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Stress and Its Impact on Mental and Physical Health
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Stress is an inevitable part of life. Stress occurs when stressful events of self, environmental, or social origin affect the individual's resilience and threaten to collapse his psychological and physical systems. The stress represents difficulties and obstacles that may exceed the individual's ability to bear them and deal with them, which causes him stress and causes negative effects on his psychological and physical health. Therefore, the current research aimed to identify the negative effects of psychological stress on the psychological and physical health of the individual through the literature that dealt with this topic. It was among the results of the research that one of the negative effects of stresses on mental health is the deterioration of the concept of the self in individuals and their feeling of frustration and poor compatibility and the emergence of symptoms of various mental disorders they have. While the negative effects of stress on the physical health of individuals are weakening the work of the immune system and infection with various infections, in addition to high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, digestive diseases and skin diseases. The researcher recommended to educate the community about stress and its impact on the health of individuals, and to prepare awareness programs by professionals on this topic.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
اكليل للدراسات الانسانية
الخطأ المضمر في نطاق المسؤولية الطبيةدراسة معززة بالقرارات القضائية (فرنسا-العراق) انموذجا
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يقوم الخطأ المضمر على فكرة مبناها استنتاج الخطأ من وقوع الضرر، منشئاً بذلك قرينة قانونية بسيطة للمدعي (المضرور) تعفيه من اثبات خطأ المدعى عليه (المسؤول)، وهذا الافتراض في الاساس فكرة قضائية وجدت لمساعدة المضرور في الحصول على التعويض في حالة عدم تمكنه من تحديد خطأ المسؤول ، الا انه افتراضٌ قابلٌ لإثبات العكس من خلال نفي اي خطأ صادر عن المدعى عليه ، ويمكن نفيه ايضاً بإثبات انقطاع السببية بين الخطأ المضمر والضرر

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 07 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The effect of relaxation music in reducing symptoms of dental anxiety
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Many behavioral researchers pointed out the importance of relaxation techniques in the treatment of different psychological disorders where find  the importance of these techniques in reducing anxiety and stress and the resulted of behaviors and habits, with the development of these techniques are being used to gain public health, whether mental health or physical or mentality, and one of these techniques is music therapy that reduces tension and anxiety and operates a state of relaxation, which is used in the treatment of  patients of dental clinic.                        


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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The effect of guided visualization strategy in developing the visual perception among kindergarteners
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The current study aims to identify the effect of guided visualization strategy in developing the visual perception among kindergarteners. The experimental design was used; pre-post test. A total of (32) boy and girl ranging 5 to 6 years old were selected from al-Rabeea’ kindergarten, directorate of al-karkh 2 / Baghdad. The sample divided into equal two group (16) boy and girl of each one. al-Talaqany’s (2016) visual perception skills test among kindergarteners was adopted to collect the required data. The collected data had processed based on (gender, pre-post test, and age). To achieve the objectives of the study; the researcher set up series of sessions that addressed the guided visualization strategy among kindergarteners compose

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Obstacles to the application of total quality management program in a number of iraqi service organizations
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The research aims to statement the main obstacles that prevent the application of total quality management (TQM) in a number of Iraqi service organizations, and by one organization in each of the sectors (health, finance, education, higher education, tourism), which are, (Al-Yarmouk Teaching Hospital, Rafidain Bank/ Branch of Hay Al-Arabi Al-Jadid, Al-Karkh/1 Directorate of Education, College of administration and Economics/ Baghdad University, International Palestine Hotel). The research also, tries to classify the priority of the obstacles depending on the type of service organization surveyed. And diagnoses the extent to which or the difference of the research sample members views on the order of obstacles of TQM, and also proposes a

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 16 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Suggested Model for activating the role of the regulators for the auditing profession in achieving quality audit
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The concept of quality of auditing profession comes on top of the concerns of the international business community and international institutions particularly now following the impact of the several failures and financial hardships suffered by the major companies in the recent collapse of money markets in some countries of the world and fear of their recurrence in the future.An observer of the local and international rules and standards (or principles) finds that these include such implications have direct or indirect effects on the performance of the service of the accountant and auditor, which should upgrade their professional performance in these services to a high level of quality so as to be in line with the requirements, principles

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 06 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Persuasive Sentimental Method in the Electronic Newspapers of Terrorist Organizations - A research drawn from a Master Degree thesis
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The paper probes into minute identification of the data of the methods followed in the electronic newspapers that aim to promote terrorist organizations like Al Qaeda and ISIS to draw emotional empathy and sympathy with them.
The paper aims at identifying:
How emotional empathy was utilized by terrorists in E-newspapers.
How useful utilizing emotional empathy was in attracting supporters. The sample that is used in the paper is based on the opening articles of E-newspapers that propagate Al Qaeda and ISIS, e.g. (Sawtu el jihad) “The Sound of Fighting in the Name of God”, (Mua’skar el Battar wal Shamikha wal Khansaa) “Camps of Al Battar, Shamika, and Khansaa”, “Inspire” and (Thurwatu el Sanam, Dabiq, and Rumiyah)

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu Mar 06 2025
Journal Name
حوالة العقد دراسة في القانونين الفرنسي والانجليزي مع الاشارة للقانوني الايطالي والعراقي
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الصعوبات التي تواجه البحث العلمي في جامعة بغداد من وجهة نظر التدريسيين
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The problem of the study lies in the need for standing on the justifications, reasons and difficulties that face the scientific research matter at Baghdad university. The importance of this study lies in the fact of being scientific research one of the most important methods in developing the teaching members performance efficiency which contributes in teachers contact with the modern developments that emerge in work. That matter which reflexe on the educational process and the scientific production in their universities.

And the research goal is summarized in identifying the difficulties that is facing the scientific research at Baghdad university from the point of view of the lecturers, and also to ide

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Time Series Analysis of Total Suspended Solids Concentrations in Euphrates River in Al-Nasria Province
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The monthly time series of the Total Suspended Solids (TSS) concentrations in Euphrates River at Nasria was analyzed as a time series. The data used for the analysis was the monthly series during (1977-2000).

The series was tested for nonhomogenity and found to be nonhomogeneous. A significant positive jump was observed after 1988. This nonhomogenity was removed using a method suggested by Yevichevich (7). The homogeneous series was then normalized using Box and Cox (2) transformation. The periodic component of the series was fitted using harmonic analyses, and removed from the series to obtain the dependent stochastic component. This component was then modeled using first order autoregressive model (Markovian chain). The above a

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
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Training has an effect on employees’ performances. Accordingly, the person who is responsible for employees’ development must figure out the most effective way to train and develop employees. Central Michigan University (CMU) has recognized the importance of providing appropriate training for employees who have a duty in advising students. The reason is that these employees have a significant impact on students’ educational performances. Thus, special attention to this category of employees is needed to improve advising quality. This research attempted to explore the impact of training on academic advising at CMU. Face-to-face interviews and online surveys were used as data collection tools for this study. The study scope c

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