The object of this research is to determine the effect in the differences of the correlation pattern of the micro blogging on the educational attainment of computer science curriculum for 12th grade students. I will try to test the best suited correlation and I might use the demo curriculum as well to achieve its objectives , The research method that will be used in this research is the quantitative method where we will use a sample of 60 students divided into two groups ( correlate the micro blogging - adopted the sequence pattern of relating the micro blogging) As a result, we found out that there are quantitative differences among the two groups' median , The differences goes back to the main effect of the correlation pattern of the micro blogging ( Favorited and sequenced ) in favor to the second group tested which adopted the sequence pattern of relating the micro blogging . Therefore, the research focused on dividing the content and show the scope of the axes and the sequences of the blogging in a way that shows how it is integrated with the other sequenced blogging and suggest other subjects for further studies.
Prince Kikaus explained to us Conditions of writing and establishing .Then he touched upon the Conditions of the ministry and qualities that must be characterized Author and minister both need machines must be availabla in person if given these positions .he was creative in presenting his ideas which is not without judgment an knowledge.He had a distinct style in mentioned professions and administrative hierarchy As explained in his speech About the writer and his Correspondence and construction and writer position who has developed into a minister then he touched it to the cabinet system and what the minister should do.of qualities .and the importance of the post of minister who mentioned several points to him ou
... Show MoreThe Ayyub era witnessed a popular for science, knowledge and became the Ayyub state in its various regions a scientific beacon، despite their preoccupation with wars with the Crusaders now that did not discourage them from their care for science and scientists، and this scientific renaissance had many factors، foremost of which are the tendencies of the sultans and Ayyub kings to pay attention to science and its care، through their establishment of the role of science
التسليات في البلدان الاسلامية مشاهد حياة الطرب والالات الموسيقية كما يعكسها الفن
Since the early ages, scientists have been keen on the second source of Islamic law, namely the hadith of the Prophet. They also took from the less disciplined narrators, but they chose from their conversations a selection, and for this some prominent narrators who can be considered that Ibn Habban has been hardened to weaken them. Narrators who avoided Ibn Habban novel They are not true because Ibn Habban neglected her and left her to hurt some narrators who are confident in themselves
The stage of the establishment of the Alawite state in tabaristan was one of the most important stages in the history of the Shiite sect in Iran
هدفت الدراسة الى تحديد الكفايات التدريسية اللازمة للطالبات- المدرسات من وجهة نظرهن وذلك للتعرف على مدى حاجتهن لهذه الكفايات التدريسية التي ينبغي امتلاكها لتحقيق الاهداف المنشودة.أشتملت عينة البحث على(100) طالبة من جامعة بغداد/كلية التربية للبنات/قسم التاريخ.تم اعداد اداة البحث وهي أستبانة مكونة من (43) فقرة خماسية البدائل هي (موافقة بشدة، موافقة،مترددة،غير موافقة،غير موافقة بشدة) موزعة على
... Show Moreلما كانت الوظيفة الأساسية للغة هي الوظيفة التواصلية ، أو التبادل الكلامي بين المخاطب والمستمع ، فكان لا بد لهذه الوظيفة من آليات – لغوية وبلاغية – يستعملها المتكلم أو المرسل للخطاب الأدبي لتوجيه ذهن السامع أو المخاطب نحو ما يطرحه من أفكار ، ورؤى ، واقناعه عن طريق التواصل ، بمضمون الخطاب واستلزام سرعة الانجاز ، وتأسيساً على ذلك جاء هذا البحث لبيان هذه الآليات في الخطاب القرآني متمثلاً في سور الطور
... Show Moreاستهدف البحث الكشف عن المكانة الاجتماعية لطفل الروضة بين أقرانه ، ودلالة الفروق في المكانة الاجتماعية لاطفال عينة البحث التي تعزي الى بعض المتغيرات من خلال الاجابة عن الاسئلة الاتية :
اولاً : ما المكانة الاجتماعية لدى اطفال الروضة بين اقرانهم ؟
ثانياً : ما علاقة المكانة الاجتماعية لدى اطفال الروضة ببعض المتغيرات و ذلك من خلال اختبار الفرضيات الصفرية الآتية :
It takes a long time and a lot of money to choose and provide clothes. It is soothing
necessary to care of them in order to use it another time. There is no Disposable clothes
until now, like other things in the house which we used for once then we dropped, then we
can use new one without any time or effort can be mentioned like needles, nappy, tissues
and etc.
The clothes are different; people should take care of and clean them again in order to
use them again. The right care of clothes would make them last for a long time. So, there is
no need to buy a new one instead of them in a short time. This thing provides time and
effort for the people and the family, to affect positively on the family’s budget.
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