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Combating Illegal Immigration across Seas
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         The concern seemed clear due to the phenomenon of illegal immigration and flows that accompany it and reach the borders of countries in an unprecedented way, paid Countries to take the principle of cooperation as an optimal solution to overcome the challenges that accompanied illegal immigration. The challenges were to set rules to combat this phenomenon and put means to put an end to it , because it is clearly linked to crime through organized crime networks that facilitate the process of smuggling migrants through international waters.  And to create roads that facilitate infiltration across the borders of the destination countries, taking advantage of the gaps existed in the contents of domestic and international laws.  This increased the number of missing persons during smuggling operations, especially in international waters, due to the difficulty of crossing such borders  and controlling the weather conditions that affect the smuggling process negatively.  The smuggling networks use equipment not suitable for use in international waters.

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 06 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
حماية رضا المستهلك في التعاقد عبر الانترنت دراسة في القانونين العراقي والفرنسي
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This research deals with the protection of the consumer's acceptance by internet, we divided it into four sections, the first section is devoted to the concept of the consummation contract by internet. The second section was about the professional's offer by internet, while we studied in the third section the consumer's acceptance by internet, at the last section we discussed the agreement of the protection consumer's acceptance.

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Fear manufacture in the propaganda discourse image of terrorist ISIS «Daesh» via websites
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This study aims to observe and analysis the propaganda discourse image for Daesh, and know how it marketing the fear due to symbols structure, and discover the straight meanings and hidden inspiration, with the ideology that the image presented.
The study is descriptive and qualitative, and the method is analytic survey used semiotic approach.
The most important results of the study refer to:
- Daesh functioning the image in fear manufacture in all it components: the symbol of savageness, body language, color, clothes uniform and professionally shot.
- The indicative meaning of fear promoted by Daesh based of the manufacturing «Holy», and that mean places non-touchable and non-insulted.
- Daesh used in its propagand

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الظواهر السلوكية غير المرغوب فيها لدى مستخدمي الحاسوب والإنترنت
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أهمية البحث والحاجة إليه:

          من مظاهر التواصل الحضاري في جانبه العلمي والتكنولوجي هو متابعة أبناء مجتمعنا ولاسيما الشباب لكل منجز حديث واتخاذه وسيلة للحصول على المعلومات والمعرفة والتسلية، بحيث أصبح هذا التعامل ممارسة يومية حياتية، وهذا دليل على مدى تفتح ذهنية وعقلية ورغبات أبنائنا ومواكبتهم لروح العصر ومتطلباته وتعبيراً صادقاً عنه فضلاً عن إشغال أوقات ف

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
The Impacts of Subclinical Varicoceles on Infertile Males
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Background: it is well known that the varicocele affects male fertility and had adverse effects on the findings of the standard seminal analysis. According to size of that veins; the varicoceles are divided into clinical that are discovered in physical examination and their harmful effects are proved and subclinical varicoceles that are only discovered by Doppler examination. And till now, the indication of surgery in cases of subclinical varicocele is still controversial because of poor information about the impact of those non-clinically founded blood vessels on the testicular function.
Objective: To assess the seminal fluid, testicular volume, and hormone levels in infertile patients with subclinical varicoceles.
Patients and me

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
معادلات الانحدار غير المرتبطة ظاهريا (توزيع المتغيرات والخطأ بواسون)
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This study is about finding the estimation of tow equations, the comparative has been done between the estimations  by using seemingly unrelated regression equations for the variable and random error has been distribution with poisson and the variable and random error has been distribution with normal and the method by using oldenary lest square.

While in the application side, we have estimated the parameter of investment specification function for the sector of agriculture with the industry sector is enabled us to obtain an estimation efficiency for the model of seemingly unrelated Poisson regression equation.


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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of the legal rules to the reduction of public office Crimes(Search in the Office of the Inspector General of the Ministry of Environment)
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The goal of the research is to diagnose some of the negative phenomena which was discovered through the period from (2010 to 2014) as determined by the national strategy to eliminate the corruption which was set out by the joint council of  the corruption elimination in Iraq. And to measure the gap in applying the legal rules by the administration, concerning the misconducts and felonies upon the state employments made by the state employee and how far they are applied in the studied sample and to show the nature of the rules and their importance and their role when they are applied in scientific and expertise manner. And to encourage the offices of the general supervisors to adhere to them which will lead t

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
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           The great importance that distinguish these factorial experiments made ​​them subject a desirable for use and application in many fields, particularly in the field of agriculture, which is considered the broad area for experimental designs applications.

            And the second case for the factorial  experiment, which faces researchers have great difficulty in dealing with the case unbalance we mean that frequencies treatments factorial  are not equal meaning (that is allocated a number unequal of blocks or units experimental per tre

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 20 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Substantive Criminal Protection to Intangible Cultural Heritage
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The cultural heritage is intangible legacy represents all froms of intellectual creativity in different fields of life. It is traditional legacy expresses on the past, and it is still inherited and connected from generation to generation. Thus, the cultural legacy could be classified as it is intellectual property due to its importance for its people.

    This kind of property may require protection against any violation. Therefore, this article examined the penal protection of this sert of property in the light of the current laws, in order to provide the sufficient protection to the cultural legacy.

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Publication Date
Sun May 09 2021
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الواح فخارية غير منشورة من المتحف العراقي
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The study of Terracotta in Mesopotamia is one of the important
technical topics that gave us valuable information ،whether from a
technical or cultural point of view

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Discretionary role of the provisions of the Court of Cessation
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   Discretionary role of the provisions of the Federal Court of Cassation occupies a distinct role in the drafting of the legal base, thanks to vocational and higher professional level, which is practiced by this court in the adaptation of the civil law in light of the changing conditions of the community with the survival of inertia that characterizes the legal basis, so that the legislator important for precision and perfection in his work in drafting this rule, it cannot take in everything and put the necessary solutions to all the new issues that appear in the society. Therefore, the courts in this case is keen to reconcile the provisions of fixed base and the changing conditions of society , in order to reach the intent of

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