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The Effectiveness of a Training Program to Improve some Aspects of Sensory Integration Disorder and Its Effect on Self-Direction Among a Sample of Children with Intellectual Disabilities
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The present research was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of a training program to improve some aspects of sensory integration disorder and its effect on self-direction among a sample of children with intellectual disabilities. The study sample consists of (10 subjects as an experimental group) were exposed to the training program، and the control group consists of (10 subjects as a control group) were not exposed to the training program. The study included the following tools: A scale of self-direction for intellectual disability (prepared by the researcher). Training program (prepared by the researcher). The Results of the study showed the following: There are no statistically significant differences between the means ranks of the experimental group and the means ranks of the control group (pre the training program) on the sensory integration Scale. There are statistically significant differences between the means ranks of the experimental group and the means ranks of the control group (after the training program) on the sensory integration scale in favor of the experimental group. There are statistically significant differences between the means ranks of the experimental group in the pre-test and the means ranks of the same group in the post-test on the sensory integration scale in favor of the post-test. There are no statistically significant differences between the means ranks of the experimental group in the post-test and the means ranks of the same group in the follow up-test on sensory integration scale. There are no statistically significant differences between the means ranks of the experimental group and the means ranks of the control group (pre the training program) on the self-direction scale. There are statistically significant differences between the means ranks of the experimental group and the means ranks of the control group (after the training program) on the self-direction scale in favor of the experimental group. There are statistically significant differences between the means ranks of the experimental group in the pre-test and the means ranks of the same group in the post-test on the self-direction scale in favor of the post-test. There are no statistically significant differences among the means ranks of the experimental group in the post-test and the means ranks of the same group in the follow up-test on the self-direction scale.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2011
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Causative Organisms and Risk Factors In Bacterial Meningitis in Al-Elwia Childhood Hospital - Baghdad
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Background: Childhood meningitis is a major
cause of morbidity and mortality, Hemophilus
influenza b (Hib) is the most common cause in
many countries, especially below 5 years and
before the development of conjugated Hib vaccine,
it is followed by Streptococcus Pneumonia, and
then N. meningitides, in addition to other
Objective: To identify the causative organisms
of bacterial meningitis and to identify the factors
predisposing significantly to the incidence of
bacterial meningitis.
Method: This cross sectional , study was done in
Al-Elwia Pediatric Hospital during the period 1st
of January 2007 to 30th of June 2007.Eighty four
patients with presumptive diagnosis of meningitis<

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2023
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Serum Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein and Myelin Protein Zero as Diagnostic Biomarkers in Diabetic Neuropathy
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Background: Diabetic neuropathy can affect any peripheral nerve, including sensory neurons, motor neurons, and the autonomic nervous system. Therefore, diabetic neuropathy has the potential to affect essentially any organ and can affect parts of the nervous system like the optic nerve, spinal cord, and brain. In addition, chronic hyperglycemia affects Schwann cells, and more severe patterns of diabetic neuropathy in humans involve demyelization. Schwann cell destruction might cause a number of changes in the axon. study aims to evaluate serum myelin protein level as a predicting marker in the diagnosis of diabetic neuropathy and to prevent early neuropathy complications of type 2 diabetes.


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Publication Date
Sun Mar 09 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Time-related salivary cathepsin B levels and periodontal status in different orthodontic force magnitudes
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Background: Biologically active substances, such as Cathepsin B (CAB) which is a lysosomalcystein protease may be involved in periodontal metabolism in the degradation of organic bone matrix containing collagen fibers in response to mechanical stress from orthodontic appliance. The aims of study were to determine and compare salivary levels of CAB, pH as well as clinical periodontal parameters (Plaque index PLI and gingival index GI) with different orthodontic force magnitudes at different time intervals. Materials and methods: A twenty-four patients (both gender) with age range (17-23) years had Angle's Class II division 1 malocclusion with GI >0.5 enrolled in this study. The level of salivary CAB and pH, in addition to the clinical period

