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Stress and Its Impact on Mental and Physical Health

Stress is an inevitable part of life. Stress occurs when stressful events of self, environmental, or social origin affect the individual's resilience and threaten to collapse his psychological and physical systems. The stress represents difficulties and obstacles that may exceed the individual's ability to bear them and deal with them, which causes him stress and causes negative effects on his psychological and physical health. Therefore, the current research aimed to identify the negative effects of psychological stress on the psychological and physical health of the individual through the literature that dealt with this topic. It was among the results of the research that one of the negative effects of stresses on mental health is the deterioration of the concept of the self in individuals and their feeling of frustration and poor compatibility and the emergence of symptoms of various mental disorders they have. While the negative effects of stress on the physical health of individuals are weakening the work of the immune system and infection with various infections, in addition to high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, digestive diseases and skin diseases. The researcher recommended to educate the community about stress and its impact on the health of individuals, and to prepare awareness programs by professionals on this topic.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effectiveness of Indicators of Financial Discipline in Strengthening the Exchange Rate, with a Special Reference to Iraq

Controlling public expenditures is one of the main objectives of the public budget. The public budget often suffers from a deficit, whether in developed or developing countries, because expenditures are usually greater than the revenues generated. This requires the existence of financial rules that are adhered to by the government, which in turn leads to discipline. Fiscal policy leads to a reduction in the obligations incumbent on the government.  Adhering to the financial rules would correct the course of fiscal policy in Iraq, with the need to direct oil revenues in the years of financial abundance when global oil prices rise to sovereign funds similar to other rentier countries, which contributes to maintaining the stabi

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 09 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Knowledge of Prenatal Care Nurses toward Management of Toxoplasmosis in Pregnant Women

Objective: This study aims to assess the level of nurse's knowledge regarding toxoplasmosis management
in pregnant women.
Methodology: A descriptive analytic study was carried out from January 2012 to March 2012. A sample of
(70)nurses who provide prenatal care to pregnant women at primary health care centers of AL-Adala,ALHindia,AL-Askary,AL-Jamea,AL-Ansar
and AL-Salam in AL-Najaf city. The questionnaire was self-completed
and included questions on sociodemographic characteristics and toxoplasmosis aspects.
Results: The findings of the study indicated that (44.3%) of nurses have moderate level of knowledge.
(32.9%) of nurses was with age ranging from 31-36 years. (74.3%) were male. (52.9%) were secondary

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 06 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الوسائل الوسائل العلاجيّة الطريفة في التراث العلمي العربي استعمال الأنغام الموسيقية أنموذجاَ

       The scientific heritage is an essential part of the civilization of nation , so Nations has focused on this aspect in the construction of civilization. So the Arab prosperous scientific achievements is no exception to this general rule in being an integral part of the composition of the Arab- Islamic civilization part ,and when we read in the Arab –Islamic medicine books ,we find the genius of the Arab and Muslims physicians and their own new methods of treatment they use music melodies in medication and treatment of patients

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 16 2018
Journal Name
Scenography Features in the Iraqi Contemporary Theatre Show (Macbeth Play, by Salah Al-Qasab- A Model)

Societies developed throughout history with the development of life technology, that ideas presented by the contemporary art have been crystallized. The development included all the artistic fields such as the dramatic arts which depend on many effects and elements that led to the completion of the structure of the theater show. Scenography is considered one of the most important elements that the theatre show depends on such as the decoration, lighting, sound effects, costumes and accessories. The research addressed the following question: what are the characteristics and traits of scenography in the theatre show?
The research importance has become clear because it sheds lights on the characteristics of scenography in the Iraqi thea

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Formulate a strategy to manage tax compliance risks: An applied research in the General commission for Taxes

  This research discussed and analyzed the formulation of a strategy to manage tax compliance risks, as an applied research in the General commission for Taxes. The questionnaire was used as a research tool to identify the factors that stimulate or retard the research sample from being compliant. The K-means clustering method was also used to enable the classification of the research sample's views into four behaviors, some of these views pose tax-compliance risks. The research concluded that risk management is a continuous process and that all departments of the General commission for Taxes are responsible for its implementation to enable them to deal with the behavior of the taxpayer towards tax compliance. And it recommended

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 13 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
زين الدين الشماع الحلبي والتعريف بكتابه (سر الأسرار في معرفة الجواهر والأحجار)

عُني العرب منذ القدم بإستعمال الجواهروالأحجار الكريمة ، وإزدادت هذه العناية على مر العصور ، فقد إستعملوا الحلي المتنوعة ، والملابس المطعمة بالجواهر والأحجار الكريمة .

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 09 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Promoting Clinical Breast Examination as A screening Tool for Breast Cancer in Iraq

Breast cancer constitutes about one fourth of the registered cancer cases among the Iraqi population (1)
and it is the leading cause of death among Iraqi women (2)
. Each year more women are exposed to the vicious
ramifications of this disease which include death if left unmanaged or the negative sequels that they would
experience, cosmetically and psychologically, after exposure to radical mastectomy.
The World Health Organization (WHO) documented that early detection and screening, when coped
with adequate therapy, could offer a reduction in breast cancer mortality; displaying that the low survival rates
in less developed countries, including Iraq, is mainly attributed to the lack of early detection programs couple

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 08 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Social sustainability in vertical housing complexes/study area: Al Salam Haiy

Living in sustainable residential place is one of the most important factors affecting the quality of life in neighborhood complex within the vertical housing complexes. This research focuses on indicators of social sustainability because of their effective impact in achieving a good quality of life . The most prominent of these indicators include: (social interaction, neighborhood grouped and trust, social cohesion, security and safety, privacy, connectivity opportunities for meeting and , and community participation, and cultural diversity). This was done through a questionnaire (for the residents of the Al-Salam residential complex in the city of Baghdad), and the form includes a set of questions related to indicators of social sustai

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
تقويم كفاءة أداء الاستثمارات بحث تطبيقي في شركتي التأمين الوطنية والتأمين العراقية

This study attempts to highlights on the evaluation of performance efficiency for Investments in both National & Iraqi Insurance companies for the years 2001-2010 and their importance on those companies and the economy of the country in order to find  out the investment areas and to compare between investment activity and its revenues as well as to compare performance of both companies in investment field.

The study was based on annual reports and balance sheets of both companies. In many chapters, this study dealt with theoretical and practical aspects of the investments and its revenues. Key hypothesis was based on this study, including four parts of Sub hypotheses about (statistical effective relationship between the

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
The manifestations of the image theater in the performances of postmodern theater: فينوس حميد محمد جواد

When we try to navigate the experiment in search of the repressed and to find the dream of creativity by changing the modularity of the presentation, and the relationship of the characters with the rest of the elements according to a visual vision that reflects the product of the presentation system through the formation of visions and ideas within the textual structure.
We find that the expression of the theatrical act may need to exclude narrative dialogues and turn them into a tangible visual language. Physical and visual expression, and movement review, thus producing a “picture language” through which it is possible to form a new vision, and this is called (image theater), which translates the language of dialogue through lig

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