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Legal mechanisms to combat terrorism in contemporary international law
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The terrorist threat has increased dramatically over the past three decades. After terrorist attacks were carried out in traditional ways and left limited victims and casualties in targeted groups and installations, they were carried out in very precise and sophisticated ways, benefiting from modern technology and losing huge losses, Or property and installations ...

Until recently, terrorist operations were usually aimed at hijacking civilian aircraft, abducting individuals, taking and holding hostages (prominent figures, diplomats and even private individuals), as well as dropping bombs and planting unexploded ordnance, but their dangers now escalated depending on the development of the means used and the target groups and facilities. Terrorist groups have taken advantage of everything that would enable them to carry out their operations even at the expense of innocent people.

Recently, there have been new manifestations of these terrorist operations, which have been steadily increasing and are linked to the destruction of information through international communication networks. Groups and individuals have become politically motivated and even personal, and even adolescents, motivated by their rush and curiosity, inside their rooms and offices and in front of their computers, For the major companies and national and international institutions far from them, after the world became a small village by the development of means of communication and the flow of news through the road of information. Resulting in significant financial and service losses in a short period of time, and panic and fear among the owners of these programs and institutions.

The dangers of the use of chemical and biological weapons by terrorist groups and new means have become increasingly urgent in the international arena, especially after the collapse of the Soviet Union, where more than one question was raised about the fate of its nuclear arsenals. Weapons from the black market in the light of the economic and social problems that accompanied the transformations in Russia after this collapse and the associated difficult situations of a large group of scientists in this regard, in such a way that may make them not withstand the financial temptations of these groups Enable them to provide important information in this regard.

In this research, we aim to achieve the main objective of defining the legal mechanisms to combat terrorism by dividing it into two areas according to the following plan:

First topic: National and international legal mechanisms to combat terrorism

The second topic: Effectiveness of legal mechanisms and their impact on combating terrorism

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Towards a new global leadership to combat international terrorism
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In the early 1990s, as the beginning of the new unilateral leadership of global power by the United States, a new climate of rivalry emerged between revolutionary jihad and national jihad. Al-Qaeda has played on both sides to promote its agenda in support of global jihad. The veteran Afghan warriors returned to the Arab world after the play against the Soviet army "infidel" in Afghanistan after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 and until the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1990. The Arab world is looking for roles to attract international forces seeking to implement specific projects that need a combat tool . Al-Qaeda has tried to exploit national conflicts and the emergence of sectarian political streams in the Middle Eas

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The legal provisions of the continental shelf in international law
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الأحكام القانونية للجرف القاري في القانون الدولي

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 10 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The legal basis for international cooperation in suppressing the crime of financing terrorism
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 The international society  feels the need to  the  placement of  means and  legal measures  and procedures  to fight the terrorism- financing crime   ,  thus  the UN  has issued  the international convention to fight  the financing of terrorism  for the year 1999 and a number of resolutions  undertaking to control  the terrorism funders  in the world,  specially the resolution  1373 for the year  2001  and followed by a number of states . The countries    have placed  legislations  suited with  the conditions of every state,  but all of these countries  agree  to confront  t

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The administration obligation in circulation the information to combat terrorism A study in the scope anti-terrorism apparatus law no.31(2016)
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     يمثل الارهاب في وقتنا الراهن اصعب التحديات التي تواجهها المجتمعات المختلفة ، فخطر توسع الظاهرة الارهابية اليوم لايشمل فقط دولاً او مجتمعات محددة او معلومة بل ان هذا الخطر يتسع ليشمل مجتماعات ودول كانت في مأمن حتى أوقات قريبة من الاخطار الارهابية ،إذ اصبحت مدن أوربية كثيرة تتعرض بشكل متكرر ومباشر الى الاخطار الارهابية من دون أن تؤتي التدابير الامنية والاستخبارتية الوطنية لهذه الدول

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The attitude of international cooperation and national legislation from biological terrorism
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ما من شك ان الارهاب يعُد من اكثر الجرائم رعباً في الوقت الراهن، وقد اتخذت الجرائم الارهابية مع الزمن منحى آخر حيث استثمر الارهابيون مستحدثات العلم الحديث وبدءوا باستحداث وسائل جديدة في اداء العمل الارهابي بدون عنف أو اراقة دماء، كما تم تجنيد العديد من العلماء والباحثين المارقين والمأجورين من قبل التنظيمات الارهابية او من قبل دول وذلك من اجل تنفيذ جرائمهم الارهابية.


 ولقد تفاقمت مشكلة

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 03 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Mechanisms to combat Illegal immigration at the International and Regional Levels
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The phenomenon of illegal immigration is a global phenomenon that threatens the security and stability of the majority of countries. This matter prompted the international community to exert efforts and cooperate in order to combat it or reduce its effects. This was done through the development regional levels to eliminate the phenomenon of illegal immigration.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 24 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The Law Applicable to the Implementation of the Judgment of International Bankruptcy
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International bankruptcy is a legal system for those who take trade as a craft and stop performing their obligations of an international character as a result of a defect in their financial position. Legislative jurisdiction in cases of international bankruptcy is one of the most important topics of international bankruptcy by researching the position of national and comparative legislation by determining the applicable law such as the law of the court that hears the dispute or the law to which the attribution rule refers. 

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 29 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The Concept of Obligations Erga Omnes in International Law
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The International Court of Justice, as the main judicial organ of the United Nations in its ruling on the Barcelona Traction case, raised the concept of obligations Erga Omnes in international law, but this Latin term Erga Omnes has been used with different meanings and connotations. Through the extrapolation of the jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice, we note that it used the term In the context of its traditional meaning of expressing issues related to protest and legal interest at times, and the issue of international law enforcement at other times, it also used the same term to justify the application of the effects of some international treaties on states that are not party to it, or the application

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 10 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The Prohibition of Perfidy in International Humanitarian Law
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This research id entitled "The Prohibition of Perfidy in International Humanitarian Law".  International humanitarian law includes some international agreements that aim to regulate hostilities, and the use of tools and means of warfare (The Hague Law), Where there are many international rules that govern the conduct and management of hostilities, there are some provisions that limit the use of certain means and methods during armed conflict, Whether by prohibiting the use of specific methods of fighting, or prohibiting or restricting the use of certain types of weapons, The dedication of these rules to the law of armed conflict comes in implementation of the principle of the law of war, which restricts the authorit

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 03 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Superiority of Peremptory Norms in Public International Law
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International law has proven that it is an evolving and flexible law over the years, and despite that, this development takes a very long time, as the concept of peremptory norms took 83 years to crystallize and have concrete and impactful applications, and within this development another modern concept emerged, which is the obligations Erga Omnes in the Barcelona Traction case 1970. We have concluded that these two concepts fall under a broader concept, which is peremptory norms, and this concept represents the common supreme interests of the international community, and consists of rules that transcend all other rules in international law, and it is not permissible to derogate or deviate from them. On the other hand, it bears the oblig

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