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إدارة التغيير لدى مديرات رياض الأطفال

The task of an educational institution Kriyad children need to run the departments possess knowledge management and change the fact that the piece reflects on the educational environment of kindergarten children , which in turn  Search has identified targets identification :1- capable knowledge of the directorates of kindergarten.2-alfruq in knowledge management at the directorates of kindergartens depending on the variables of specialization, service and spiritual type .3- administration change from the directorates of kindergarten.4- differences in management changes at the directorates of kindergartens depending on the variables of specialization and the type of service and kindergarten .5- educational environment for children kindergarten .6- differences in the educational environment variable depending on the government kindergarten and my family type .7- the relationship between knowledge management and change management from the directorates of kindergartens and educational environment in kindergarten .To achieve the objectives Find a sample of executives kindergartens were selected in the city of Baghdad was ( 160 ) Directorate were selected ( 300 ) Directorate simple random way , The researcher has built a three Mqaassha first measure of knowledge management to executives Riyadh and the second scale change management to directorates kindergarten and third educational environment scale for kindergarten children .               These three scale was presented to a group of experts who are specialists in kindergarten and the measurement and evaluation of educational administration totaling (22) good for the extent of the paragraphs of the meter expires, researcher used two indicators of sincerity are the (virtual honesty and sincerity construction), while the stability of the scale researcher has unearthed each Two types of stability has reached a scale reliability coefficient of the scale of knowledge management in a way re-test (0.77) and the way Alvacrobach (0.80) and reached stability coefficient to measure the management change in a way re-test (0.79), and his ways Alvakr and Bach (0.84) and total coefficient Persistence to gauge the stability of the learning environment in a way observers (0.89), and the way Alvakr and Bach (0.90).In light of the goals of current research and after the application of the scale on the sample research found the following results:1- contrast between managers Riyadh knowledge management variable.2- for Mtgrat relating to the management of knowledge found: But a difference between managers in Riyadh Specialization. B existence of differences depending on the variable of years of service. C There are no differences between managers Riyadh depending on the type of kindergarten.3- There is a difference between Riyadh managers in the management of change.4- in relation to the changes found that there was no difference between the managers accordingly  A. There is no difference between managers in Riyadh Specialization B There is no difference between managers Riyadh under the management changes depending on years of service C There are no differences between the managers depending on the type of kindergarten.5- There is a difference in the levels of the educational environment in Riyadh.6- There are no differences in the educational environment depending on the type of government kindergarten, my family7- there relates to the relationship between the three search variables.In light of the search results and the researcher developed a number of recommendations and suggestions , including:1- set up seminars and workshops to explain the concept in the administration to the knowledge and management of changes to directors Riyadh2- conduct a scientific assessment of the Directorates of Education to perform the directors annually to see weaknesses in the management , treatment and encourage good performance there.The researcher presented a set of proposals , including:1- conduct a study on knowledge management and relationship management changes and other changes in the educational environment (such as the Leading director Allaodh characteristics)2- construction of a training program for the development of knowledge management and change management with executives Riyadh

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Knowledge Management at Kindergartens Managers

The task of an educational institution such as kindergartens need to run by managers possess the knowledge to manage the administration of the importance in the development of kindergarten has been the goal of research to identify knowledge management at Riyadh managers, and achieve the objectives of Search selected sample of directors of kindergartens in the city of Baghdad was (160) director was Akhtarhn simple random way, been building measure for knowledge management and presented to the group of experts and extracted stability in a way re-testing and Alvakronbach and reach search to a discrepancy between managers Riyadh in knowledge management and put the researcher set of recommendations including the establishment of seminars and

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The necessary characteristics of the kindergarten teachers who have been recently appointed from the point of view of the kindergarten managers.

One of the difficulties that the kindergarten institution face is the lack of specialized teachers to work with the children at the kindergarten age for the majority  of this stage teachers were prepared to teaech in the elementary stage while the kindergarten child needs ateacher who is aware of the characteristics  and the demands of his growth and his behavioral emotional and social problems.

Therefore the best teacher must be chosen for the kindergarten and qualifying  her educationally in all that this qualifying  includes of  knowledge's.

