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The attitude of international cooperation and national legislation from biological terrorism
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ما من شك ان الارهاب يعُد من اكثر الجرائم رعباً في الوقت الراهن، وقد اتخذت الجرائم الارهابية مع الزمن منحى آخر حيث استثمر الارهابيون مستحدثات العلم الحديث وبدءوا باستحداث وسائل جديدة في اداء العمل الارهابي بدون عنف أو اراقة دماء، كما تم تجنيد العديد من العلماء والباحثين المارقين والمأجورين من قبل التنظيمات الارهابية او من قبل دول وذلك من اجل تنفيذ جرائمهم الارهابية.


 ولقد تفاقمت مشكلة الإرهاب وتنوعت صوره ولعل أخطر تلك الانواع تمثل بالإرهاب البيولوجي أو الجرثومي وترجع خطورة مثل هذا النمط الارهابي، الى ان آثاره الضارة قد تكون كارثية، ولاسيما حينما ينصب العمل على إنتاج ميكروبات فائقة القدرة المرضية وذلك عن طريق البيولوجيا الجزئية أو التكنولوجيا الحيوية، فإنتاج الجمرة الخبيثة ( الانتراكس ) والكوليرا والطاعون وأسلحة بيولوجية فيروسية تنفذ تحت جنح الظلام وبتعبير آخر تنفذ في الخفاء فهي اسلحة صامتة أو كما توصف بــــــــــــ( الاسلحة التي لاتراق فيها الدماء ) ، وينجم عنها فزع ورعب للمواطنين الابرياء في أنحاء متفرقة من العالم وبذلك فهي تهدد السلم والأمن المجتمعي وتعرضهما للخطر ومن اجل ذلك تعالت الاصوات الدولية المنادية بضرورة العمل للتصدى لهذه الجريمة ومكافحتها .


وتكمن اشكالية البحث في ان التنظيمات الارهابية استغلت التطور العلمي في عالمنا الراهن (قرن التقنية الحيوية) ولا سيما ان الاسلحة البيولوجية تكلفتها اقل من تكلفة الاسلحة التقليدية كما ان إمكانية وسهولة استخدامها حفز المجاميع الارهابية على حيازتها واستخدامها لاحداث الذعر وزعزمة الامن والاستقرار المجتمعي وذلك لغرض تحقيق مآرب سياسية وفكرية ودينية  في ظل انتشار فوضى التسلح .


فهنالك صعوبة تواجه المجتمع الدولي بمراقبة انتاج الاسلحة الصامتة المجهرية والتي تعد اداة لإرتكاب الجريمة الارهابية (البيولوجية) .

واهمية البحث تكمن في ان جريمة الارهاب البيولوجي تهدد الاشخاص الطبيعيين والمعنويين على حد السواء، كما انها تهدد الامن القومي للمجتمعات وذلك بسبب الخصائص التي يتسم بها هذا النوع من الأخطار، مما دفع المجتمع الدولي الى عقد المؤتمرات وإبرام الاتفاقيات والمعاهدات الثنائية والجماعية لمواجهة الارهاب الذي تخطى الحدود الوطنية والاقليمية فأصبح جريمة بلا وطن ولا دين ولا هوية .


 إن موضوع البحث، ينصب على تسليط الضوء على (موقف القانون الدولي والقوانين الوطنية من الارهاب البيولوجي)، فيهتم بإيجاد الإجابة عن العديد من التساؤلات ذات العلاقة بموضوع البحث؛ منها : ما المقصود بجريمة الإرهاب البيولوجي ؟ وما هي صورها  ؟  وماهي السبل القانونية الدولية والداخلية للحد من تنامى هذه الظاهرة ؟


وتم الارتكاز، في بحثنا هذا، على المنهج النظري : حيث يقوم هذا المنهج على اساس رد الفروع الى أصولها والإشارة المستمرة الى تحديد مدلول المفاهيم ذات العلاقة بالبحث ليتم ادراجها في خضم الافكار القانونية الخاصة بالبحث . وكذلك الاخذ بالمنهج التحليلي: والذي يقوم على اساس تحليل النصوص القانونية والآراء وصولاً الى الوسائل الكفيلة للحد من استخدام الاسلحة البيولوجية  في تكدير السلم والأمن العام وبث الرعب في نفوس البشر.

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 26 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Impact of Creative Accounting Practices on the Reliability of Financial Statements : Applied Research in the National General Insurance Company
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The study aims to highlighting the Creative Accounting practices, identifying  their impact on non reliability of financial statement of Insurance companies and Iraqi Public Reinsurance Company. Certain executive managements resort to creative accounting to falsely portray a better image to financial statement users by means of a set of techniques and mechanisms. Thus, impacting the company activities, The study was carried out in state insurance companies and Iraqi Public Reinsurance Company. Miller model is adopted to measure earning management practices. It is one of the tools to detect creative accounting practices and to measure reliability of accounting information of financial statements by applying  “White” scale on

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 03 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Measurement and accounting disclosure for small and medium-sized enterprises according to the International Financial Reporting Standard (SMEs) and its reflection on the fairness of financial statements.
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The research aims to identify small and medium enterprises in accounting thought in terms of definition and concept, and this international financial reporting standard for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the theoretical aspect. As for the practical aspect, the small and medium-sized enterprises standard has been applied to the financial statements of the company in question, the preparation of the opening entry on the date of the transition, the requirements of measurement and the accounting disclosure on the date following the application of the standard, and the preparation of the company's financial statements and the accompanying explanations according to the standard of small and medium-sized enterprises. The r

