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بناء برنامج تدريبي للتعلم التعاوني لدى أطفال الروضة
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The old ways of education has not been able to achieve the ultimate goal in the development of the child's personality and prepared for public life , so shall educators to adopt modern methods of learning such as cooperative learning , which takes into account the considerations psychology of children and their level of mental , as the collective learning is important for children mighty and vulnerable children and so by placing the child in front of something significant tangible and choose topics of relevance to the concerns of the child himself . ( Maroni , 2008 : 101-102 ) . Consisted importance of research of the most important goals of community child care and upbringing proper education to create him a good citizen intact, and this is what he referred to ) Comenius 1592-1670 ) that the child the gift of God's gifts and that people should appreciate this divine gifts . He was always seen to nature and its as good of a role model in raising children , the semi- Ch

ild Seed Plant , also likened the bird small , semi childhood disconnect from a spring seasons of the year . ( Orontes , 1986 : 98-99 ) . , And current research aims to: build a training program for cooperative learning for children Riyadh age (5-6 years) . Determined search all public kindergartens affiliated to the Directorate of Education in Baghdad Karkh first . Most important findings of her research : The kindergarten children acquired good skills as well as many aspects of thinking .. learning program Altaawi reduced the concentration of the child about the same . Cooperative learning program helped the kids on exploration , tolerance and self-confidence , and contributed to make the child a social . The research has included some of the recommendations and proposals task

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Building a Training Program on Developing Executive Functions for Kindergarten Children
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The research aims to build a training program to develop some executive functions for kindergarten children. To achieve this goal, the two researchers built the program according to the following steps:
1. Determining the general objective of the program.
2. Determining the behavioral objectives of the program.
3. Determining the included content in the program.
4. Implementing the content of the activities of the program.
5. Evaluating the Program.
The program included (12) training activities, the training activities included several items: the title of the activity, the time of implementation of the activity, the general objective of the activity, the procedural behavioral objective, the means and tools u

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 07 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Building a Training Program in the development of the Willpower of the Kindergarten Children
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The research aims to build a training program to develop the willpower in the kindergarten children. In order to achieve the objective of the research, the two researchers have developed a Training Program according to the following steps:

- Determining the general objective of the Training Program.

- Determining the behavioral objectives of the Training Program.

- Determining the content of the Training Program.

- Implementing the content of the Training Program sessions.

- Evaluating the Training Program.

The training program consisted of (15) sessions, each session included a set of parts (title, general objective, methods, time and place to implement the sessions, behavioral goals, tool

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Measuring the Historical Concepts of Kindergarten Children
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Historical concepts are among the concepts that are difficult to present to the pre-school child except by using modern techniques, as well as the difficulty of making visits to all historical monuments and going back to antiquity and the lack of studies in this area, therefore, we need an attractive medium that children love which is able to convey some abstract concepts that are difficult to teach to children using traditional methods, and among these activities that the kindergarten provides to children are the stories through which they develop their linguistic wealth, consolidate their religious and spiritual inclinations, refine their correct morals, and form their proper attitudes, knowledge and life concepts.


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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Construction Bullying scale for Kindergarten child
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Construction of photographed bullying scale of kindergarteners was the aim of this study. The study conducted to answer the raised question, could the bullying among kindergarteners be measured?. A total of (200) boy and girl were selected from city of Baghdad to be the sample of the study. The scale composed of (27) item with colored pictures. It takes about (15) minuets to answer the whole scale items. SPSS tools were used to process the collected data. The result showed that the bullying among kindergarteners could be measured.

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 04 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Constructing a Scale of Emotional Adjustment among Kindergarten Children
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The aim of the current research is to construct a scale of emotional adjustment for kindergarten children and to set a standard for its evaluation. To achieve this, a scale consisting of (19) items was prepared. The mother of the child answered by adopting the method of self-report, which is expressed in the form of reporting terms, as each item represents a situation in the child's life and each situation has three alternatives to answer that represent various responses to the mentioned situation. One of the alternatives represents the emotionally adaptive response, which is given a degree (3), the second response expresses the emotional adjustment partly that took the degree of (2), and the third response expresses the weakness of emot

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 23 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effectiveness of a Training Program for the Development of Moral Intelligence among Preparatory Students
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This current research aims to identify the effectiveness of a training program in developing moral intelligence and mutual social confidence among middle school students. The researcher made a number of hypotheses for this purpose to achieve the goal of the research.                             

The researcher relied on the (Al Zawaida 2011) scale prepared according to Coles (1997), including (60) items, and the mutual social trust scale for (Nazmi 2001) based on Roter's theory including (38) items.               &nbsp

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 04 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
أثر برنامج إرشادي لخفض النشاط المفرط لدى أطفال الرياض
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The stage of kindergarten is considered to be an important stage which the child pass through as factures of his personality is built with all of is sides (Psychological, Social, emotional, and the mental), where the kindergarten has a major and important role in this process which has a completing role for the family's role in the ducting and teaching of behavior, good manners and processing problems, disorders in behaviors which the child may face in this stage.

The symptoms which are connected with disorder in are those that is connected with hyperactivity which include the hyperactive in movement, resentment, impulsiveness, inattention, heedlessness and hyperactivity in general. Although that disorde

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 04 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Effective an instructional in program in the development of some of the moral values on the children of kindergarten
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The research aims to
1 – The discloser  of the level of moral values in the children of
2 - Building an educational program designed to develop moral values on the children of

3 - Knowing the impact of the program in the development of moral values in children
Purposive sample was selected consisted of 40 children and a child aged 5-6 years and to achieve objectives of the research promising measure of the moral  values
kindergarten has been applied to the children of the two groups was based on  pre and post test

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 03 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
اثر برنامج تدريبي في تعديل سلوك الانسحاب الاجتماعي لدى المتخلفين عقليا تخلفا بسيطاً
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الانسحاب الاجتماعي بغض النظر عن العوامل المسببة له قابل للعلاج حيث وضحت البحوث العلمية إمكانية الحد منه باستخدام أساليب تعديل السلوك .

وهو  نمط سلوكي شائع لدى معظم الفئات ان لم يكن كل فئات الاعاقة ،وينتج هذا النمط السلوكي الانسحاب الاجتماعي عن عوامل عدة فاذا الطفل يعاني من تلف في الجهاز العصبي المركزي فان هذا التلف قد يحول دون قيام الطفل بالنشاطات المطلوبة للعلاج. توضح البحوث العلمية ام

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
اثر برنامج تدريبي لرفع الفاعلية الذاتية للطالب الجامعي
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قد يشعر الطلبة و الاساتذة بالملل و الروتين وقلة الاهتمام بما يقومون به  مما يؤدي تدني الفاعلية الذاتية وتدني احترام الذات و تدني الافكار المسبقة عن الاداء و توقع النجاح في المهمات و هذا الشعور يؤدي الى تدني امكانية تطوير فاعلية ذاتية في اداء التدريسين و في المذاكرة و التحصيل لدى الطلبة , و بما ان طلبة الجامعة هم فئة مهمة في المجتمع تقع عليهم مسؤولية قيادة معظم مفاصل المجتمع و ميادينه و يمثلون طاقة انتاجية ب

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