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The Impact of the Strategy of Cooperative Integration of Fragmented Information in the Acquisition of Physical Concepts and Science Processes among Fourth Scientific Students

The current research aims to reveal the impact of the strategy of cooperative integration of fragmented information in the acquisition of physical concepts and science processes among fourth scientific students through the null hypotheses:

1- There is no statistically significant difference at the level of significance (0.05) between the average grades of female students of the experimental group studying physics according to the strategy of cooperative integration of fragmented information and those who follow the traditional method in the test of acquiring physical concepts.

2-There is no statistically significant difference at the level of indication (0.05) between the average grades of female students of the experimental group studying physics according to the strategy of cooperative integration of fragmented information and those who follow the traditional method in the test of science processes. The research community is determined by all the students of the fourth grade in the secondary schools of the Directorate General of Karkh Education\1 for the academic year (2018-2019). As for the sample, two classes collected from al-Anfal High School for girls. The sample was randomly distributed in (36) Students as experimental groups and (33) students as a control group. The researcher prepared all the requirements of the experiment (behavioral purposes, teaching plans, testing the acquisition of physical concepts, and testing the processes of science). The teachers under the supervision of the researcher taught the two research groups. The experiment lasted for (12) weeks. The results showed a statistically significant difference between the averages of the two groups in the concept acquisition test and for the benefit of the experimental group. On the other hand, the results did not show a significant difference in Statistics between the averages of the two groups in the science processes test. Based on the results of the experiment, the researcher came out with a number of recommendations and suggestions.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 13 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
صك صك الرزق في القرن الأول الهجري(البطاقة التموينية)

 The government gave the muslims additional things to the sum of money ,it was al rizq which was given to the mujahidin .

   Those who distributed the ata where called al urafa ,they were from the best biography people

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 14 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الامام الإمام الطرطوشي (520هـ) وآراؤه الفقهية في الأحوال الشخصية

This research deals with the ideas of Imam Muhammad bin Al-Waleed bin Khalaf bin Sulaiman bin Ayyub , Al -Qurashi, The Moroccan, The  Andalusian, Al-Maliki. He was  known as Abu Bakr Al-Tartoushey , where thesis deals  with the details of his personal life and as well as his scientific path  as well as  his works, and also covered the views of jurisprudence in the personal status and especially on the subject of divorce and inheritance,

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 27 2020
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
دراسة الوعي اللغوي في الخطاب القانوني محاكم العراق أنموذجًا

The legal text in the language of civil law, constitutional law, language of judges, and legal profession is concerned with a legal language and words that are coherently significant

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
التدقيق الداخلي وأثرة في الحد من ظاهرة غسيل الأموال

Still Financial institutions, including banks, a key target for money launderers to transfer illicit funds to the legitimate funds and by weaknesses in the internal audit procedures applied in the banks or through a lack of legal structure to combat this phenomenon in addition to the procedures by other regulations                                                                


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Publication Date
Wed Oct 31 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
حوار حوار الانبياء في القرآن الكريم-دراسة اسلوبية مقارنة

اسلوب الحوار في القرآن الكريم اسلوب حياة وفي حقيقة الامر يضم القرآن الكريم بين دفتيه حوارات كثير مابين الله عزوجل وخلقه وما بين الانبياء واقوامهم وما بين الانبياء والطواغيت ومابين المؤمنين والكفار وهكذا ، وبدء الخلق قام على حوار مابين  الله عزوجل وآدم وما بين آدم وابليس وما بيا الله جل وعلا والملائكة .

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الأوضاع النفسية والإجتماعية لنساء الأقليات في العراق )دراسة ميدانية(

The study present a detailed description of the new violent situation that those women faced after 2003 in Iraqi society and the effect of such violence and security breaking down on minority women perception and feeling of bonding or adaptation with this society and how they look to the aaceptance of the society to them and their minority group as a whole. In addition to the impact of these social changes after 2003,on the women rights and personal freedom. One of the aims of the study is to provide data base to be used when efforts present to put a policies or programs for supporting the minority women. Another aim is to point out and define the violations commited on the rights of those women. The field survey included 2100 women from

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
הריאליזם ביצירותיו של אהרן מגד "דוגמאות נבחרות מיצירותיו"


             הריאליזם הספרותי במשמעו הכללי מצייג אשר כל מה מציינת בה הספרות מציורים מדוייקים לסביבה ולכן אדם. ויש להתחשב בפרטים המשותפים לחיים היומיומית.

             האסכולה הריאליזטית מצטיינת בזיאנרים אין זוכים בם איזו אסכולה ספרותית אחרת. האסכולה הזאת הופיעה בספרות העברית החדשה כתוצאה להשפעתה של הספרות העברית בס

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
تَنویرُ الذَّاتِ بالمنتَخبَاتِ من مَسائِل النحوِ في سُورةِ المرسَلاتِ

That grammatical studies, a phenomenon of the Arabic language,
enabling the researcher during his research of the development of sentences,
textual analysis, to be the result of that meaning semantic of a sentence, and
the statement of the function the individual, in terms of its meaning in
context, and a link to the meaning lexical give indications of the current
single, and correlation analysis II , in terms of significance with the current
status syntactic to that individual, and these of the most important features of
grammatical studies of modern, based on the relationship structure sense, and
the relationship of the meaning of the structure, we looked for Aiklo for such
a study, Koran, all meanings and co

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 08 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
المشكالت الصحية المرافقة لالستخدام الخاطئ للحاسوب في مدينة بغداد

The Research aimed for identification the significant of health problems that occurrences through
misused of computer for those whom attaches with more than two hours daily and to identification the
nature of demographical characteristics variables and that related variables with using computer. Also to
know the level of user’s knowledge for some attaché’s equipment's and finally creating a new suggested
measurement scale for studying health problems that were occurred through misused of computer.
Creating questionnaire includes several domains (Social problems – family environment, Social problems –
external environment, some health problems attaches with related equipment's, psychological problems,
and hea

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
إدراك الأزیاء في ظل علاقاتھا الجمالیة بعناصر العرض المسرحي

The fashion accused important optical avenge with the rest of visual elements
, That style of fashion design stir up beautiful feelings by using fashion forming
that is suitable with the nature of designable treatments to other elements .
The fashions contains the nature of relation ships of educational address and
the kind of beliefs , So the visual beauty is limited for those relation which are the
designer fashion tried to redesign and set them anew . so as to goes with beautifully
with the last visual for fashions.

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