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International protection of the high seas region from nuclear pollution
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        أن مصادر تلوث البيئة البحرية متعددة ,حيث تتعدد استنادا لتنوع الأنشطة المقامة في المنطقة ,منها أنشطة استغلال قاع البحار ؛عملية إغراق النفايات والتخلص منها في البيئة البحرية ؛ أنشطة السفن ؛ من عمليات الإسقاط من الجو ,ويمكن تصنيف مصادر تلوث البيئة البحرية :التلوث من المصادر الأرضية ؛التلوث من الأنشطة في أعالي البحار ؛التلوث من الجو .والتلوث النووي سريع الانتشار ويمتد لمساحات واسعة .

    وتعد التفجيرات  النووية في أعالي البحار سواء كانت هذه التفجيرات للأغراض السلمية أو العسكرية  من اخطر مسببات التلوث للبيئة البحرية ,إذا أثبتت الدراسات العلمية عن وجود أنواع من الذرات المشعة في أمعاء الأسماك التي تم صيدها بعد إعقاب التجارب النووية الأمريكية ,حيث أظهرت التقارير بوجود الأسماك الملوثة بالإشعاعات في المحيط الهادي بعد حادثة سفن الصيد اليابانية ,وأيضا الحوادث التي تقع إثناء نقل المواد المشعة أو الحوادث التي تقع في المحطات النووية في دول قريبة على منطقة أعالي البحار مسببة التلوث البحري .

وتأسيسا على ذلك, سنقسم هذا البحث إلى مبحثين ستناول في المبحث الأول: ابرز الاتفاقيات العامة, أما المبحث الثاني :الاتفاقيات الإقليمية .للوقوف على النصوص القانونية الخاصة بكيفية  حماية البيئة البحرية من التلوث , والجزاء القانوني المترتب على الإخلال بهذه النصوص ,نتيجة  قيام المسؤولية الدولية

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 24 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
International protection from unconventional weapons
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War is one of the phenomena accompanying the human race since ancient times, so we find that the human element has mastered the use manufacture of weapons and worked on their development in order to provide means of protection and prevention from any external aggression by the enemies. The rapid developments on those weapons has led to an increase in their danger, Therefore, we find that the world limits their use production and that’s why many treaties have been concluded to dismantle them and limit their spread, and to preserve the security and stability of countries from the negative damages resulting from non-conventional weapons. From this standpoint, there are many existing international efforts to prevent the spread of non-conve

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 21 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
International protection for human rights activists
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Despite the primary role of governments in assuming the primary responsibility in protecting human rights in accordance with international human rights standards and instruments, they are not the only party responsible for ensuring the implementation of those rights. Individuals themselves have a duty towards their society to observe, respect and promote those rights and freedoms and work to protect them by means. All, and this is confirmed by Paragraph (1) of Article (29) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, which states: “Every individual has duties towards the society in which it is only possible for his personality to grow freely and fully.            &nbs

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Trends in Media Discourse during International Crises: An Analytical Study of the US Withdrawal from the Nuclear Deal
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The research focuses on the withdrawal of the United States from the nuclear agreement signed between the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council and the Islamic Republic of Iran concerning its nuclear program. This withdrawal has caused disruption in the official media discourse of the concerned countries. Therefore, the main question can be posed: Are there differences in the positions of countries related to the nuclear agreement, as well as those countries affected by it, before and after the official withdrawal of the United States on May 8, 2018?
The research aims to shed light on the trends in media discourse of the countries that signed the nuclear agreement and those affected by it b

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
North Korea's nuclear program is facing the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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لخلاصة Nuclear energy is among the most important discoveries reached by the human terms contributed to the solution of many problems faced by the states. The last of these that are not only utilizing it in a peaceful area, but tended toward the military field and the nuclear weapons industry , Among these countries, we find North Korea, which has openly declared their manufacture of nuclear weapons and thus entry to the club of nuclear countries. International Atomic Energy Agency has worked to resolve the North Korea standoff but has not been able to achieve positive results, prompting the intervention of European countries in order to end the crisis. تعدُّ الطاقة النووية من بين أهم الاستكشافا

