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The guarantees to the rule of law Iraq and Algeria exemplar
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      ان اي مجتمع لابد له من سلطة تنظم امره وتدبر شؤونه لان المجتمع الانساني ضروري ويعبر الحكماء عن هذا بقولهم (( الانسان مدني بالطبع اي لابد له من الاجتماع ))(

[i]) ، وان مبدأ سيادة القانون يتطلب وجود دولة قانونية تقوم على اركان حقيقية تستمد قوتها من الشعب باعتباره مصدر السلطات ،ولها قوة ملزمة تستمدها من القواعد الدستورية التي ارست عليها بنائها القانوني.

      واليوم ونحن في العقد الثاني من الالفية الثالثة نرى مدى تطور الانظمة الديمقراطية التي قطعت اشواطاً كبيرة في بناء دولة المؤسسات والقانون ،اي الدولة القانونية التي تقوم على مبدأ المساواة بين مواطنيها ، وعلى التداول السلمي لنقل السلطة بين حكامها .

     ان دولة القانون تعني سريان حكم القانون على الحاكم والمحكوم على حد سواء ، لذلك فأن من اهم ضمانات مبدأ سيادة القانون هو وجود رقابة حقيقية وفعالة لتطبيق القانون وحمايته من اي تجاوز عليه من السلطات ،او افراد الشعب ،ومن هذه الضمانات الرقابة السياسية التي تكون اوسع قاعدة رقابية لما فيها من حلقات رقابية متعددة ومتنوعة تعمل على حماية القانون وضمان احترامه ، وللإدارة دور في حماية مبدأ سيادة القانون من خلال الرقابة الادارية التي تسمح للإدارة بمراجعة اعمالها وامكانيتها في سحب اعمالها المخالفة لمبدأ المشروعية، وان كانت هي الحكم والخصم في هذه الحماية الا ان عملها المتنوع ذاتي متعدد الدرجات .

    ولم يقف الامر عندها بل وجود الرقابة القضائية يعد صمام امان حقيقي بين الادارة ومواطنيها والتي تعمل على حماية حقوق وحريات الافراد من اي تجاوز، وهي اكثر انواع الرقابة فاعلية لأنها تعمل على الموازنة بين المصلحة العامة والمصلحة الخاصة، وان ابهى صور الدولة القانونية تتجلى في صيانة مبدأ المشروعية الذي يعني( ان يخضع الحكام جميعاً للقانون ،بحيث لا تكون اعمالهم ولا قراراتهم صحيحة قانوناً ولا ملزمة للأفراد ،الا بقدر التزامها بحدود الاطار القانوني الذي تعيش في ظله )([ii])،متى ما التزم الجميع بحدود القانون نكون امام الدولة القانونية.


[i] مقدمة ابن خلدون : ص41.

[ii] د. احمد كمال ابو المجد : رقابة القضاء على اعمال الادارة ، دار النهضة العربية ، القاهرة ،1964،ص7.

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Publication Date
Fri May 19 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Environment, Agriculture And Biotechnology 2 (4 …‏
Effect of Knives Type on Some Operational Characteristics fora Locally Assembly Motorized Vibration Cutter Used for Date Palm Fronds Pruning‏
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Publication Date
Thu Oct 25 2018
Journal Name
Al-nahrain Journal Of Science
Synthesis of some New 3-Substituted Heterocyclic Compounds Containing Bridgehead Nitrogen from 2-Amino Pyridine with Study Their Biological Activity
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Eastern-european Journal Of Enterprise Technologies
Investigation of evaluated temperature oxidation for IN-738 LC superalloy turbine blade thermally coated by AL2O3 using slurry coating process
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The study aims to investigate the effect of Al2O3 and Al additions to Nickel-base superalloys as a coating layer on oxidation resistance, and structural behavior of nickel superalloys such as IN 738 LC. Nickel-base superalloys are popular as base materials for hot components in industrial gas turbines such as blades due to their superior mechanical performance and high-temperature oxidation resistance, but the combustion gases' existence generates hot oxidation at high temperatures for long durations of time, resulting in corrosion of turbine blades which lead to massive economic losses. Turbine blades used in Iraqi electrical gas power stations require costly maintenance using traditional processes regularly. These blades are made

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
An Integrated Information Gain with A Black Hole Algorithm for Feature Selection: A Case Study of E-mail Spam Filtering
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     The current issues in spam email detection systems are directly related to spam email classification's low accuracy and feature selection's high dimensionality. However, in machine learning (ML), feature selection (FS) as a global optimization strategy reduces data redundancy and produces a collection of precise and acceptable outcomes. A black hole algorithm-based FS algorithm is suggested in this paper for reducing the dimensionality of features and improving the accuracy of spam email classification. Each star's features are represented in binary form, with the features being transformed to binary using a sigmoid function. The proposed Binary Black Hole Algorithm (BBH) searches the feature space for the best feature subsets,

