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Conflict of Jurisdiction between the Federal Supreme Court and the Administrative Judiciary in Iraq : Analytical Study
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      It is recognized, that the constitutional text is the binding rule for all persons of the state, whether rulers or ruled, with all the contents of the constitutional texts, and thus the three authorities; Legislative, judicial, and executive are bound by the content of these texts, as it is not possible for any of these authorities to confer their own visions and perceptions on the constitutional text, so it is necessary to return to the will of the constitutional founder, in order to clarify the meaning that he seeks by placing that text. This includes the content of Article (93/Third) of the Constitution of Iraq for the year 2005, which referred to the disputes that the Federal Supreme Court is competent to consider. 83) of the amended 1969, one of the issues that arise before the courts, as a result of the interactions that can occur when adapting the legal relationship, and assigning it to one court rather than another, and to the developments witnessed by the Iraqi judicial system after its transition from the unified judicial system to the dual judiciary, Which is a qualitative leap in devoting the functional jurisdiction of the judiciary, as the competencies and their diversity are evidence of the sophistication and diversity of society, but in a case that can be described as rare, we find that there is a conflict of jurisdiction that arose between the Federal Supreme Court and the courts of first instance. The Employees Judiciary Court) in the administrative courts, and this rarely happens in international legal systems, as disputes that occur between courts are often between the courts of the judicial authority or the same degree. In the event of a conflict in jurisdiction between the courts of the ordinary judiciary and the courts of the administrative judiciary, here the authority for appointing the reference can address according to the provisions of the State Council Law of 1979. Or it may occur between the courts of the same judiciary, so the Supreme Court has the final word in this judiciary.

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Publication Date
Mon May 20 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
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Baqubah city has grown extremely rapidly. The rate of growth exceeds the growth of services that must grow side by side with the growth of population. There are natural features that affect the growth of Baqubah city such as Dieyala river, Alssariya river, in addition to agricultural areas .All these natural features affect the growth of Baqubah city in the running form being seen . In this research the remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) techniques are used for monitoring urban expansion and forecasting the probable axes to the growth of the city, and found that the probability of Baqubah growth to east is preferred due to Baqubah growth to the east would never interfere with natural features. Also in this res

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 26 2022
Journal Name
Bmc Public Health
Investigating the current environmental situation in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region during the third wave of COVID-19 pandemic: urban vs. rural context
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Abstract<sec> <title>Background

Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic led to a massive global socio-economic tragedy that has impacted the ecosystem. This paper aims to contextualize urban and rural environmental situations during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region.


An online survey was conducted, 6770 participants were included in the final analysis, and 64% were females. The majority of the participants were urban citizens (74%). Over 50% of the urban residents significantly (p

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 20 2020
Journal Name
Solid State Technology
Building A Psychological Flow Scale In The Rhythmic Gymnastics Lesson For Third-Stage Students Of The College Of Physical Education And Sciences
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In this study, the two researchers try to identify the degree of psychological flow among third-stage students in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / University of Baghdad, by constructing a psychometric flow meter for third-stage students in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / University of Baghdad, and the research sample reached 123 female students They represent 100% of the research community, and after conducting the scientific foundations for building the scale, the two researchers reached the final version of the psychometric flow scale with 21 items with four axes.

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2021
Journal Name
Turkish Journal Of Physiotherapy And Rehabilitation
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The aim of the research is to identify the level of both organizational trust and decentralized performance of those in charge of managing local championships for the Iraqi Athletics Federation, and to identify the effect of organizational trust in decentralized performance from their point of view. The descriptive approach was based on the method of relational relations on a sample of those in charge of managing local championships for the Iraqi Federation In athletics, represented by each of (coaches, referees, members, president and members of the administrative body of the central federation, and the president of members of sub-federations) for the sports season (2020/2021) of 260 individuals, all of them were intentionally chosen by (1

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Changes in the Weights of the Testes and Epididymes as Well as Sperm Characteristic of Male Albino Mice Treated with Silver Nanoparticles
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The present study was directed to determine the effect of silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) on the weights of the testes and epididymides and the characteristics of sperm in male albino mice. Animals were orally dosed with 200 mg/kg of Ag NPs for 5,10,15 days and then during the day following the end of dosage period all animals were sacrificed, then the testes and epididymes (head and tail) were isolated and after their weights measured. Then we studied the percentage of vitality and sperm abnormalities and calculate the concentration of sperm in the testes and epididymides. The results of this study after comparing it with the control showed a statistical decrease (P<0.05) in the weights of testes and tunica albuginea for the three peri

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Clinical And Experimental Dentistry
Comparison of the accuracy of intraoral digital impression system and conventional impression techniques for multiple implants in the full-arch edentulous mandible
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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Isolation and Identification of Flavonoid Compounds from Euphorbia Milii Plant Cultivated in Iraq and Evaluation of its Genetic Effects on Two Types of Cancer Cell Line
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يعتبر "تاج الأشواك" أو نبات شوكة المسيح، وهو من نباتات الزينة الطبية ، ينتمي إلى جنس يوفوربيا. E. milii يحتوي كميات وفيرة من المركبات الفينولية ، التربينات، الستيرويدات والقلويدات. كانت الأهداف الرئيسية لهذه الدراسة هي فحص مستخلصات الفلافونويد والنانو فلافونويد ضد نوعين من خطوط الخلايا السرطانية. تم تصنيع مركبات الفلافونويد النانوية عن طريق تفاعل مركب الكيتوسان والماليك اسد. تم تحليل مركبات الفلافونويد ال

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 29 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Impact of Electronic Payment systems on the Profitability of Banks: An applied research on a sample of Iraqi commercial banks
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Due to technological developments in the Iraqi banking sector, which is the use of electronic payment systems within the banking infrastructure. This has led to speed and accuracy in the completion of transactions, reduced costs, increased revenues and efficiency. This research examines the challenges and risks facing the Iraqi banking sector as a result of its use of electronic payment systems. And show its impact on the profitability of commercial banks. The research was based on the main hypothesis that there is a statistically significant moral impact relationship between electronic payment systems and the profitability of banks. Iraqi commercial banks were chosen as a research community, All Iraqi commercial banks that parti

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Las formas no personales del verbo en español y su traducción al árabe Non-personal forms of the verb in Spanish and their translations into Arabic
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Las formas verbales: el infinitivo, el gerundio y el participio, son derivados verbales que se comportan como sustantivos, adverbios o adjetivos, respectivamente; aunque, dado su carácter verbal pueden también funcionar como verbos y, por tanto, como núcleos del predicado.

 El presente trabajo presenta una visión general sobre las formas no personales del verbo en español. Se debe recordar que las formas no personales del verbo tiene funciones y valores dentro de la oración.

  Este trabajo lo dividimos  en dos partes: la primera presenta  un breve marco teórico en que se explica las formas no personales del verbo y como se forman además de sus funciones.


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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Building discriminant function for repeated measurements data under compound symmetry (CS) covariance structure and applied in the health field
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Discriminant analysis is a technique used to distinguish and classification an individual to a group among a number of  groups based on a linear combination of a set of relevant variables know discriminant function. In this research  discriminant analysis used to analysis data from repeated measurements design. We  will  deal  with the problem of  discrimination  and  classification in the case of  two  groups by assuming the Compound Symmetry covariance structure  under  the  assumption  of  normality for  univariate  repeated measures data.


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