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the Planning and Management of Services in Rural Areas, AL-Gharraf sub-district in Dhi Qar Governorate, a case study.
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         Bringing about urban, economic, and social changes in rural areas similar to those occurring in urban areas aims to reduce urban-rural disparities by providing services in those areas, decentralizing the management of these services, expanding citizen participation in local governance (decentralized administration), and achieving comprehensive development, developing and empowering localities, and keeping pace with new transformations and their impacts on the functions of the center and localities. In fact, the lack of clarity of the role of local government in planning and managing services has hindered development plans, and declined the level of services in rural areas, and has negatively affected the comprehensive development process. However, local government contribute directly to the development of rural areas through participation in the preparation of local plans, and the management of various services in rural areas by their residents is more effective.

The research problem is summarized in the absence and lack of clarity of the role of local government in planning and managing services, which led to obstruction of development plans, and a decline in the level of services in rural areas and negatively affected the comprehensive development process.


The research hypothesized that local governments contribute directly to the development of rural areas through managing services in different rural areas, and that participation in preparing local plans will contribute to translating regional and national plans into realistic plans.


Within the theoretical framework of the research, the role of local governments (starting from the sub-district council to districts councils and provincial councils) was reviewed in identifying, evaluating needs and including them in development plans according to their priorities. The second part reviews the role of these local governments in managing and directing these services to achieve the desired public benefit and to develop rural areas.

As for the practical framework of the research, the Al-Gharraf sub-district of Al-Shatrah district was chosen as the focus of the practical study, which included studying the reality of community services and infrastructure services in rural villages and the urban center and the hierarchical relationship in the administrative and planning aspects between them in the sub-district, and in two directions:


  • Studying the status of the services provided in terms of spatial distribution, the type and quantity of services provided, and comparing them with the approved planning standards and citizens’ desires.
  • Studying the mechanism of the planning process for services and managing them at the local level, and the problems and obstacles facing this planning and administrative process in these areas.


Two questionnaires were prepared that relied on collecting data for the study area and surveying opinions for each segment (officials and citizens) and evaluating them about the availability and effectiveness of the process of planning and managing services in the study area based on a set of indicators


 that determine the level of services in rural areas.And for the purpose of achieving the goal of the research: -


 The research relied in proving its hypothesis on the descriptive-inductive approach in achieving its objectives, and finding appropriate solutions to enhance the process of planning and managing services in rural areas, by studying the role of local government, and the participation of citizens in the process of planning and managing services within the study area. And for the purpose of obtaining data and information about the study area, the researcher used the questionnaire form to collect information about the study area.


The most important results reached in this research are: - The need to advance the service reality of rural areas by distributing planning and administrative roles between the central government, local government, the private sector, and citizens in the process of planning and managing local services, and the distribution of joint powers and authorities between the Central and local governments on the basis of the local government taking over the management of local services, while the central government participates in the management of service projects of a national or local nature that requires achieving integration in management between the province and its region, or hierarchical services extending from the center to the region and districts, and the trend towards regionalization of some types of local services as a first step to address the phenomenon of spread and dispersal of services, and to achieve integration in providing them on the basis of organizing the levels of their provision (from the simple to the high level), with the adoption of the private sector as an alternative provider of all local services with redefining the concept of the relationship between the private sector, the provision of social services, and defining its role on the one hand, and building new types of relationships between local citizens and public service providers on the other hand, to ensure the reduced of the cost of providing the appropriate mix of required services

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 19 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Quality of Experience Measurement for Video Streaming Based On Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Inference System
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Technological development in recent years leads to increase the access speed in the networks that allow a huge number of users watching videos online. Video streaming is one of the most popular applications in networking systems. Quality of Experience (QoE) measurement for transmitted video streaming may deal with data transmission problems such as packet loss and delay. This may affect video quality and leads to time consuming. We have developed an objective video quality measurement algorithm that uses different features, which affect video quality. The proposed algorithm has been estimated the subjective video quality with suitable accuracy. In this work, a video QoE estimation metric for video strea

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 13 2022
Journal Name
Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing
An integrated entropy-spatial framework for automatic gender recognition enhancement of emotion-based EEGs
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 05 2023
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
Theoretical Analysis of Composite RC Beams with Pultruded GFRP Beams subjected to Impact Loading
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Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) beams have gained attention due to their promising mechanical properties and potential for structural applications. Combining GFRP core and encasing materials creates a composite beam with superior mechanical properties. This paper describes the testing encased GFRP beams as composite Reinforced Concrete (RC) beams under low-velocity impact load. Theoretical analysis was used with practical results to simulate the tested beams' behavior and predict the generated energies during the impact loading. The impact response was investigated using repeated drops of 42.5 kg falling mass from various heights. An analysis was performed using accelerometer readings to calculate the generalized inertial load

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Thermo Elasto-Plastic Analysis of Rotating Axisymmetrical Bodies Using Modified Von-Mises Yield Criterion
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In the present work, the behavior of thick-walled cylinder of elasto-plastic material (polymeric material) has been studied analytically. The study is based on modified Von-Mises yield criterion (for non metallic material). The equations of stress distribution are obtained for the cylinder under general cases of elastic expansion, plastic initiation and elastic-plastic expansion.