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effectiveness of Structured Educational Program on Nurses’ Practices Concerning Therapeutic Communication at Cardiac Care Units in Holy Karbala Governorate Hospitals
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Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational program on nurses' practices concerning therapeutic communication.
Methodology: A quasi experimental design was carried out at Karbala Center for Cardiac Diseases and Surgery, Imam Hussein Medical City and Al-Handia General Hospital for period 10th June 2017 to the 15th of August 2018.
The program and instruments were constructed and developed by the researcher to measure the purpose of the study. Purposive sample comprised of (57) nurses were divided into two groups, study and control groups. The questionnaire consisted from two parts, first part is related to nurses' demographic characteristics and second part which include practices checkl

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 27 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Practices of Early Childhood’s Mothers Regarding Toilet Training at Primary Health Care Centers in Al-Rusafa District in Baghdad City
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Objective(s): To assess the practices of early childhood’s mothers regarding toilet training and to find out the relationship between mothers’ practices and their socio-demographic characteristics and their children’s demographic characteristics.
Methodology: A descriptive study is conducted at primary health care centers in Al-Rusafa District in Baghdad City for the period of September 19th 2020 to March 16th 2021. Non probability “convenient” sample of (225) early childhood’s mothers is selected. A questionnaire format is designed and composed of two parts: the first part includes mothers’ socio-demographic characteristics and their children and the second part includes structured close-ended questions to assess the p

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2022
Journal Name
Nature Environment And Pollution Technology
Green Synthesis Of Bimetallic Iron/Copper Nanoparticles Using Ficus Leaves Extract For Removing Orange G(OG) Dye From Aqueous Medium
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This study shows that it is possible to fabricate and characterize green bimetallic nanoparticles using eco-friendly reduction and a capping agent, which is then used for removing the orange G dye (OG) from an aqueous solution. Characterization techniques such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDAX), X-Ray diffraction (XRD), and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) were applied on the resultant bimetallic nanoparticles to ensure the size, and surface area of particles nanoparticles. The results found that the removal efficiency of OG depends on the G‑Fe/Cu‑NPs concentration (0.5-2.0 g.L-1), initial pH (2‑9), OG concentration (10-50 mg.L-1), and temperature (30-50 °C). The batch experiments showed

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Scopus (4)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Seroprevalence of Hepatitis Bs antigen among pregnant women visiting primary health care centers in Baghdad Al-Jadeda sector in Baghdad.
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Background: Hepatitis B is a potentially life-threatening liver infection which is caused by the hepatitis B virus. Universal testing of hepatitis B virus of pregnant women already occurs in many parts of the world, but still suboptimal in resource-limited settings.
Objectives: To find the seroprevalence of hepatitis B s antigen in pregnant women visiting primary health care centers in Baghdad Al-Jadeda health sector that belongs to Baghdad Al-Rusafa health directorate and to determine the effect of some social and obstetrical factors in the infected women.
Patients and Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional study carried on 6975 records of pregnant women visited primary health care centers from 1st of January 2016 to 30th of Jun

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 30 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Effect of Anti Diuretic Hormon (ADH) in Kidney Function on Post Hemodialysis End Stage Renal Failure Disease (ESRD) Iraqi Patients
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Chronic renal disease (CRD) is a patho-physiologic process with multiple etiologies, resulting in the inexorable attrition of Nephron number and function and frequently leading to end-stage renal disease (ESRD). In turn, ESRD represents a clinical state or condition in which there has been an irreversible loss of endogenous renal function, of a degree sufficient to render the patient permanently dependent upon renal replacement therapy (dialysis of transplantation) in order to avoid life threatening uremia. The current study was applied on 80 patients, the age range within 25-70 years, selected sample of patients who attend Iraqi center of kidney dialysis, Baghdad Teaching Hospital and Al-Yarmok Teaching Hospital . All t

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 19 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Multiple Mixing Ratios of Gamma Rays Reaction 32 70 70 33 ( , ) Ge p n As γ Using a2-ratio Method.
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 The δ-mixing of γ-transitions in 70As populated in the 32 70 70 33 ( , ) Ge p n As γ
 reaction is
calculated in the present work by using the a2-ratio methods.    In one work we applied this method for two cases,   the first one is for pure transition and the sacend one is for non pure transition, We take into account the experimental a2-coefficient for previous works and δ -values for one transition only.The results obtained are, in general, in a good agreement within associated errors, with those reported previously , the discrepancies that occur are due to inaccuracies existing in the experimental data of the previous works.   

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