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 23 2023
Journal Name
Communications In Mathematical Biology And Neuroscience
The dynamic of an eco-epidemiological model involving fear and hunting cooperation
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In the present paper, an eco-epidemiological model consisting of diseased prey consumed by a predator with fear cost, and hunting cooperation property is formulated and studied. It is assumed that the predator doesn’t distinguish between the healthy prey and sick prey and hence it consumed both. The solution’s properties such as existence, uniqueness, positivity, and bounded are discussed. The existence and stability conditions of all possible equilibrium points are studied. The persistence requirements of the proposed system are established. The bifurcation analysis near the non-hyperbolic equilibrium points is investigated. Numerically, some simulations are carried out to validate the main findings and obtain the critical values of th

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Scopus (5)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Sep 29 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The position of Al-Jassas (D. 370 AH) of the verses of "As-Sifat Al-Khbriya"
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This research aims at know the position of Al-Jassas Al- Hanafi (D. 370 AH) of  "As-Sifat Al- Khbriya", through his interpretation: (the provisions of Qur'an), by studying his interpretation of the verses related to this issue.

The most significant results of this study that Al-Jassas did not consider the words that called: "As-Sifat Al- Khbriya" as adjectives to Allah almighty, but he consider them contained an inappropriate meaning to Allah almighty, thus it must be referred to the perfect arbitrator, so he was believe in opinion of interpretation. and interpretations of Al-Jassas for the related of the Qur'an verses relat

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The economic dimensions of the railway link between Iraq and Kuwait and the role of national alternatives (Faw port and the dry canal as a model(
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   Decision-makers in each country work to define a list of internal and external interests, goals and threats to their countries according to the nature of their awareness of these interests, goals and threats. 

  Hence, Iraq is not an exception to this rule, and the process of evaluating its interests and the objectives of its foreign policy is subject to the pattern of awareness of decision-makers and the influencing forces in defining its basic interests, which often witness some kind of difference in defining them, evaluating their importance and determining the size of the threats they face. And among these interests and threats that have witnessed a difference in the assessment of their

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The effect of applying assurance engagements according to the international standard IASE (3402) in enhancing the auditing action
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                The research seeks to explain the role of the international auditing standard (3402) in the auditor's procedures, where the importance of the research stems from the adoption of international auditing standards in the Iraqi environment, including the standard (3402) of assurance engagements that the external auditor performs by submitting reports on the design of control tools and their operational effectiveness in a service facility that provides the beneficiaries with a service. To provide useful information for service organizations The control tools are of great benefit in rationalizing decisions, and many recommen

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Trends in Media Discourse during International Crises: An Analytical Study of the US Withdrawal from the Nuclear Deal
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The research focuses on the withdrawal of the United States from the nuclear agreement signed between the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council and the Islamic Republic of Iran concerning its nuclear program. This withdrawal has caused disruption in the official media discourse of the concerned countries. Therefore, the main question can be posed: Are there differences in the positions of countries related to the nuclear agreement, as well as those countries affected by it, before and after the official withdrawal of the United States on May 8, 2018?
The research aims to shed light on the trends in media discourse of the countries that signed the nuclear agreement and those affected by it b

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
اللجنة الوطنية للقانون الدولي الانساني ودورها في دعم ادماج ونشر القانون الدولي الانساني في العراق
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The National Committee of international humanitarian law and its role in supporting the integration and deployment of international humanitarian law in Iraq

There are a number of bodies that could help national authorities to better implement IHL. Internally, States may decide to create interministerial working groups, often called committees for the implementation of IHL or national humanitarian law committees, the purpose of which is to advise and assist the government in implementing and spreading knowledge of IHL. Outside the State structures, international organizations and civil society in general may also play an important role through the exchange of expertise and cooperation. Key players in this. Regard are  the Nat

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Evaluation of internal control System in non-governmental organizations: Applied Research in the Iraqi National Olympic Committee
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After 2003 Iraq witnessed a rapid development in the number and kind of non-governmental organizations in addition to the increase in their sources.A lot of obstacles and constraints hinder the development of the said organizations and one of the most important and prominent obstacles is their administrative and accounting structure that affect directly on the existence, continuity and survival of these organizations.This research discussed the concept the non-governmental organizations and reaching the assessment of internal control System in these organizations. Therefore, the researcher has assessed the internal control System applied National Olympic Committee of Iraq. The study showed vulnerabilities in the internal control the said

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of marketing tools on the legal liquidity index : an applied research in the International Development Bank for Investment and Finance
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               The main problem of the study lies in the lack of a clear perception among the study sample about the impact of digital marketing tools on legal liquidity. Legal) of the International Development Bank for Investment and Finance and to achieve the objectives of the research, the method of observation and survey was used in measuring the dimensions of digital marketing. As for banking liquidity, the reports and financial statements of the bank were used as the research sample, as well as the use of the statistical analysis program SPSS in the statement of the relationship The study concluded, in summary, the following: Mar

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