        A computer program is developed for evaluating the stress distribution. The solution is carried out for worst boundary conditions when the cylinder is subjected to the combination of pressure load, inertia load, and temperature gradient.

        The results are presente

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Comparison of Ionospheric Total Electron Content Measurements with IRI- 2012 Model Predictions Over Athens
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Total Electron Content measurements derived from Athens station ionograms (ITEC),
located near Iraq, during the ascending phase of solar cycle 24 (July 2009- April 2010),
according to availability of data, are compared with the latest version of the International
Reference Ionosphere model, IRI-2012 (IRI TEC), using two options (NeQuick, IRI01-
Corr) for topside electron density.
The results obtained from both (ITEC and IRI TEC) techniques were similar, where
correlation coefficients between them are very high. Generally, the IRI predictions
overestimate the ITEC values.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 24 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Preparation of Nanoliposomes by Size Exclusion Chromatography to Entrap Soluble Antigens from Leishmania Donovani
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In this study, we investigated the ability of nanoliposomes preparation, as a nanoadjuvant, to entrap soluble Leismania donovani antigens (SLAs) and release in vitro. The parasite reactivation was carried out when inoculated into Rosewell park memorial institute media (RPMI) and incubated at 23 °C for 4 days. L. donovani promastigote inoculum (104 cell / ml) of 4 days was used to inoculate modified medium of Saline - Neopeptone and Blood agar 9 (SNB 9) to produce promastigote mass. SLAs were extracted from the promastigotes ghost membrane after fourth passages of subculturing in SNB. The membrane pellet obtained was suspended in 5 mM Tris buffer (pH 7.6) and sonicated three times at 4 °C and entrapped in freshly prepared nanoliposomes.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 18 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Effect of optimal shot peening time on fatigue life for aluminum alloy 6061-T651
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The compressive residual stresses generated by shot peening, is increased in a direct proportional way with shot peening time (SPT). For each metal, there is an optimum shot peening time (O.S.T) which gives the optimum fatigue life. This paper experimentally studied to optimize shot peening time of aluminium alloy 6061-T651 as well as using of and analysis of variance (ANOVA).

Two types of fatigue test specimens’ configuration were used, one without notch (smooth) and the other with a notch radius (1,25mm), each type was shot peened at different time. The (O.S.T) was experimentally estimated  to be 8 minutes reaching the surface stresses at maximum peak of -184.94 MPa.

A response surface methodology (RSM) is presen

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 05 2023
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
Theoretical Analysis of Composite RC Beams with Pultruded GFRP Beams subjected to Impact Loading
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Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) beams have gained attention due to their promising mechanical properties and potential for structural applications. Combining GFRP core and encasing materials creates a composite beam with superior mechanical properties. This paper describes the testing encased GFRP beams as composite Reinforced Concrete (RC) beams under low-velocity impact load. Theoretical analysis was used with practical results to simulate the tested beams' behavior and predict the generated energies during the impact loading. The impact response was investigated using repeated drops of 42.5 kg falling mass from various heights. An analysis was performed using accelerometer readings to calculate the generalized inertial load. The in

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Constructing RKM-Method for Solving Fractional Ordinary Differential Equations of Fifth-Order with Applications
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This paper sheds the light on the vital role that fractional ordinary differential equations(FrODEs) play in the mathematical modeling and in real life, particularly in the physical conditions. Furthermore, if the problem is handled directly by using numerical method, it is a far more powerful and efficient numerical method in terms of computational time, number of function evaluations, and precision. In this paper, we concentrate on the derivation of the direct numerical methods for solving fifth-order FrODEs  in one, two, and three stages. Additionally, it is important to note that the RKM-numerical methods with two- and three-stages for solving fifth-order ODEs are convenient, for solving class's fifth-order FrODEs. Numerical exa

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 20 2021
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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The species of Opilio kakunini Snegovaya, Cokendolpher & Mozaffarian, 2018 was recorded for the first time in Iraq; as well as to four species belonging to this order which were recorded previously. In this paper, we added a new species to the checklist of Iraqi opilionid fauna with a description of the most important characteristics, along with genitalia, for both males and females are presented with digital photographs. Specimens of males and females were collected from Al- Rifai district northern of Dhi-Qar Province, southern of Iraq.

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