Item Difficulty and Item Discrimination Coefficient for School and College Ability Tests (SCAT) Advanced Form in Classical Test Theory (CTT) and Item Response Theory (IRT) and the Correlation among Them Mohammad moqasqas Haifa T. Albokai Assistant Professor of Measurement and Evaluation Associate Professor of Measurement and Evaluation College of Education, Taibah University The aim of this study was to study the item difficulty and item discrimination of the SCAT (advance form) with CTT, and IRT, and to study the correlation among them. To do this, the researchers used the data of their previous study, which conducted in (2011). It consisted of (3943) subject. Then, they used two-statistical programs (TAP, Bilog-MG-3) to obtain the item difficulty and item discrimination coefficient in CTT and IRT. The results revealed a good item difficulty and item discrimination coefficient. Additionally, it showed a significant correlation between CTT and IRT in item difficulty and item discrimination. The researchers recommended of using any of these two theories to obtain the item difficulty and item discrimination for the tests and to do extended studies for the SCAT.
With the freedom offered by the Deep Web, people have the opportunity to express themselves freely and discretely, and sadly, this is one of the reasons why people carry out illicit activities there. In this work, a novel dataset for Dark Web active domains known as crawler-DB is presented. To build the crawler-DB, the Onion Routing Network (Tor) was sampled, and then a web crawler capable of crawling into links was built. The link addresses that are gathered by the crawler are then classified automatically into five classes. The algorithm built in this study demonstrated good performance as it achieved an accuracy of 85%. A popular text representation method was used with the proposed crawler-DB crossed by two different supervise
... Show Moreتكمن أهمية البحث من الاستفادة من تمرينات الخاصة بمساعدة استعمال أي جهاز تدريبي مثل استعمال جهاز (Vertimax) فإِنَّ هذهِ التدريبات تساعد في تطوير التحمل الخاص وفقًا لما يتطور من قدرات بدنية باستعمال هذا الجهاز، ومن هنا برزت مشكلة البحث انه من المهم للاعب ان يعمل على الروافع الجسم للحصول على اداء افضل في عملية الرمي والحصول على افضل انجاز لهذة الفعالية باستعمال جهاز تدريبي جديد حيث يسلط مقاومات متعددة في ان وا
... Show Moreملخص البحث بالعربي
عنوان البحث : أجـــــوبة الحافظ محمد البرزالي على سؤالات العز ابن الحاجب في الجرح والتعديل
يهدف البحث : إلى جمع أجوبة الحافظ أبي عبدالله محمد البرزالي في الجرح والتعديل، ودراستها.
يتكون البحث من : مقدمة، وتمهيد، نص السؤالات، وخاتمة، وفهارس.
المقدمة : تسمية الموضوع، وسبب اختياره، وأهميته .
والتميهد : ترجمة مختصرة للحافظ أبي عبدالله البرزالي، والتعريف بأجوبة الحافظ الب
... Show Moreنقدم في هذا البحث تحليل لعملين أدبيين من منظور الحركات الطليعية ثبتت آثارها لدى بعض الكتاب العرب و أمريكا اللاتينية في فترة سنوات العشرينات والألفين. كانت الحياة الخاصة للكاتب ميغيل انخل استورياس تلهمه أنتاج أعمال أدبية، اذ شغل منصب دبلوماسي وحصل على جائزة نوبل غواتيمالاكا. ولد وتوفى في مدينة غواتيملاكا (1974- 1899) يوجد تحول واضح في عمله ذات الشهرة السيد الرئيس(1948) الذي يكسر المعتاد، لأجل مست
... Show MoreAbstract
Research title: The legal ruling of advice.
This research deals with the topic of advice, as the research included the following:
Preamble: I explained in it the meaning of advice in the Qur’an and Sunnah, and that what is meant by it is a good performance of the duty, then explaining its importance, importing it, and the difference between advice and what is similar to it, from enjoining good, denial, reproach and reprimand, backbiting and the will.
The first topic: It dealt with the ruling on advice, whether it is recommended or disliked, or forbidden, because what is meant by it is to give advice to others may be an obligation in kind, or it may be desirable or dislike
... Show MoreIn the process of translating Qur’anic texts, there is an urgent need for interpretations of the Qur’anic text due to the presence of many incomprehensible Qur’anic verses or words because of our distance from the standard Arabic, language in which the Holy Qur’an was revealed, and the introduction of the foreign words into our language, in addition to the fact that many Qur’anic words are no longer used. All this prompted the need for the interpretation of the Qur'anic text, Therefore, it is necessary for the translator to resort to the books of interpretation if he intends to translate the Qur’an
The rate of electron transfer from N3 sensitized by dye to TiO2 semiconductor in variety solvent have been calculated as a function of reorientation energy effective free energy , volume of semiconductor , attenuation and lattice constant of semiconductor . A very strong dependence of the electron transfer rate constant on the reorientation and effective free energy .Results of calculation indicate that TiO2 is available to use with N3 dye .Our calculation results show that a good agreement with experimental result
Ground penetrating radar (GPR) technology is used to determine the extent to which this technique can detect with a high-frequency range from 10 MHz to 1000 MHz into the ground by a transmitting antenna and A graveyard was found beneath the depth of the three meters under Surface of the earth in the shrine of the Prophet Houd and Saleh in Al-Najaf Governorate surveyed by through 4 tracks. Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is a device that transmits short pulses of electromagnetic energy with pulse duration about 1 ns to 20 ns. applying the filter Time- Zero to the same profile at a depth (3m) , Two types of antennas were used in this study, with two different frequencies antennas (250, 500 )MHz Three tracks (23,25,2
... Show MoreThis paper examines the change in planning pattern In Lebanon, which relies on vehicles as a semi-single mode of transport, and directing it towards re-shaping the city and introducing concepts of "smooth or flexible" mobility in its schemes; the concept of a "compact city" with an infrastructure based on a flexible mobility culture. Taking into consideration environmental, economical and health risks of the existing model, the paper focuses on the four foundations of the concepts of "city based on culture flexible mobility, "and provides a SWOT analysis to encourage for a shift in the planning methodology.
In this paper, we introduce and study the notion of the maximal ideal graph of a commutative ring with identity. Let R be a commutative ring with identity. The maximal ideal graph of R, denoted by MG(R), is the undirected graph with vertex set, the set of non-trivial ideals of R, where two vertices I1 and I2 are adjacent if I1 I2 and I1+I2 is a maximal ideal of R. We explore some of the properties and characterizations of the graph.