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E-Learning and Its Relationship with Academic Passion among Middle School Students
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The current research aims to identify the level of E-learning among middle school students, the level of academic passion among middle school students, and the correlation between e-learning and academic passion among middle school students. In order to achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher developed two questionnaires to measure the variables of the study (e-learning and study passion) among students, these two tools were applied to the research sample, which was (380) male and female students in the first and second intermediate classes. The research concluded that there is a relationship between e-learning and academic passion among students.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 06 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The reality of teaching performance materials for teachers of social primary stage
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    The teacher is the most able to achieve the goals of education in education because he has the ability to affect the behavior of the disciples testified and its actions and appearance and other actions that convey pupils with it sometimes in a manner unconscious or unconscious , and the importance of the role of the teacher in the educational process , it is necessary to compromise the care and attention to the extent that commensurate with the important role that the rise in the preparation of youth and composition , and as a result is needed to continue efforts to improve the quality of teacher preparation so that it can be more effective and positive in the educational process .
First - Research Goals -<

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
تقويم محتوى كتاب الاحياء للصف السادس العلمي من وجهة نظرمدرسي ومدرسات الاحياء في محافظة كركوك
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The present study aims to identify the extent to which biology book of sixth grade achieves the basic scientific aspects in light of its scientific objectives. To achieve this goal, the researcher needed to build two questionnaires to evaluate the biology book for sixth-grade. To answer the questions of the study, the researcher used the following statistical methods : the weighted average, and percentages; and to identify the extent to match the perspective of teachers of the material with the perspective of a researcher in each paragraph of the questionnaire as well as the degree of severity of each paragraph in the book neighborhoods sixth-grade has reached Aalbagesh to several of the most important results: 1. All the teachers were w

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of Cost awareness of activation of strategic cost management techniques of industrial units: A prospective study at the General Company for the manufacture of medicines and medical supplies in the province of Mosul
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The last ten years observed a shift enormous scientific in the method and way that it deals professional with the cost accounting and reflected the result those shift enormous scientific of increase the competitive environmental that accompanied the emergence of a modern manufacturing environmental on surface the long roductive life and emergence advanced information technology that give a central focus of his important on client with growing global markets growth on a large scale.

        The research aim to define the concept of cost awareness, the concept and methods of  strategic cost management and the role of cost awareness for managers of industrial units in strategic of cost managem

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Developing strategic leadership practices in the light of transparency and organizational citizenship behavior - A field study of a sample of the staff of the Office of the Inspector General at the Iraqi Ministry of Culture
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Diversity the terms and practice the organizational filed with different concepts and environment, which Iraqi environment part from them. Some organizational in Iraqi environment leave its basic oriented to agreement with the leader desire, their fore this research focus tow basic variable (organizational citizenship behavior & transparence), we supposition which is dependent to explanation the response variable (strategic leadership). The results justification in part and not justification in another part. For example the organizational citizenship behavior effect on some parte of the strategic leadership. The transparence have faraway to fly from the relation with organizational citizenship behavior and strategic leadershi

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 06 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
ADDRESSING THE GOALS OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN THE ARAB PRESS:: (An analytical study in the newspapers (Al-Sabah Iraqi newspaper, Algerian ech-chaab Newspaper, and UAE Al-Ittihad Newspaper) (A Research Drawn from Master Thesis)
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The problem of this research is:

What are the sustainable development goals that received the priority in the press addressing of the newspapers under study?

What are the journalistic arts adopted by these newspapers in addressing the sustainable development goals?

What are the journalistic sources that Arab newspapers depended on when addressing the sustainable development goals?

What are the geographic range the Arab newspapers adopted in addressing the sustainable development goals? The research is categorized into descriptive research, adopting the survey method, and using the content analysis method.

The sample of research was determined by the preparation of the Arabic newspapers (Al-

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Publication Date
Mon May 15 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Determination of hydrogen peroxide in some local pharmaceutical disinfectants by continuous flow injection analysis via turbidimetric (T180o) and scattered light effect at two opposite positions (2N90o ) using Ayah 4SW-3D-T180o -2N90o -Solar - CFI Analyse
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An indirectly method is used to determine hydrogen peroxide. The method based on oxidation of chromium (III) ion by hydrogen peroxide in basic medium to form chromate ion which react with barium (II) ion to produce a yellow precipitate (BaCrO4). Under the optimum established conditions, the linear range of 0.50-25.00 mmol L-1 along with correlation coefficient (r) of 0.9992, Limit of detection (LOD) 0.68 μg / 100 μL, precision expressed as relative standard deviation for six replication measurements at 5.0 mmol.L-1 H2O2 of less than 2% were obtained for hydrogen peroxide. The developed method was successfully applied for the estimation of H2O2 in three pharmaceuticals preparation of different companies using continuous flow injection o

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The neology in the Iraqi dialect after the invasion of 2003 and the level of imaginative comprehension: La neología en el dialecto Iraqui tras la invasión de 2003 y el nivel de la comprensión imaginativa
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       The article analyzes the neologisms that arose in the Iraqi dialect after the 2003 US-British invasion and the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime, according to the theory I advocate: "The Basic Outline of Reference," a developed theory of Arab legacy and cognitive theory, which came out in 1987 in America, so we have used the terminology of cognitive grammar. In this theory it is stated that the reference is the interaction between four components: perception, imagination, imaginative comprehension and the linguistic sign or symbolization (the neological word in this article), which are closely related, so that none of them can be lacking, because they constitute a holistic whole that belongs to a deeper level. Let us

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Theoretical asp ects of trans lation of a lite rary text in the fram ework of lingu istic and cult ural analysis: Теоретические асп екты перевода художес твенного текста в рам ках лингвокультурологического ана лиза
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          The present art icle discusses the prob lems of understanding and translating the lingu istic and cult ural aspect of a foreign lite rary text. The article considers the trans lation process through the pr ism of cult ural orientation. In the process of transl ation, the nati onal cultural iden tity should be expressed to the max imum extent, through all me ans of expre ssion that include imagery and inton ation. In addi tion to the author's sty le, special atte ntion should al so be pa id to tro pes, phraseological uni ts, colloquial wo rds and dial&n

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effectiveness of an Educational Program in Enhancing Nurses’ Knowledge about Occupational Health Hazards
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Objective: To determine the effectiveness of an Educational Program in Enhancing Nurse’s Knowledge about Occupational Health Hazards at Medical City Hospitals in Baghdad City.

Methodology: The present study employed a quasi-experimental design held at Medical City Hospitals in Baghdad City. A non-probability sample (convenience sample) consisted of (60) nurse. Data were collected by using a self-report questionnaire which consisted of six parts (a) socio-demographic characteristics (b) physical hazards knowledge (c) chemical hazards knowledge (d) biological hazards knowledge (e) psychological hazards knowledge and (f) mechanical hazards knowledge. Data were analyzed using the statistical packag

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
Journal Name
Historical Origins of Internal Space Designs of Educational Schools in Iraq: حسنين صباح داوّد سلمان
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Studying the past for its importance and connection with the present is reflected in a relative scale in the light of data and thought of the predecessors of a great nation like the Mesopotamia, where its civilization flourished and rose since the ancient times, which inspires the present with inherited meanings that might be an entity or recognized symbols in the establishment of a vision, system or architectural building. The researcher has crystallized the description of the past to enhance the vision of the present within what is required by the interior design specialty about the historical origins of education and the design of schools in the Mesopotamia, in addition to its ethnic and environmental specificity and the moral content

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