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Conflict of Jurisdiction between the Federal Supreme Court and the Administrative Judiciary in Iraq : Analytical Study
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      It is recognized, that the constitutional text is the binding rule for all persons of the state, whether rulers or ruled, with all the contents of the constitutional texts, and thus the three authorities; Legislative, judicial, and executive are bound by the content of these texts, as it is not possible for any of these authorities to confer their own visions and perceptions on the constitutional text, so it is necessary to return to the will of the constitutional founder, in order to clarify the meaning that he seeks by placing that text. This includes the content of Article (93/Third) of the Constitution of Iraq for the year 2005, which referred to the disputes that the Federal Supreme Court is competent to consider. 83) of the amended 1969, one of the issues that arise before the courts, as a result of the interactions that can occur when adapting the legal relationship, and assigning it to one court rather than another, and to the developments witnessed by the Iraqi judicial system after its transition from the unified judicial system to the dual judiciary, Which is a qualitative leap in devoting the functional jurisdiction of the judiciary, as the competencies and their diversity are evidence of the sophistication and diversity of society, but in a case that can be described as rare, we find that there is a conflict of jurisdiction that arose between the Federal Supreme Court and the courts of first instance. The Employees Judiciary Court) in the administrative courts, and this rarely happens in international legal systems, as disputes that occur between courts are often between the courts of the judicial authority or the same degree. In the event of a conflict in jurisdiction between the courts of the ordinary judiciary and the courts of the administrative judiciary, here the authority for appointing the reference can address according to the provisions of the State Council Law of 1979. Or it may occur between the courts of the same judiciary, so the Supreme Court has the final word in this judiciary.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The worsening of environmental problems has led to them being addressed by many entities, the most important of which are the top regulators. Federal Board of supreme audit Office is one of the most important regulators in Iraq. The problem of the research was the fundamental question of the extent to which the Federal Financial Supervisory Office was committed to implementing and exercising environmental control over the audited ones. The refore, the research was based on the main objective of questioning the role of the Federal Financial Supervisory Office in the exercise of environmental control and the compliance of those under its control, by identifying the antosai standards for environmental control, particularly the stand

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 10 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Factors Affecting the U.S Supreme Court’s Reversal of Its Constitutional Precedents
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  1. S. Supreme Court plays a very important rule in American legal system, especially in the domain of constitutional interpretation and judicial review. This importance emerges from the precedents of the court which considered as compulsory rules on all the authorities. However, the supreme court can overrule its precedents. This research is about the factors which effect the court’s decision on overruling, dividing them on internal and external factors.
  2.           The source of the internal factors is the precedent itself, while the source of the external factors is the circumstances surrounding the precedent.

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 20 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The authority of the Federal Court of Cassation to alter the legal adaptation of the crime
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The Federal Court of Cassation is a court of law that monitors the lower courts through its scrutiny of the judgments and decisions issued by these courts, and that its oversight is focused on the legal side of the penal ruling, as it monitors the extent to which the subject courts adhere to the correct application of the rules of substantive and formal law represented in the process of legal adjustment. The Federal Court of Cassation has control over legal adaptation, as it is one of the legal issues, and therefore it has the power to change the adjustment with ratification of the penalty or reducing it according to certain controls in which its authority is determined.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Job satisfaction and its relation to the effectiveness of performance: Applied research on a sample of employees in the Federal board of supreme Audit
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The research aimed to study the job satisfaction of the staff of the Federal board of supreme Audit and its relation to the effectiveness of their performance, The questionnaire was adopted as a main tool in the collection of data and information from a random sample of (54) employees of the Federal board of supreme Audit. In light of this, the data were collected and analyzed and the hypotheses were tested using the statistical program (SPSS).

The researchers reached a number of conclusions, the most important of which were: (1) the respondents' response to the variables of job satisfaction and the effectiveness of the performance were medium; (2) there was a significant relationship between job satisfaction and performance effe

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The market value between the two dilemmas of profit distribution and retention: an analytical study in the Iraqi stock market
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             The distribution or retention of profits is the third decision among financial management decisions in terms of priority, whether at the level of theory or practice, as the issue of distribution or retention is multi-party in terms of influence and impact, as determining the optimal percentage for each component is still the subject of intellectual debate because these decisions are linked to the future of the organization and several considerations, The research focus on the nature of the policies followed by the Iraqi banking sector As the sample chosen by the intentional sampling method was represented by the Commercial Bank of

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 17 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Proposed mechanism to activate the role of the Federal board supreme Audit in the examination of the federal budget estimates of the state
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The aim of the research is to present and discuss the subject of the budgeting estimates and how to activate the role of the Federal board of supreme audit in examining these estimates through reference to Articles 6 and 10 of the Federal board of supreme Law, which did not restrict Federal board of supreme in Preventive control on examination process for planning which is prepared from the government units, as the result of a large amount  of government units Provisions and the weakness of estimates in most of its items, which rely on personal assessment and not based on scientific and logical basis of the estimate, which leads to the emergence of a deficit is not true in the general budget and this seems clear in most Iraq

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Publication Date
Wed May 02 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
the population in Iraq up to 2035 an analytical study
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The population studies are one of the difficult tasks facing the world in all periods. most of the researchers and who have relationship to population policies and development plans, may have succumbed to the idea that the population problem is based and confined mainly in the rate of increase in population, or the so – called population explosion, and not the content because of its pressure on resources and there is no problem of population if the resources are available and therefore no need for the development and implementation of population policies in any way . While the population policies here should take a range of general and comprehensive in every respect to population and demographic phenomena distribution, not only

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Relationship between federal budget estimates And actual implementation
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he public federal budget of the state includes estimated figures for state revenues and expenditures for the next fiscal year. The estimation process is one of the main parts of the preparation of the general budget of the state and the accuracy in the estimation of revenues and expenditures of the most important principles that should be based on the process of making estimates and should not overestimate the assessment process to ensure the availability of funds in the future in all cases, which lead to unfair distribution of allocations, so the research aims to study The case of preparing the budget in the Directorate and how to estimate the expenditure in, by the analysis of operating budgets and identify deviations in the implementa

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 24 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Federal Tax control in Taxation Domain and its reform measures in Iraq
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Federal oversight is successful in collecting taxes when it saves time and money, and the majority of federal systems tend to adopt direct administration in the application of federal tax laws to finance public expenditure. Central control will prevent tax competition between regions, and administrative corruption.

In Iraq, regional governments are responsible for collecting federal taxes and under the supervision of the Financial Control Bureau, and the reform of supervision requires the rehabilitation of the administration, the adoption of information systems, and the reduction of bureaucracy, and the transparency and federal coordination.

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 17 2021
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Pending issues between the federal government and the Kurdistan region (Constitutional and legal solutions)
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The federal state is usually based on a number of regions because it is based on the multiplicity of political entities. The federal experiments were based on the existence of two or more regions and each federal system has its own peculiarities. Administrative authority between the federal government and local elected bodies of local people of absolute relative independence does not threaten the entity of the state according to the Constitution and the law and on a regional or reformer basis and exercise its powers within the legal scope prescribed The relationship between the federal authority and the Kurdistan region is the first level of the relationship on the real level, especially since no other region in Iraq has been formed exce

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