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فاعلية أستراتيجية ثنائية التحليل والتركيب في تحصيل طالبات الصف الرابع العلمي والتفكير عالي الرتبة في مادة علم الأحياء
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The current research aims to study (the effect of strategy of analysis - synthesis duality in the collection of scientific fourth stage students and high-order thinking in Biology material). For evidence the objective of the research, the researcher formulated the following two null hypotheses: 1. There is no significant difference at the statistical level (0.05) between the average of scores of the experimental group students that will study according to the dualism strategy of analysis and structure and the average of scores of the controlled group students that will study according to the normal way in the collection. 2. There is no significant difference at the statistical level (0.05) between the average of scores of the experimental group students that will study according to the dualism strategy of analysis and structure and the average of scores of the controlled group students that will study according to the normal way to test high-order thinking. A current research was Identified by choosing scientific fourth stage students in the governmental diurnal secondary schools which obey to Baghdad education directorate / the first Karkh of studious year (2014- 2015), and among these schools the researcher selected Ajnadayn secondary of girls as a purposive sample. To achieve the aim of research, the researcher used experimental design a partial control, and was selected two divisions of the scientific fourth stage randomly, one of them represent the experimental group and another the controlled group. The sum of research sample was 69 students, 34 students of them in the experimental group and 35 students in the controlled group .The two groups of search were tested by four variables (the time age measured by months, scores of biology material in the test of end of the first course, the test of intelligence, and the scores of test of previous biology information) in addition adjust the other variables, also the scientific material was defined with the last five chapters of the Book of Biology which is scheduled to teach of studious year (2014- 2015). The behavioral objectives were formulated of these chapters and numbered 256 behavioral objective represented to six levels of Bloom's Taxonomy in the knowledge field (remember, absorbing, application, analysis, structure, and evaluation). The tutorial plans were prepared for the two groups of research and numbered 22 plans for each group. The researcher taught herself the two groups during the period of the experiment, which continued 11 weeks of the second semester of the academic year (2014-2015). With respect to research tools, the researcher used one tool for each dependent variable, as prepared collection test of last five chapters of the book of Biology of the scientific fourth stage consisted of 47 items represented the substantive questions, as well as the researcher adopted test of study in high-order thinking consisting of 30 items represented in the two types of questions: 15 objective paragraphs and 15 essay paragraphs, were checking the veracity of tools through articles on a group of arbitrators, have been applied to investigational samples one of them to see how clear paragraphs and time of answer and the other was for the purpose of test statistically analyzed by extracting Alsiakeomtraha characteristics, in addition to the extraction of the stability for both tests. After the end of the experiment, the two tools were applied on groups of search, then the students, answers were corrected and they were treated statistically, and the results were as the following: 1. There are statistically significant differences in favor of the experimental group in the collection test and the size of the average effect of the independent variable was (0.63). 2. There are statistically significant differences in favor of the experimental group in the high-order thinking test and the size of the average effect of the independent variable was (0.5). The results indicated that there is a positive effect of teaching by strategy of analysis – synthesis duality on the collection and the high-order thinking, and based on that the researcher put a set of conclusions, recommendations, suggestions.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Prioritized Text Detergent: Comparing Two Judgment Scales of Analytic Hierarchy Process on Prioritizing Pre-Processing Techniques on Social Media Sentiment Analysis
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Most companies use social media data for business. Sentiment analysis automatically gathers analyses and summarizes this type of data. Managing unstructured social media data is difficult. Noisy data is a challenge to sentiment analysis. Since over 50% of the sentiment analysis process is data pre-processing, processing big social media data is challenging too. If pre-processing is carried out correctly, data accuracy may improve. Also, sentiment analysis workflow is highly dependent. Because no pre-processing technique works well in all situations or with all data sources, choosing the most important ones is crucial. Prioritization is an excellent technique for choosing the most important ones. As one of many Multi-Criteria Decision Mak

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 22 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Histological and Biochemical Parameters Follow-up in Experimental rats Administrated dexamethasone and Treated with Green Synthesis Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles Using (Camillia sciences) Extracts
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In this study, Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles were synthesized by an easy and eco-friendly technique (green synthesis) using green tea leaves (Camillia sinensis), Nanoparticles were analyzed using structural and optical analysis, the X-ray pattern showed that Titanium Dioxide NPs had a tetragonal structure with (Face Centered Tetragonal) FCT crystal structure, the UV-visible recorded an absorbance peak near 350 nm and calculated energy band gap was 3.5 eV, all measurements were proved the purity and Nano size of prepared Nanoparticles. Biochemical parameters evaluation also mentioned in this research, these analyzes showed that Titanium Dioxide nanoparticles in particular dose (50 mg/kg) have the ability to reduce blood glucose

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Prevalence and Antibacterial Resistance of Gram Negative Bacteria Causing Respiratory Tract Infection In Critically Ill Patients.
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Background: Nosocomial respiratory infections in the intensive care is one of the challenging issues, competing with other major causes of morbidity and mortality, that’s why it needs to be studied thoroughly.

Objectives: To assess the prevalence of colonization of respiratory tract by Gram-negative rods (GNRs) for critically ill patients in Baghdad teaching  hospital, and to determine antimicrobial resistance of the isolated strains.

