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The Law Applicable to the Implementation of the Judgment of International Bankruptcy
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International bankruptcy is a legal system for those who take trade as a craft and stop performing their obligations of an international character as a result of a defect in their financial position. Legislative jurisdiction in cases of international bankruptcy is one of the most important topics of international bankruptcy by researching the position of national and comparative legislation by determining the applicable law such as the law of the court that hears the dispute or the law to which the attribution rule refers. 

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The role of international organizations in implementing the rules for the protection of human remains
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Our research will highlight the most prominent measures taken by international organizations to address the most prominent effects of armed conflict and genocide that result in large numbers of corpses and the mechanisms for searching human remains and identifying identification.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 31 2020
Journal Name
مجلة حمورابي
التطرف و الإرهاب الإلكتروني- و موقف القانون الدولي منهما
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شكلت التطورات التكنولوجية في وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي الناجمة عن العولمة معلم رئيسي في تحولات التنظيمات الإرهابية، وإنتاج انماط جديدة من الإرهابيين والمتطرفين القادرين على التفاعل مع الثورة المعلوماتية والاتصالية. ان معظم الجرائم الإرهابية الإلكترونية مرتبطة بالإنترنت وهو المسرح المفضل للمتطرفين فالأول يقتل والثاني يسوغ ويحرض ويجند، والذي جعل الإنترنت وسيلة فعالة كونها سهلة الاستخدام وسريعة الوصول إلى

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Electronic Advertising War Among the International Trading Companies
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The use of the word “war” alone raises horror and fear in the hearts of the recipients, especially if this war aimed at human’s life, his health and his future. It is the electronic advertising war among rival international companies that use cyberspace to create fear and horror in the hearts of the recipients because it connects the use of the product with human’s death or serious illness.
The problem of this research sheds light on the new uses of cyberspace which fucked by international companies to strike the interests of each other by displaying the defects of their products and its negative impact on citizen’s life. Despite the fact that those wars have opposed strongly, there are supporters for those wars. Their argu

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Adopting International Financial Reporting Standard No. (9) Financial Instruments - Recognition and Measurement of Accounting for Shares and its Reflection on the Financial Statements of Companies
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Many financial institutions invest their surplus funds in stocks, either to obtain dividends or for trading purposes and to obtain profits from the difference between the cost and the selling price, and investment in shares represents an important part of the financial position of financial institutions applying to the common accounting system of banks and insurance companies, in addition to their impact It is clear on the result of the activity of these institutions.The aim of the research is to define what the shares and their types are, and to indicate the accounting treatments needed to move towards the process of adopting the International Financial Reporting Standard No. (9) and its reflection on its financial statements. I

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The Court of Cassation of Discrimination on the Reality and the Law in the Criminal Case
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The Court of Cassation is a court of law that monitors the lower courts by reviewing the judgments and decisions issued by these courts, and the fact that their control is on the side of the legal to judge the penal. It monitors the commitment of the courts' compliance with the proper and formal rules of law. In some cases, are errors chop terms and criminal to the facts of the case are subject to the jurisdiction of the Court of Cassation and not to the Court of Cassation, except to the extent that they cause the provisions through which the Court of Cassation can impose control over the facts of the criminal case and the outcome of the Court topic The subject of the results, and thus the legal aspect of the criminal case is the place t

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The moral dimension of generating and destroying value Through the implementation of the Balanced Scorecard
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يسعى المجتمع من خلال الوحدات الإقتصادية إلى الوصول إلى تحقيق أفضل الإنجازات التي لا تتمثل بالسلع والخدمات حسب وإنما بما يتحقق من مردود لكافة الاطراف المعنية بالوحدات الإقتصادية على ان لايتم ذلك على حساب قيم المجتمع وأخلاقياته وآدابه العامة. وعليه تصبح الوحدات الإقتصادية مسرحاً لصراعات قوى متعددة كل منها له قيمه الأخلاقية سواء كان فرداً أومجموعة افراد أو وحدة إقتصادية أو أي جهة أُخرى، وبحكم مسؤولياته

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2017
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Implementation of Sound Effects in the Iraqi Children’s Theatre
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Sound effects are considered to be a key element in children’s theatre, for it relays the context and amplifies its understandability, acceptability and its impact on the audience, so it’s a fundamental method in portraying the characters within the idea or the story, to produce the title and content with completeness in its relations that are associated with the rest of the fundamental elements represented in lighting, costumes, dialogue, decoration, etc. And this research included a set of subjects that are related to implementing the sound effects used in the Iraqi children’s theatre plays, chapter one included the problem and the need for studying this subject, as well as its importance and aim, and specifying the basic phrases

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
اللجنة الوطنية للقانون الدولي الانساني ودورها في دعم ادماج ونشر القانون الدولي الانساني في العراق
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The National Committee of international humanitarian law and its role in supporting the integration and deployment of international humanitarian law in Iraq

There are a number of bodies that could help national authorities to better implement IHL. Internally, States may decide to create interministerial working groups, often called committees for the implementation of IHL or national humanitarian law committees, the purpose of which is to advise and assist the government in implementing and spreading knowledge of IHL. Outside the State structures, international organizations and civil society in general may also play an important role through the exchange of expertise and cooperation. Key players in this. Regard are  the Nat

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Procedures for auditing accounting violations according to international auditing : standards in the Karbala Municipality Directorate
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The research aims to identify the definitional framework for accounting violations and audit procedures in accordance with international auditing standards, preparing a proposed audit program to audit violations resulting from the transition to the unified accounting system in the research sample according to the relevant international auditing standards, as the proposed audit program was prepared according to International auditing standards in order to improve the auditor’s procedures in detecting accounting violations when auditing the financial statements of municipal departments. The research concluded the most important recommendations: The necessity of adopting the audit program proposed by the researcher, for the purpose of act

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The wisdom of establishing the right by testimony in jurisprudence and law
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Islam has been concerned with preserving and maintaining rights, so the provisions in which it is preserved are legislated. Among that  is the testimony that made it a way to prove the truth and obliges its bearer to fulfill right in order to preserve the right and establish justice and prevent injustices by defying conflict, and tyranny .

And while acknowledging that divine absolute wisdom that is the cause and origin of legal rulings is sufficient, it is obligatory to abide by its provisions and imposes obedience, surrender, contentment and work in accordance with its controls.

However, the realization of the defects behind the legislation in a comprehensive way that realizes the dev

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