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
Style between alienation and westernization in contemporary painting: سلامة محمود عبد - صاحب جاسم حسن
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The problematic of the current research marked (style between alienation and westernization in contemporary painting) is demonstrated by the fact that the stylistic forms in art are full of the influx of subjective and emotional impressions, as well as administrative and borrowing techniques, as well as their contextual meaning, whether cultural, social and political, which gives them an alien dimension at one time or another. The aim of the research is: Define the style between alienation and alienwesternization in contemporary painting. The research included six axes dealing with the first axis: an introduction to the concept of alienation, and the second axis dealing with the style in romanticism. The third dealt with: the method in i

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
strategic Vigilance and their impact in Organizational success: Exploratory Research General AL-Faris company
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The present search addressed the "strategic Vigilance and their impact in Organizational success "Where has the objective of strategic Vigilance and Organizational success of increasing importance at the present time, for being fairly modern topics, which have a tremendous impact on the success of organizations.                                                                  &

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 25 2021
Journal Name
Caai Transactions On Intelligence Technology
Shoulder girdle recognition using electrophysiological and low frequency anatomical contraction signals for prosthesis control
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Publication Date
Sat Oct 19 2019
Journal Name
Geotechnical And Geological Engineering
Local Scale Displacement Fields in Grains–Structure Interactions Under Cyclic Loading: Experiments and Simulations
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Abstract<p>Soils encounter cyclic loading conditions in situ, for example during the earthquakes and in the construction sequences of pavements. Investigations on the local scale displacements of the soil grain and their failure patterns under the cyclic loading conditions are relatively scarce in the literature. In this study, the local displacement fields of a dense sand layer interacting with a rigid footing under the plane-strain condition are examined using both experiments and simulations. Three commonly used types of cyclic loading conditions were applied on the footing. Digital particle image velocimetry (DPIV) is used to measure the local scale displacement fields in the soil, and to understand the ev</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Anatomical study for leaves and Epidermal properties in Athionema R.BR. species (Brassicaceae) in Iraq.
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The research included anatomical study of nine wild species of the genus
Athionema R.BR. from BrassicaceA family in Iraq, and these species are:
A.arabicum (L.), A.carneum (Banks et sol.),A. cordifolium (DC.), A.fimbriatum
(Boiss.),A. froedinii (Rech. F.), A. speciosum (Boiss. et Huet), A. syriacum
(Boiss.),A. grandiflorum (Boiss. et Hoh.) , A.trinervium (D.C.).The research
covered the anatomical characteristic of the leaf Epidermis as well as leaves
venation, also transvers sections for leaves were studied ,and revealed that some
anatomical characteristics have taxonomic importance in distinguishing the species.
This research also showed the presence of important variations in internal charecters
for leaves an

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 20 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Modified Radial Based Neural Network for Clustering and Routing Optimal Path in Wireless Network
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Several methods have been developed for routing problem in MANETs wireless network, because it considered very important problem in this network ,we suggested proposed method based on modified radial basis function networks RBFN and Kmean++ algorithm. The modification in RBFN for routing operation in order to find the optimal path between source and destination in MANETs clusters. Modified Radial Based Neural Network is very simple, adaptable and efficient method to increase the life time of nodes, packet delivery ratio and the throughput of the network will increase and connection become more useful because the optimal path has the best parameters from other paths including the best bitrate and best life link with minimum delays. The re

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 05 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Climatic Analysis and Climatic Water Balance Determination for Al- Yusufiyah Area, Southern Baghdad, Iraq
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The Climatic parameters for the years (1985-2015) were collected from Baghdad
meteorological station and then were applied to evaluate the climatic conditions for
the Al-Yusufyiah area south Baghdad. The total annual rainfall is (119.65 mm),
while the total annual evaporation is (3201.7 mm), relative humidity is (43.62%),
sunshine (8.76 h/day), temperature (23.28 C◦) and wind speed (3.06 m/sec). Climate
of the study area is described as an arid according to classification of (Kettaneh and
Gangopadhyaya, 1974), (Mather, 1973), and (Al-Kubaisi, 2004). Mean monthly
water surplus for the period (1985-2015) was recorded in the study area about (4.7
mm) in November, (11.67 mm) in December, (20.56 mm) in January and (6

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