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Asocaial acceptance to ward slow learnes by their normal peers
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هدفت الدراسة الحالية الى التعرف ما اذا كان هناك تقبل اجتماعي للتلاميذ بطيئي من قبل اقرانهم العاديين؟ وكذلك معرفة ما اذا كان هناك فروق ذات دلالة في التقبل الاجتماعي بين افراد عينة الدراسة على وفق المتغيرات الاتية:

أ- العمر (9-13)

ب- الجنس (ذكور –اناث)

ج- المرحلة الدراسية

د- الحالة الاقتصادية (جيدة –متوسطة –جيدة جدا)

    ولغرض تحقيق اهداف الدراسة قامت الباحثة ببناء اداة تم جمع فقراتها من الادبيات والدراسات السابقة ولغرض ايجاد صدق وثبات الاداة اتبعت الاجراءات المتفق عليها لايجاد الصدق الظاهري ، والصدق التلازمي لفقرات الاداة.

كما تم ايجاد ثبات الاداة باستخدام طريقة كيودر– ريتشارد سون الصيغة (20).

وبعد ان تم التأكد من صلاحية الاداة للاستخدام ، قامت الباحثة بتطبيقها على عينة من التلاميذ العاديين من الصف (الرابع - الخامس) الابتدائي ممن تتراوح اعمارهم     (13-9) سنة ومن كلا الجنسين ، اذبلغ عدد افراد العينة (200) تلميذ وتلميذة.

ولقد تم المقارنة بين الوسط الحسابي للعينة مع الوسط الحسابي للمجتمع للتعرف على درجة التقبل الاجتماعي لدى إفراد العينة وبصورة عامة.فأشارت النتائج إلى عدم وجود تقبل اجتماعي للتلاميذ بطيئي التعلم من قبل اقرأنهم العاديين

واستخدمت الاختبار الثاني لعينتين مستقلتين في تحليل البيانات فيما يتعلق بالهدف الثاني للتعرف على دلالة الفرق في ضوء متغير العمر، استخدمت تحليل البيانات فيما يتعلق بالهدف الثاني من الدراسة للتعرف على دلالة الفرق في ضوء متغير الجنس, وكذلك استخدام اختبار للمقارنات البعدية لمعرفة دلالة الفرق في ضوء متغيري الحالة الاقتصادية والمرحلة الدراسية ، واظهرت نتائج الدراسة ان التلاميذ العاديين لايتقبلون زملائهم من بطيئي التعلم.

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
New and Existing Approaches Reviewing of Big Data Analysis with Hadoop Tools
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Everybody is connected with social media like (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram…etc.) that generate a large quantity of data and which traditional applications are inadequate to process. Social media are regarded as an important platform for sharing information, opinion, and knowledge of many subscribers. These basic media attribute Big data also to many issues, such as data collection, storage, moving, updating, reviewing, posting, scanning, visualization, Data protection, etc. To deal with all these problems, this is a need for an adequate system that not just prepares the details, but also provides meaningful analysis to take advantage of the difficult situations, relevant to business, proper decision, Health, social media, sc

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 23 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Anomaly Detection Approach Based on Deep Neural Network and Dropout
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   Regarding to the computer system security, the intrusion detection systems are fundamental components for discriminating attacks at the early stage. They monitor and analyze network traffics, looking for abnormal behaviors or attack signatures to detect intrusions in early time. However, many challenges arise while developing flexible and efficient network intrusion detection system (NIDS) for unforeseen attacks with high detection rate. In this paper, deep neural network (DNN) approach was proposed for anomaly detection NIDS. Dropout is the regularized technique used with DNN model to reduce the overfitting. The experimental results applied on NSL_KDD dataset. SoftMax output layer has been used with cross entropy loss funct

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Diagnosing COVID-19 Infection in Chest X-Ray Images Using Neural Network
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With its rapid spread, the coronavirus infection shocked the world and had a huge effect on billions of peoples' lives. The problem is to find a safe method to diagnose the infections with fewer casualties. It has been shown that X-Ray images are an important method for the identification, quantification, and monitoring of diseases. Deep learning algorithms can be utilized to help analyze potentially huge numbers of X-Ray examinations. This research conducted a retrospective multi-test analysis system to detect suspicious COVID-19 performance, and use of chest X-Ray features to assess the progress of the illness in each patient, resulting in a "corona score." where the results were satisfactory compared to the benchmarked techniques.  T

