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Mental wandering and its relationship to attention control among university students
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Research summary: The current research aims to identify:

1-Mental wandering among university students 2- Attentioncontrol among universitey students. 3- The relationship between mental wandering and attention control among university students. 4- The difference in the relationship among university students: accoerding to a- the gender variable (males - females) b- according to the specialization variable) Scientific-human), and the results of the current research reached the following: 1- University students have mental wandering associated with the task, and mental wandering that is not related to the task. 2- University students have attentive control 3- There is no relationship between mental wandering associated with task and attention control among university students, and there is a statistically significant relationship between mental wandering that is not related to the task 4- There are no statistically significant differences of mental wandering related to the task and attention control depending on the gender variable ( Male-female), and there are statistically significant differences in the relationship according to the specialization variable according to the human specialization, and there are statistically significant differences in the relationship between mental wandering and not related to the task according to the gender variable in favor of males, and there are statistically significant differences according to the specialization variable in favor of human specialization In light of the above, the researcher presented some recommendations and proposals for future research

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2000
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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This work deals with the description of histopathological effects of the nematode Hartertia
gallinarurn Theiler. 1919 on the digestive system of the seesee partridge collected from Qa’ra
area in the western desert district of Iraq. along with some notes on intensity fluctuation of the
parasite according to the seasons. It is found that the major effects of the nematode are
necrosis and fibrosis of gizzard: granulomatous reaction. necrosis and mononuclear
infiltration of proventriculus: damage of mucosal lining of intestine and lymphocytic
infiltration of liver.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 07 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of changing the evacuated tube tilt angle and the fluid of the solar collector on the performance of a hybrid solar air conditioning system
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In the hybrid coolingsolar systems , a solar collectoris used to convertsolar energy intoheat sourcein order to super heat therefrigerant leave thecompressor,andthisprocess helpsin the transformation ofrefrigerant state from gaseous statetothe liquid statein upper two-thirdsof thecondenserinstead of the lower two-thirdssuchas in thetraditional air-conditioning systems and this willreduce theenergyneeded torun the process ofcooling.In this research two hybrid air-conditioning system with an evacuated tube solar collector were used, therefrigerant was R22 and the capacity was 2 tons each.The tilt angle of the evacuated tube solar collector was changed and the solar collector fluid was replaced into oil instead of water.A comparison wasi

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 02 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The semantic and stylistic characteristics of historicism (marked vocabulary) In the modern russian literary language: Семантико-стилистическая характеристика Историзмов (маркированной лексики) В современном русском литературном языке
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The article considers semantic and stylistic motivations for using obsolete lexicon (historicisms) in the text of a work of art. The specifics of the functioning of this process are presented against the background of the features of the contemporary Russian literary language. Attention is focused on the fact that the layer of obsolete lexical units belongs to a number of nationally specific vocabulary, the development of which forms an understanding of the nature of the actualized language. In addition, it should be noted that the semantics of historicisms is culturally commensurate: the latter is explained by the fact that the deactuation of linguistic units is positioned as parallel to the sociocultural and political changes.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
High Commitment Management and their Impact in Organizational Excellence Afield Research for opinions a sample of managers in the company general Alfurat for chemical industries \Babylon
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In its theoretical framework, this study dealt with the subjects of high commitment management and organizational excellence, as the study came in response to the growing developments and changes in the fields of management. It includes an analysis of correlation and effect between high commitment management, which has been attracting a lot of attention recently due to the intensifying rivalry between organizations because of certain external factors like globalization and world markets liberation, and its effect in achieving organizational excellence.

The practical framework, on the other hand, dealt with the analysis of correlation and effect between the study's variables. The problem

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Novel Approach of CFIA Technique for Assaying of Furosemide (Sulfa Drug) as Antibacterial Agent in Pharmaceutical and Biological Samples Using Potassium Ferricyanide as Oxidizing Agent
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Furosemide drug determination in pharmaceutical and biological urine samples using a novel continuous flow-injection analysis technique that is simple, rapid, sensitive and economical. The complex formed by the reaction of furosemide and O-phenylenediamine with oxidative agent K3[Fe(CN)6] to produce an orange-yellow colored product at 460 nm was the basis for the proposed method.  The proposed method’s linearity ranges (3-100) μg.mL-1and (1-50) μg.mL-1 for CFIA/merging zone methods and batch .The detection limit and Limit of quantification values were 2.7502 μg.mL-1  and 9.1697 μg.mL-1 the relative standard deviation was 0.7143 %, and the average recovery is 98.80%

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Requirements for the application of quality management in the work of medical laboratories within the standard 15189 "A Case Study at Alawiya Women's and Childbirth Hospital"
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It is essential to provide health care directly or indirectly based on laboratory tests in order of diagnosing diseases. There is an urgent need for the results of such tests to be accurate and reliable. Therefore, the International Organization for Standardization has prepared special standards for medical laboratories to prove their efficiency, presented in standards 15189: 2012. The aim of the research is to determine the possibility of the Al-alwiya Women's Hospital in meeting the requirements of the standards 15189: 2012, which includes administrative requirements consisting of fifteen items and technical requirements consisting of ten items. The research is important because laboratories shou

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 27 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The image of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the independent Iraqi press: An analytical study of the Al—Zaman, Al-Dustour, and Al-Mada newspapers
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Through this descriptive study of the image of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the independent Iraqi press, the researcher relies on surveys, content analysis, and observation tools. The research community selected was the Iraqi independent press, represented by the Al-Zaman, Al-Dustour, and Al-Mada newspapers. The researcher adopts the comprehensive inventory method for newspaper issues produced between October 2019 and January 2020.

The results of this study show that Iran's interference in Iraq's internal affairs was one of the most prominent components of the picture that independent Iraqi newspapers seek to paint about the Islamic Republic of Iran.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effect of Administrative Accounting Functions on the Practices of the Higher and Central Administrations of the Economic Unit "An Applied Study on Joint Stock Companies"
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Strategy Descrtibes How an Organization Matches its own Capabilites With Opportunities in Environment , in Order to Accomplish its Overall Objectives , So That The Organization is Considering Responding to Challenges by Adopting one or More of Strategies, Like Differentioning its Product, or Achieving Cost Leadership.

The Key Role of Management Accountant is to Evlaute The Successful it Has Been in Implementing Organization Strategy.

This Research Target to Explain The Key Role of Management Accountant in Evaluate of  Organization Strategy. by Strategic Analysis of Operating Income From Specific Sources Such as Cost Savings and Growth in Stead of Emphasizing Only The Aggrega

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Hematology
Provisional diagnosis of clinically significant hemoglobinopathies and decision on suitability for marriage as part of the premarital screening program in Iraq: Iraqi Society of Hematology Guidelines
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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
International Medical Journal
Use of immunohistochemistry and silver in situ hybridization (Sish) in evaluation of human epidermal growth factor receptor2 (HER2/neu) status in Iraqi patients with breast cancer
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Breast cancer is the commonest cause of cancer related death in women worldwide. Amplification or over-expression of the ERBB2 (HER/neu) gene occurs in approximately 15-30% of breast cancer cases and it is strongly associated with an increased disease recurrence and a poor prognosis. Determination of HER2/neu status is crucial in the treatment plan as that positive cases will respond to trastuzumab therapy. It has been used to test for HER2/neu by immunohistochemistry as a first step and then to study only the equivocal positive cases (score 2+) by in situ hybridization technique. The aim of our study is to compare between immunohistochemistry and silver in situ hybridization (SISH) in assessment of human epidermal growth factor (HER2/neu)

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