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The educational violence and it's reflections on study attainment of the primary stage pupils
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Problem of the research: 

The studies and researches have noticed the aggravation of violence practice in all educational means using different and innovated styles against children in the school and house in order to upbringing by the parents or the school .

It is a training method for the person to participate in the society and prepare him to be an effective member.

The current research confines the children in age (6-12) years old representing the primary stage who face different kind of violence during the familiar or school education.

The current research aims to:

1 – The kinds of violence which happens to the children in the primary stage in both familiar and school kinds .

2- The value of educational violence reflections on study attainment .

Violence is defined as every action causes a hurt (moral, material, phonetic, bodily) practice individually or collective then put the child in confrontation with an act (the purpose from it is violence) .


Kinds of violence:

Kinds and forms of violence can be briefed into:

1 – According to its nature is divided to:

a – Innate violence .

b – Acquired violence .

2 - According to the type of violence is divided into:

a – Material violence .

b – Moral violence .

3 – According to the pointed side is divided to:

a –Against the others violence .

b- Self violence .

4 – According to the legality of violence is divided to:

a –Official violence .

b- unofficial violence .

5 – According to the reason:

a –Attacking violence .

b- Defending violence .

6 – According to the actor:

a –Individual violence .

b- Collective violence .

Theories of violence:

The important theories which tried to explain the violent behavior are :

a – The classical psychological theory .

b – The modern psychological theory .

Former studies:

 Gibb study (1983).۩

Cooper & Mackie study (1986). ۩


After discussing the violence theories they reached to adopt the theory of (Pandora), because it is the nearest theory in explaining the violence phenomenon, and it is portrayed in universality and assert the role of parents and friends and playing group and media in developing, the violence phenomenon  , and concerned in studying human and interaction with others .


The researcher concluded:

That the imposed violence in communication means led to aggressive behavior respond, and the vocal and body violence causes harm, hurt, pain to oneself, loneliness, and disappointment.

The researcher recommended:

Public awareness and introduce instruction, and curative programs explaining the danger of violence and the means to cure avoid it. 

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Fri Jan 29 2021
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Research Journal Of Pharmacy And Technologythis Link Is Disabled.
Exploration of a new fluoride resistance gene (Fram gene) in oral streptococcus mutans maw
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Sun Dec 03 2017
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Sci. Int.(lahore)
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In this work, porous silicon gas sensor hs been fabricated on n-type crystalline silicon (c-Si) wafers of (100) orientation denoted by n-PS using electrochemical etching (ECE) process at etching time 10 min and etching current density 40 mA/cm2. Deposition of the catalyst (Cu) is done by immersing porous silicon (PS) layer in solution consists of 3ml from (Cu) chloride with 4ml (HF) and 12ml (ethanol) and 1 ml (H2O2). The structural, morphological and gas sensing behavior of porous silicon has been studied. The formation of nanostructured silicon is confirmed by using X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurement as well as it shows the formation of an oxide silicon layer due to chemical reaction. Atomic force microscope for PS illustrates that the p

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Sat Mar 30 2024
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Iraqi Journal Of Science
Antifungal Activity of Trichoderma orientale FMR 12486 Crude Extract against Some Human Pathogenic Fungi
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Tue Aug 30 2022
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Research Journal Of Pharmacy And Technology
Status of HBeAg in association with other baseline tests in Iraqi patients with CHB
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Chronic Hepatitis B(CHB) is a serious sequel after Hepatitis B Virus infection, although the rate of chronicity is inverse with age but it may be associated with a significant proportion of deaths related to cirrhosis and liver cancer. HBV serology and measurement of hepatocytic enzymes with viral load can predict disease prognosis and response to treatment. HBeAg refers to a high viral replication and associated with more infectivity to others. This study aimed to determine the impact of HBeAg status in chronically infected patients on various baseline tests. A total of 90 patients with CHB infection who were included in this study. Several standardized measures used for liver function tests, viral load and hepatitis B serological

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Theory And Practice In Language Studies
Prosodic Cues of Narrative Segmentation in Robert Frost’s ‘Mending Wall’: A Phono-Pragmatic Exploration
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There is much research on the syntax-semantics and the syntax-phonology interaction. However, the exact relation between prosodic patterns and informational structure (as part of pragmatics) is still to be investigated. In this empirical study, we challenge the view that prosody and pragmatics are two autonomous levels of grammar. This paper is an analysis of the narrative poem ‘Mending Wall’ recited by Robert Frost to explore the prosodic features and the associated pragmatic meanings. It is proposed that a set of intentionally manipulated suprasegmental features form a prosodic grammar that works in line with syntax and lexical choices to build the narrative discourse and achieve pragmatic meanings. The paper shows that the am

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Journal Of Ecological Engineering
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Wed Dec 28 2022
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Structural Concrete
Enhancement of RC T‐beams toughness using laced stirrups reinforcement for blast response predictions
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Abstract<p>The dynamic behavior of laced reinforced concrete (LRC) T‐beams could give high‐energy absorption capabilities without significantly affecting the cost, which was offered through a combination of high strength and ductile response. In this paper, LRC T‐beams, composed of inclined continuous reinforcement on each side of the beam, were investigated to maintain high deformations as predicted in blast resistance. The beams were tested under four‐point loading to create pure bending zones and obtain the ultimate flexural capacities. Transverse reinforcement using lacing reinforcement and conventional vertical stirrups were compared in terms of deformation, strain, and toughness changes of the tes</p> ... Show More
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Tue Dec 01 2020
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Baghdad Science Journal
Emergency Messages Dissemination Challenges Through Connected Vehicles for Efficient Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Review
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Recent growth in transport and wireless communication technologies has aided the evolution of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). The ITS is based on different types of transportation modes like road, rail, ocean and aviation. Vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) is a technology that considers moving vehicles as nodes in a network to create a wireless communication network. VANET has emerged as a resourceful approach to enhance the road safety. Road safety has become a critical issue in recent years. Emergency incidents such as accidents, heavy traffic and road damages are the main causes of the inefficiency of the traffic flow. These occurrences do not only create the congestion on the road but also increase the fuel consumption and p

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أثر خصائص لجنة التدقيق في الإفصاح عن رأس المال الفكري: أدلة من فسطين: The Impact of Audit committee characteristics on Intellectual capital disclosure : Empirical evidence from Palestine
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Thu Mar 06 2025
Journal Name
Al.qadisiya Journal For The Sciences Of Physical Education
Making standards limits for some skill tests in basketball for juniors players age (15-16) year to choosing national team players
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The basic skills (defensive & offensive) in basketball it is a base for completion and decide the level of the team and the rank, in same time considers the axel of the researchers when putting tests and forming new groups so close from real situation games to create real vision and estimate for skill state and a method to recorrect & presenting positive resolutions, the problem of research were indicate to variables may happen in training operation it demand tests matches with these variables and forming new standards, and another way the researchers find a few patterns for measuring basic skills (defensive & offensive) also application these tests on samples it differs from the originals one that the tests designed for it. The sample repr

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