The aims of the research:

The present research aims at the identification  of the n

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الرضا الوظيفي لدى معلمات رياض الأطفال وعلاقته ببعض المتغيرات

لما كان احد الأهداف الأساسية لرياض الأطفال هو المساهمة في إعداد الطفل وتنشئته تنشئة سليمة ، تحقق له النمو المتكامل ، من خلال توفير البيئة الملائمة له التي تحفز شخصيته على النمو في جميع جوانبها العقلية والاجتماعية والوجدانية والحركية ، وتلعب معلمة الروضة الدور الواضح والمتميز من خلال نقل الخبرات للأطفال والتي ترمي إلى تنمية قدراتهم واستعداداتهم وتشكيل الاتجاهات والسمات الايجابية في شخصياتهم  لذا ي

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Social responsibility of kindergarten teachers Eligibility and Government (Comparative Study)

      The present research aims to identify the social responsibility of the kindergarten teachers of the civil and governmental schools (comparative study)? For the purpose of achieving the objectives of the research, the following formulas were formulated:

- Are there statistically significant differences at the level of (0.05) among the kindergarten teachers in the social responsibility scale?

 The current research was limited to kindergarten teachers (governmental and non-governmental) in the Directorate General of Education Baghdad Rusafa / Second.

The main research sample consisted of (100) teachers, (50) teachers from government kindergartens and (50) female kindergarten teache

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
القوة التنظيمية لمعلمات رياض الأطفال

The research seeks to the organizational power of the kindergartens teachers, In order to achieve the research goal, the researcher built the organizational power measure, As forming its (45) items, it was ascertained the veracity a presentation to a group of experts, and it has proven its validity after some modifications, the number of items became (43). As well as the counting of discriminatory strength, it was shown that all items were distinctive and statistically significant, except the fifth item was not a significant, So was deleted from the measure, the number of its items became (42). As well as finding a relationship of item degree with the total degree. As well as finding the area relationship with other areas, and it was sho

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Years of service and academic achievement of kindergarten teachers and their relationship to promoting child mental health

 ملخص البحث

      يعد البيت المكان الاجتماعي الأول الذي تبنى فيه الصحة النفسية لدى الفرد منذ بداية حياته كطفل  في ظل أسرته ، إلا أن الروضة تمتلك على الرغم من ذلك أثراً تكوينياً مهماٌ في حياة الطفل وعلى شخصيته ، والتي لا يمكن ان يقلُّ عن أثر الايجابي للبيت ؛ ذلك أن المفهوم الجديد لدور الروضة لا يقتصر بمجرد كونها مكانًا تقوم فيها المعلمة بتزويد الاطفال بالمعر

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The organizational performance of the kindergarten teachers and its relation with the educational environment of kindergartener

The research aims at identifying the organizational performance of the kindergarten teachers and defines the educational environment of kindergarten children. To achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher adopted the organizational performance scale for (Saadi, 2016), which was applied to kindergarten teachers. The scale consists of (43) paragraphs, and has good reliability and validity, as the coefficient of reliability (84.0) in a retest method, and (87.0) using the formula Alpha Kronbach. Additionally, the researcher adopted the educational environment scale for (Radam, 2015); the scale consists of (66) paragraphs, and it enjoys a good reliability and validity, as the coefficient of reliability (89.0) method of reliability

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 29 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Academic Assistance and its Relationship with the College and Stage Variables at the Department of Kindergarten’s Students: نبأ مجيد مطشر, و جميلة رحيم عبد

The study aims at knowing students’ academic assistance at the Department of Kindergarten. It further aims to know the difference of academic assistance among these students with respects to variables like (college of education for women, Baghdad, Thi-Qar). It also aims to know about the difference according to the academic level variable, in addition to its relation to some other variables. To achieve the objectives of the study, a number of university female students were selected from both Baghdad an Thi-Qar Universities in the academic year 2019-2020. The sample of the participants consisted of (400) students from the (second, third, and fourth) levels. To measure the study variable represented by the concept of academic assistance

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Social Loafing and its Relation to the Personality Traits of Kindergarten Teachers: ابتسام سعيد احمد

The research seeks to know the social loafing of kindergarten teachers and their relation to personality traits. In order to achieve the research objectives, the researcher constructed the social loafing scale, which she applied to kindergarten teachers. The scale consists of (22) paragraphs. It has good credibility and stability. The coefficient of stability (85.0) was the retest method and (81.0) Alpha Cronbach equation. In addition, the researcher has adopted (Raymond Cattel) personality traits scale, which has been adapted to the Arab environment (Abdel Rahman and Abu Abada,1998), The scale consists of (39) paragraphs, and enjoys the apparent honesty. The measure of social loafing and the measure of personality traits was applied to

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 14 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Organizational Values of Kindergarten Teachers

The current study aims to identify the organizational values ​​of kindergarten teachers as well as to identify the difference in the organizational values ​​of kindergarten teachers in term of years of service, to do this; the researcher designed a scale to measure the organizational values. The scale was applied on a sample of (400) kindergarten teachers. The resesults revealed that kindergarten teachers have a high level of organizational values ​​within the classroom. The result of the second objective showed significant differences among the organizational values ​​(political,

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