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Artificial Neural Network and Latent Semantic Analysis for Adverse Drug Reaction Detection
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Adverse drug reactions (ADR) are important information for verifying the view of the patient on a particular drug. Regular user comments and reviews have been considered during the data collection process to extract ADR mentions, when the user reported a side effect after taking a specific medication. In the literature, most researchers focused on machine learning techniques to detect ADR. These methods train the classification model using annotated medical review data. Yet, there are still many challenging issues that face ADR extraction, especially the accuracy of detection. The main aim of this study is to propose LSA with ANN classifiers for ADR detection. The findings show the effectiveness of utilizing LSA with ANN in extracting AD

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Scenario theory philosophy and methodologies
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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to clarify the basic dimensions, which seeks to indestructible scenarios practices within the organization, as a final result from the use of this philosophy.

Methodology: The methodology that focuses adoption researchers to study survey of major literature that dealt with this subject in order to provide a conceptual theoretical conception of scenarios theory  .

The most prominent findings: The only successful formulation of scenarios, when you reach the decision-maker's mind wa takes aim to form a correct mental models, which appear in the expansion of Perception managers, and adopted as the basis of the decisions taken. The strength l

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
SBOA: A Novel Heuristic Optimization Algorithm
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A new human-based heuristic optimization method, named the Snooker-Based Optimization Algorithm (SBOA), is introduced in this study. The inspiration for this method is drawn from the traits of sales elites—those qualities every salesperson aspires to possess. Typically, salespersons strive to enhance their skills through autonomous learning or by seeking guidance from others. Furthermore, they engage in regular communication with customers to gain approval for their products or services. Building upon this concept, SBOA aims to find the optimal solution within a given search space, traversing all positions to obtain all possible values. To assesses the feasibility and effectiveness of SBOA in comparison to other algorithms, we conducte

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Deep Learning-based Predictive Model of mRNA Vaccine Deterioration: An Analysis of the Stanford COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Dataset
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The emergence of SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic, has resulted in a global health crisis leading to widespread illness, death, and daily life disruptions. Having a vaccine for COVID-19 is crucial to controlling the spread of the virus which will help to end the pandemic and restore normalcy to society. Messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules vaccine has led the way as the swift vaccine candidate for COVID-19, but it faces key probable restrictions including spontaneous deterioration. To address mRNA degradation issues, Stanford University academics and the Eterna community sponsored a Kaggle competition.This study aims to build a deep learning (DL) model which will predict deterioration rates at each base of the mRNA

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 27 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
"تأثير استعمالات الارض الحضرية في البنية الاجتماعية للمدن " منطقة الدراسة: قضاء الصدر/2 في مدينة الصدر"
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 05 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An Observation and Analysis the role of Convolutional Neural Network towards Lung Cancer Prediction
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Lung cancer is one of the most serious and prevalent diseases, causing many deaths each year. Though CT scan images are mostly used in the diagnosis of cancer, the assessment of scans is an error-prone and time-consuming task. Machine learning and AI-based models can identify and classify types of lung cancer quite accurately, which helps in the early-stage detection of lung cancer that can increase the survival rate. In this paper, Convolutional Neural Network is used to classify Adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and normal case CT scan images from the Chest CT Scan Images Dataset using different combinations of hidden layers and parameters in CNN models. The proposed model was trained on 1000 CT Scan Images of cancerous and non-c

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 05 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
MSRD-Unet: Multiscale Residual Dilated U-Net for Medical Image Segmentation
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Semantic segmentation is an exciting research topic in medical image analysis because it aims to detect objects in medical images. In recent years, approaches based on deep learning have shown a more reliable performance than traditional approaches in medical image segmentation. The U-Net network is one of the most successful end-to-end convolutional neural networks (CNNs) presented for medical image segmentation. This paper proposes a multiscale Residual Dilated convolution neural network (MSRD-UNet) based on U-Net. MSRD-UNet replaced the traditional convolution block with a novel deeper block that fuses multi-layer features using dilated and residual convolution. In addition, the squeeze and execution attention mechanism (SE) and the s

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