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The impact of implementing the integrated education strategy on the academic achievement of the Arabic language curriculum for the seventh grade in the schools of Amman
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The study aims to identify the impact of the implementation of the integrated education strategy in the curriculum of the Arabic language for the seventh grade on the academic achievement in the schools of the capital Amman. The researcher adopted the experimental method, where two divisions of the seventh grade students were chosen from the secondary school for girls. The sample of the study was 60 students divided into two equal groups: 30 students represented the experimental group (A) and (30) students represented the control group. To collect the needed data, a test of (40) Multiple Choices was used. The results showed statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the experimental group who were taught according to the integrated learning strategy and the average control group who followed the traditional method of the Arabic language achievement test in favor of the experimental group.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2023
Journal Name
Tikrit Journal Of Administrative And Economic Sciences
الانفاق العام على التعليم ودوره في تحسين مؤشرات راس المال البشري التعليمية في العراق للمدة 2005-2020 " دراسة تحليلية "
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يتمتع العراق بموارد بشرية هائلة حيث يعد من البلدان الفتية، إلا أنه يعاني من أزمة رأس مال بشري تغذيها أزمة التعليم، ولكون التعليم أبرز مكونات رأس المال البشري فقد ذلك بشكل كبير على مؤشر رأس المال البشري في العراق، من هذا المنطلق وللدور الكبير الذي يلعبه الانفاق العام في أي مجال، جاءت هذه الدراسة للبحث في موضوع "الانفاق العام على التعليم ودوره في تحسين مؤشرات راس المال البشري التعليمية في العراق"، حيث هدف ه

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 29 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advances In Scientific Research And Engineering (ijasre), Issn:2454-8006, Doi: 10.31695/ijasre
Yolo Versions Architecture: Review
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Deep learning techniques are applied in many different industries for a variety of purposes. Deep learning-based item detection from aerial or terrestrial photographs has become a significant research area in recent years. The goal of object detection in computer vision is to anticipate the presence of one or more objects, along with their classes and bounding boxes. The YOLO (You Only Look Once) modern object detector can detect things in real-time with accuracy and speed.  A neural network from the YOLO family of computer vision models makes one-time predictions about the locations of bounding rectangles and classification probabilities for an image. In layman's terms, it is a technique for instantly identifying and recognizing

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Nasaq Journal
Iraqi EFL Students’ Attitudes towards Online Learning
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Online learning is not a new concept in education, but it has been used extensively since the Covid-19 pandemic and is still in use now. Every student in the world has gone through this learning process from the primary to the college levels, with both teachers and students conducting instruction online (at home). The goal of the current study is to investigate college students’ attitudes towards online learning. To accomplish the goal of the current study, a questionnaire is developed and adjusted before being administered to a sample of 155 students. Additionally, validity and reliability are attained. Some conclusions, recommendations, and suggestions are offered in the end.

Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
COVID-19 Diagnosis System using SimpNet Deep Model
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After the outbreak of COVID-19, immediately it converted from epidemic to pandemic. Radiologic images of CT and X-ray have been widely used to detect COVID-19 disease through observing infrahilar opacity in the lungs. Deep learning has gained popularity in diagnosing many health diseases including COVID-19 and its rapid spreading necessitates the adoption of deep learning in identifying COVID-19 cases. In this study, a deep learning model, based on some principles has been proposed for automatic detection of COVID-19 from X-ray images. The SimpNet architecture has been adopted in our study and trained with X-ray images. The model was evaluated on both binary (COVID-19 and No-findings) classification and multi-class (COVID-19, No-findings

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 08 2021
Journal Name
مجلة واسط للعلوم الإنسانية
‫الفوضى ‬الخلاقة والتغيير الإجتماعي‬ - ‫تنظير وصفي‬ ‫للواقع‬ ‫العراقي‬‬
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In light of Chaos, the members of societies' general feeling of the system's importance often increases because they believe that they will lose all forms of security and safety if it does not exist. That is why they attribute such a high value to it, and the fear of the system's absence makes it inevitable for it to have continuity, for we live in a world full of surprises, rapid changes, confusion, and confusing

Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
أنموذج مقترح لتقييم أداء العاملين " دراسة تطبيقية في ديوان الرقابة المالية الاتحادي"
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يعد تقييم اداء العاملين احد اهم الركائز الاساسية التي يتوقف عليها نجاح أي منظمة تسعى بأن تتطور وتتميز بأنشطتها واداءها وبالأخص المنظمات التي لها خصوصية في عملها كالأجهزة الرقابية التي تعتمد في اداء انشطتها ومسؤولياتها على كفاءة مواردها البشرية, ومن هذا المنطلق يهدف هذا البحث الى تصميم انموذج ثلاثي المحاور (المؤهلات والقدرات، الاداء والانجاز، التعاون والالتزام الوظيفي) ثُماني المستويات

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 07 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
الدوریـات الطبیّة العربیّة الإلكترونیّة دراسـة تقویمیـة
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Objective: The aims of research to identify sample of websites of Arabian medical periodicals and exam applying to
standards for publishing on the internet.
Methodology: A survey method is applied about nine medical periodicals websites and data are collected through
forms include five international standards to assessing websites.
Results: of data collected, the following findings are obtained:
1. Through examining website addresses, unsuitability was found in using Universal Resources Locater, because six of
periodicals use com. in URL. While, all of them not relevance commercial but scientific aim.
2. To measure Credibility Standard by adopting numbers values, the results found, four of periodicals obtained (level

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Publication Date
Tue May 24 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Interactive Mobile Technologies (ijim)
Computational Thinking (CT) Among University Students
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Computational Thinking (CT) is very useful in the process of solving everyday problems for undergraduates. In terms of content, computational thinking involves solving problems, studying data patterns, deconstructing problems using algorithms and procedures, doing simulations, computer modeling, and reasoning about abstract things. However, there is a lack of studies dealing with it and its skills that can be developed and utilized in the field of information and technology used in learning and teaching. The descriptive research method was used, and a test research tool was prepared to measure the level of (CT) consisting of (24) items of the type of multiple-choice to measure the level of "CT". The research study group consists of

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Diagnosing Pilgrimage Common Diseases by Interactive Multimedia Courseware
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In this study, we attempt to provide healthcare service to the pilgrims. This study describes how a multimedia courseware can be used in making the pilgrims aware of the common diseases that are present in Saudi Arabia during the pilgrimage. The multimedia courseware will also be used in providing some information about the symptoms of these diseases, and how each of them can be treated. The multimedia courseware contains a virtual representation of a hospital, some videos of actual cases of patients, and authentic learning activities intended to enhance health competencies during the pilgrimage. An examination of the courseware was conducted so as to study the manner in which the elements of the courseware are applied in real-time learn

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Hybrid CNN-based Recommendation System
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Recommendation systems are now being used to address the problem of excess information in several sectors such as entertainment, social networking, and e-commerce. Although conventional methods to recommendation systems have achieved significant success in providing item suggestions, they still face many challenges, including the cold start problem and data sparsity. Numerous recommendation models have been created in order to address these difficulties. Nevertheless, including user or item-specific information has the potential to enhance the performance of recommendations. The ConvFM model is a novel convolutional neural network architecture that combines the capabilities of deep learning for feature extraction with the effectiveness o

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