (Male &Female ) age (15-18) years randomly chosen from preparatory schools . The scale unveiled satis factors  validity and reliability. An others aims is to low the  emotional  Intelligence level and  know the difference of statistical in sex , age variable and the specialization variable .The result was no difference of statistical in sex and specialization variable , but the difference appear

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 28 2023
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Self and the Other in the Dogmatic Discourse: The Cognitive and Emotional Structure of the Authoritarian and Destructive Personality
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The philosopher and social psychologist Erich Fromm (1900-1980), in his book "Escape from Freedom" highlighted the distinction between the "I" of the authoritarian personality and the "I" of the destructive personality based on their stance towards "the other." The former (the authoritarian self) relies on a submissive, enslaving formula, where the "I" is the master/dominator/controller/strong, while "the other" is the servant/submissive/controlled/weak, essential for perpetuating this formula. In contrast, the latter (the destructive self) relies on an annihilating, negating formula, where the "I" is existence/killer/destroyer/pe

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Coverage of Iraqi Sports Newspapers for Major Events
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                   The Iraqi sports journalism has paid great attention to sports events through press coverage of all its forms and arts, especially the coverage of the World Cup of football which is one of the most watched events in the world. Thousands of journals are preparing for the immediate coverage of such event which is a daunting task in itself. Newspapers have devoted a wider space to this great event in its pages as well as the weakly sports newspapers work on issuing a daily special issue. The importance of this research sheds light on the coverage of major events such as World Cup in Iraqi newspapers. The topic is new

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Raised excessive consumption on environment and price levels during the period 2005- 2013.: Raised excessive consumption on environment and price levels during the period 2005- 2013.
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When the financial resources of individuals and groups available, this will lead to increase the consumption ranges and sometimes reached to excessive especially to the categories that have little awareness about economic importance and its reflections. it seems that consumerism has increased in many countries including Iraq because of many factors, and the most important one is the availability of financial resources as a result of the increase in oil exports as well as the spread of consumption media department at various levels especially.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 27 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The impact of infrastructure planning of complete street elements on the urban environment
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In contemporary cities, the expansion of the use of vehicles has led to the deterioration of the urban environment. To counter this, many concepts and strategies emerged that attempted to regulate mobility in cities and limit its effects. The concept of a "complete street" is one of the modern trends concerned with diversifying means of transportation and reducing the disadvantages of mechanical transportation methods This paper discusses the role that complete streets can play in developing the urban environment in the Alyarmok District of Baghdad, which suffers from traffic congestion and its associated problems.In this study, 104 people were surveyed in the Alyarmok region, and the linear regression method was used to analyze their op

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