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 20 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Combating Illegal Immigration across Seas
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         The concern seemed clear due to the phenomenon of illegal immigration and flows that accompany it and reach the borders of countries in an unprecedented way, paid Countries to take the principle of cooperation as an optimal solution to overcome the challenges that accompanied illegal immigration. The challenges were to set rules to combat this phenomenon and put means to put an end to it , because it is clearly linked to crime through organized crime networks that facilitate the process of smuggling migrants through international waters.  And to create roads that facilitate infiltration across the borders of the destination countries, taking advantage of the gaps existed in the conten

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Russian Attitude from Iranian Nuclear Program
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The subject of Iranian no clear program and the Russian Attitude from it, regard as an important matter in international relations, really it was remarkable and distinctive position towards.
The development of Iranian no clear program in this study we treated Three sides.
The firs the collapse of USSR and its effect of Iran while the second aspect concentrate on the nature of Iranian- Russia Relation, the Third side research the Russia A attitude from
Iranian nuclear program, briefly this attitude is represented by positive, supporting and predication but in the sometime focused on Russian interests in the region of Middle East.

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 10 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The failure of international law to protect Iraqi cultural property from the intentional destruction by ISIS: A priority worthy of international protection
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The destruction and protection of cultural property has been a feature of armed conflicts for thousands of years and it has received increasing international focus over the past two decades. This feature was clearly appeared during the recent armed conflict in Iraq. During the conflict, cultural property was subjected to intentional and organised destruction by members of ISIS. Although there are international legal norms to protect cultural property during armed conflict, however, this destruction has proven the failure of those rules to effectively deter these criminal acts. This Article analyses the framework of international law relevant to the protection of cultural property during of armed conflict in the light of that destruction,

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 31 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Criminal protection of mass graves under the provisions of international humanitarian law
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Genocide and crimes against humanity have a distinct meaning in that they are particularly reprehensible attacks that constitute a grave assault on human dignity or constitute a gross humiliation or degradation of the dignity of one or more human beings, and they are not isolated and sporadic incidents.

That the crime of mass graves as a collective genocide is considered a mass murder of a group of people that is carried out on a discriminatory basis with the aim of their total annihilation as a race, people, or a distinct group that is culturally, culturally, linguistically or religiously independent, or for any reason that distinguishes them from humans, and this is what happened with the crime of mass graves in Iraq. We have n

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 25 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
The role of green taxes in the reduction of environmental pollution- exploratory search- in the GCT.: The role of green taxes in the reduction of environmental pollution- exploratory search- in the GCT.
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The research aims to identify the concept of green taxes and their role in reducing environmental pollution through the poll of Abnh of taxpayers and employees of the General Authority for taxes totaling 200 individual .autam adoption of the resolution as a tool head for the collection of data and information from the sample and analyzed their responses using a statistical program (spss - 10), and calculating the percentages and the arithmetic mean, standard deviation and research found to a number of conclusions, notably the lack of legislation with the challenges and the difficulty of the existence of a measure or a standard lack of planning for the application of environmental taxes that the state taxation application between the Gene

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Publication Date
Tue May 07 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
the role of the economy in protecting the environment from pollution and decision_making
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The economic dimensions of environmental issues are complex and unclear in many cases, there is a kind of confusion in the real relationship between economic growth and environmental regulations. Many of the negative environmental impacts are accompanied by human activities and urban and industrial development in the city, and that many of the projects that did not take into account the environmental factors during the planning and implementation of them can be detrimental, as well as natural environments, archeological sites, historical or scientific value, aesthetic or educational. It also describes the Global Environment Outlook that if current trends continue, population growth, economic growth and consumption patterns, the p

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