Patients and Methods: A cross sectional study conducted on critically patients at the ICU/Baghdad teaching hospital during the period from December 2012-june 2013. thirty four  adult patients on mechanical ventilator  with e

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Chromogranin A: As A Tumor Marker for Neuroendocrine Tumors Diagnosis, Follow-up & Its Correlation with Response to Somatostatin Analogues
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Background: Chromogranin A is a useful tumor marker for neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) diagnosis & follow-up, Octreotide (somatostatin-long acting repeatable (SAS-LAR)) is an established treatment for NETs. Studies regarding the relation between response to SAS-LAR & the change in Chromogranin A (CgA) plasma level are still lacking.
Objectives: To determine the association between the using of Octreotide (SAS-LAR) and CgA level on time sequence & clinical status.
Patients & methods: a prospective observational study included 38 neuroendocrine patients in The Oncology Teaching Hospital/medical city complex/Baghdad, started at September 2013 till May 2016; assessing their circulating chromogranin A (CgA) plasma levels o

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 02 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الإدراك الحسي الحركي لدى الطلبة المتفوقين والمتأخرين دراسيا في المدارس الإعدادية (بحث مستل من رسالة ماجستير بنفس العنوان / جامعة بغداد) كلية التربية للبنات 2009 م
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مشكلة البحث   The Problem of the Research


          يعّد التحصيل الدراسي للطلبة عموما من أهم أركان النشاط العقلي في المجال التربوي، فلا تكاد تخلو منه أيه مدرسة، أبتداءً من المدارس الابتدائية وقد تسبقها رياض الأطفال، إلى المدرسة الإعدادية والجامعية ، وقد تمتد إلى مراحل متقدمة في العمر، فكان الطالب وما يزال هو محور العملية ال

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 14 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Compound Sentences modification, functions and characteristics from an educational point of view: Umformungen- Funktion- Merkmale unter didaktischen Perspektiven
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This research deals with compound sentences in the German language and how to transform them and transfer them into a main sentence, touching on their functions and characteristics. Actual to nominative, which is a unique feature of the German language, with some diverse examples taken from various sources.
This case is distinguished, like other grammatical cases
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Publication Date
Tue Aug 08 2023
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لفتح للبحوث التربوية والنفسية
نمیة القوة الانفجاریة باستخدام تدریبات الأثقال بطریقة الصعود والھبوط وتأثیرھا في تحسین بعض المتغیرات البیوكینماتیكیة والأداء الفني لمھارة قفزة الیدین الأمامیة على جھاز منصة القفز الحدیثة
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من خلال ملاحظة الباحثتين الميدانية لمستوى الأداء الفني لمنتخب ناشئات القطر بالجمناستك لمهارة قفزة اليدين الأمامية على جهاز منصة القفز الحديثة لاحظن وجود مشكلة تكمن في ضعف هذا الأداء والذي يؤثر على بعض المتغيرات البيوكينماتيكية لهذه المهارة مما يؤدي إلى عدم أداء المهارة بالشكل الصحيح ، وتعزو الباحثتان ذلك الضعف إلى قلة الدفع بالرجلين والذراعين . لذا ارتأت الباحثتان إجراء هذا البحث الذي يهدف إلى تنمية القوة

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
مجلة العلوم الاحصائية
نمذجة السلاسل الزمنية التي تنتجها اجهزة الاحصاء الدولية وانتاج قيم تنبؤية لمتخذ القرار حالة دراسية : التنبؤ بالمساحة المزروعة لمحصول الذرة الصفراء في العراق للفترة (2015-2020
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تنفذ أجهزة اإلحصاء الدولية ومنها الجهاز المركزي لإلحصاء في العراقإحدى أجهزة وزارة التخطيط، تقوم بإجراء مسوح سنوية ودورية لإنتاج مؤشرات تقييم وتقويم أنشطة القطاعات الاقتصادية المختلفة. يتيح هذا الكم الهائل من البيانات بشكل سلسل زمني لهذه الأجهزة إنتاج مؤشرات جديدة، بما في ذلك القيم التنبؤية لمؤشرات رئيسية تستخدم في إعداد الخطط طويلة وقصيرة المدى. في عام 2015، قامت مديرية الإحصاء الزراعي في الجهاز المركزي للإ

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Hidden messages in (Pour un oui ou pour un non) of Nathalie Sarraute: Les messages cachés dans "Pour un oui ou pour un non" de Nathalie Sarraute
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       The implicit is the narrative technique used to give indirect hidden messages. To read between the lines means to understand the implicit meaning that is not directly indicated. This technique is expressed in two forms: the hypothesis and the implications of linguistic and non-linguistic rules. Nathalie Sarraute’s "Pour un oui ou pour un non" states this narrative method through her character’s verbal and non-verbal dialogue. The present paper discusses the implicit method and shows the reason behind which  the author uses it in her play "Pour un oui ou pour un non".


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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Determination of Phosphodiesterase Type 5 Enzyme (PDE-5) Inhibitors and Analogues as Adulterants in Selected Herbal Products using Gas Chromatography–Electron Impact-Mass Spectrometer (GC-EI-MS)
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       Sildenafil, tadalafil, and vardenafil are phosphodiesterase type 5 enzyme (PDE-5) inhibitors used for the treatment of male erectile dysfunction. This present study aims to investigate 55 herbal products indicated for men’s sexual health from the Malaysian market for adulteration of PDE-5 inhibitors and analogues. The screening and identification of 20 PDE-5 inhibitors and analogues in herbal products of various forms (powder, capsules, tablets, and pastels) were conducted using gas chromatography–electron impact-mass spectrometer (GC-EI-MS). The analysis has shown that 19 herbal products were adulterated with PDE-5 inhibitors and analogues. Unique ion fragmentations and the presence of molecular

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