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Vocational stresses and their relation with the level of ambition among the lecturers of the university
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Vocational stresses and their relation with the level of ambition among the lecturers of the university In general , vocational stresses affect the attention and the process of focusing making individual busy with solving of his daily problems instead of his job. The vocational stresses , anxiety and tension are factors effecting the physical and psychological ability of the individual. This study aims to measure the vocational stresses among the lecturers of the university , to measure the level of ambition among them, to identify the statistical differences significant among them according to sex variable, to identify the differences significant in level of ambition among them according to sex variable and to identify the correlation relation between vocational stresses and the level of ambition among the lecturers . the sample consists of tow subsample the differences significance of the psychological assurance among them according to sex variable and to identify the correlation relation between control center and psychological assurance among the lecturers. The sample consists of tow samples the 1st is for building the measure consisting of (20) male and females lecturers and the 2nd is the main application one consisting of (120) male and female lecturers , where there are (60) males and (60) females . the sample has been selected randomly to help the researcher to distribute it equally according to sex variable. The researcher finds some of the following important results:- a-the sample have control center and psychological assurance at (0,001) significance level. b-there are no statistical difference significance in the measurement of control center and psychological assurance according to sex variable at (0,001) significance level. c-there is a positive correlation relation which is (0,008) between control center and psychological assurance among the lecturers of Baghdad university at (0,001) significance level.

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 17 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
/ E-Readiness, UTAUT Model, Social Commerce
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Objective / Purpose: Online social relationships through the emergence of Web 2.0 applications have become a new trend for researchers to study the behavior of consumers to shop online, as well as social networking sites are technologies that opened up opportunities for new business models. Therefore, a new trend has emerged, called social trade technology. In order to understand the behavioral intentions of the beneficiaries to adopt the technology of social trade, the current research aims at developing an electronic readiness framework and UTAUT model to understand the beneficiary's adoption of social trade technology.

Design/ methodology/ Approach: To achieve the obje

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Identifying Average Reservoir Pressure in Multilayered Oil Wells Using Selective Inflow Performance (SIP) Method
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The downhole flow profiles of the wells with single production tubes and mixed flow from more than one layer can be complicated, making it challenging to obtain the average pressure of each layer independently.  Production log data can be used to monitor the impacts of pressure depletion over time and to determine average pressure with the use of Selective Inflow Performance (SIP). The SIP technique provides a method of determining the steady state of inflow relationship for each individual layer. The well flows at different stabilized surface rates, and for each rate, a production log is run throughout the producing interval to record both downhole flow rates and flowing pressure. PVT data can be used to convert measured in-situ r

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Identifying Average Reservoir Pressure in Multilayered Oil Wells Using Selective Inflow Performance (SIP) Method
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The downhole flow profiles of the wells with single production tubes and mixed flow from more than one layer can be complicated, making it challenging to obtain the average pressure of each layer independently.  Production log data can be used to monitor the impacts of pressure depletion over time and to determine average pressure with the use of Selective Inflow Performance (SIP). The SIP technique provides a method of determining the steady state of inflow relationship for each individual layer. The well flows at different stabilized surface rates, and for each rate, a production log is run throughout the producing interval to record both downhole flow rates and flowing pressure. PVT data can be used to convert measured in-situ rates

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Free Head Shear Test on Decomposed Granite Soil
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The study presents the test results of Completely Decomposed Granite (CDG) soil tested under drained triaxial compression, direct shear and simple shear tests. Special attention was focused on the modification of the upper halve of conventional Direct Shear Test (DST) to behave as free
head in movement along with vertical strain control during shear stage by using Geotechnical Digital System (GDS). The results show that Free Direct Shear Test (FDST) has clear effect on the measured shear stress and vertical strain during the test. It has been found that shear strength
parameters measured from FDST were closer to those measured from simple shear and drained triaxial compression test. This study also provides an independent check on

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Basrah Journal Of Science
Nearly Maximal Submodules
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Minimally invasive access cavities in endodontics
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Background: The access cavity is a critical stage in root canal therapy and it may influence the subsequent steps of the treatment. The new minimally invasive endodontic access cavity preparation concept aims to preserve sound tooth structure by conserving as much intact dentine as possible including the pulp chamber's roof, to keep the teeth from fracturing during and after endodontic treatment. While there is great interest in such access opening designs in numerous publications, still there is a lack of scientific evidence to support the application of such modern access cavity designs in clinical practice. This review aims to critically examine the literature on minimal access cavity preparations, explain the effect of minimally inva

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Scopus (6)
Crossref (4)
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Publication Date
Sun May 06 2007
Journal Name
كلية التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة/جامعة بغداد .
تأثير التمرينات الاوكسجينية واللاأوكسجينية في الوحدة التدريبية لتطوير بعض القدرات الوظيفية والبدنية للاعبي كر ة القدم بعمر (13-14)سنة. رسالة ماجستير
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Publication Date
Thu Jan 02 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Linguistic Errors in second language learning through Error Analysis theory: هه‌ڵه‌ زمانییه‌كان له‌ فێربوونی زمانی دووه‌مدا (له‌ ڕوانگه‌ی تیۆری شیكاری هه‌ڵه‌ییه‌وه‌)
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Second language learner may commit many mistakes in the process of second language learning. Throughout the Error Analysis Theory, the present study discusses the problems faced by second language learners whose Kurdish is their native language. At the very stages of language learning, second language learners will recognize the errors committed, yet they would not identify the type, the stage and error type shift in the process of language learning. Depending on their educational background of English as basic module, English department students at the university stage would make phonological, morphological, syntactic, semantic and lexical as well as speech errors. The main cause behind such errors goes back to the cultural differences

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Jan 07 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
تعيين عنصر الزئبق السام بتراكيز نزرة في نماذج غذائية ومائية مختلفة باستخدام منظومة بخار الزئبق البارد المرتبطة مع جهاز الامتصاص الذري اللهبي
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     يتضمن البحث تعيين عنصر الزئبق السام بتراكيزنزرة عالية الدقة (نانوغرام) باستخدام منظومة يخار الزئبق البارد لنماذج غذائية (لحوم حمراء ، لحوم بيضاء ) مختلفة ونماذج مائية (ماء النهر، مياه صناعية ، ماء الشرب) وربط المنظومة بتقنية الامتصاص الذري اللهبي.

     ان عنصر الزئبق من اشد العناصر سمية وان التراكيز المسموح بها عالميا لايتعدى جزء واحد

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
معوقات تطبيق الإدارة الإلكترونية في وزارة التربية والتعليم بسلطنة عمان(البوابة التعليمية الإلكترونية أنموذجاً) من وجهة نظر موظفي المديرية العامة لتقنية المعلومات
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Drawbacks of Implementing Electronic Management in the Ministry of Education (A sample: Oman Educational Portal) from the Point of View of IT Staff. The study aimed at discovering the drawbacks of implementing electronic management in the Ministry of Education (a sample: Oman Educational Portal) from the point of view of IT staff, and that is by answering the following questions: - What are the main drawbacks (administrative, financial, technical and drawbacks related to human resources) that hinder implementing the electronic management in the Ministry of Education (a sample: Oman Educational Portal) from the point of view of IT staff? - Are there any statistical significance differences at the level (0.05) between study samples on the

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