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The Role of Supreme Fedral court in the Rationalization of lraq Parliamentary System According to the Coustitution of the Republic of Iraq 2005
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      تعد تقنية العقلنة ([i]) تقنية تطويرية للنظام البرلماني تعمل على معالجة الانحرافات التي يمكن ان تحدث لهذا النظام سواء بفعل النظرية او نتيجة للممارسة السياسية، ولعل اول من تحدث بموضوع (البرلمانية المعقلنة) الفقيه الدستوري الروسي الاصل (بوريس ميركن) في فترة مابين الحربين العالميتين (الاولى والثانية) واراد بها تقوية مركز الحكومة لمواجهة البرلمان، وقد اخذ بها واضعوا القانون الاساسي الالماني 1949، فاشترطوا ان يكون حجب الثقة من الحكومة حجبا بناءً على الرغم من اسبقية المشرع الدستوري الالماني في عقلنة برلمانيته الا ان وضوح وبروز هذه التقنية كان على يد المشرع الدستوري الفرنسي في دستور ديغول 1958، وقد جعل المشرع الدستوري الفرنسي منها تقنية لتحجيم البرلمان تشريعيا ورقابيا في مقابل توسيع الاختصاص التشريعي للحكومة وتعزيز مركز رئيس الدولة وجعله حاكما وحكما بين السلطات، لصرامة العقلنة الديغولية فقد ظهرت في فرنسا اتجاهات تتبنى اطروحة الجمهورية السادسة المناهضة لجمهورية الجنرال الخامسة، وقد سعى المجلس الدستوري من جانبه الى التخفيف من شدة العقلنة البرلمانية، فقد ذهب في العديد من قراراته الى توسيع الاختصاص التشريعي للبرلمان، وذلك من خلال تفسير المادة (34) من الدستور تفسيرا واسعا.

[i]  يعرف بعض الفقه العقلنة البرلمانية، بأنها تعني إعتماد مؤسسات دستورية وتوزيع الصلاحيات فيما بينها وتنظيم العلاقات القائمة بين هذه المؤسسات بما يؤدي الى أنتظام عمل المؤسسات الدستورية واستقرارها وفاعليتها، والحيلولة دون تعرضها لحالة شلل او جمود. انظر الى: د. عصام سليمان، الانظمة البرلمانية بين النظرية والتطبيق، منشورات الحلبي الحقوقية، ط1، 2010، ص 117.

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 05 2019
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Review Article Blastocystosis
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Blastocystosis is symptomatic infection caused by the protozoal parasite Blastocystis , which resides in the intestinal tract of its hosts and it is one of the most common parasites reported in humans. It’s prevalence ranges between (30 - 50%) of the population in developing countries. This genus has a worldwide distribution and often the most commonly reported human intestinal protozoan in children and adults, even infect infants

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Using a New General Complex Integral Transform for Solving Population Growth and Decay Problems
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The Population growth and decay issues are one of the most pressing issues in many sectors of study. These issues can be found in physics, chemistry, social science, biology, and zoology, among other subjects.

We introduced the solution for these problems in this paper by using the SEJI (Sadiq- Emad- Jinan) integral transform, which has some mathematical properties that we use in our solutions. We also presented the SEJI transform for some functions, followed by the inverse of the SEJI integral transform for these functions. After that, we demonstrate how to use the SEJI transform to tackle population growth and decay problems by presenting two applications that demonstrate how to use this transform to obtain solutions.


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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Roller compacted concrete: Literature review
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Roller compacted concrete (RCC) is a material with no slumps and is made from the same raw materials as conventional concrete. The roller compacted dam method, the high paste technique, the corps of engineers method, and the maximum density method are all ways of designing RCC. The evolution of RCC has resulted in a substantial change in construction projects, most notably in dams, because of the sluggish pace of conventional placement, consolidation, and compacting. The construction process was accelerated by incorporating RCC into dams, resulting in a shorter construction period. Research shows that the dams that used RCC had completed one to two years sooner than the dams that used regular concrete (Bagheri an

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 28 2017
Journal Name
جامعة بغداد- كلية اللغات- قسم اللغة العبرية
המבנה המורפולוגי של מונחי המטבח בלשון העברית
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This research sheds light on the morphological construction of kitchen terms in Hebrew language, especially methods of derivation, by offering an extensive review of the most important methods of morphological derivation. The field of kitchen terms is a fertile and rich field, where we see daily production of new kitchen tools which require suitable names with specific meanings. Morphologically, the research interested in methods of morphological derivation. So as to know and identify the common and effective methods to derive the kitchen terms in Hebrew language, in addition to put a special glossary of these terms. The research found that most of the kitchen terms were derived according to the methods of derivation prevailing in Hebrew la

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 13 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Survey In Fisheries Sciences
Spectrum Analyzing X-ray Data Image (FITS) Using Ds9 Program
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n this study, data or X-ray images Fixable Image Transport System (FITS) of objects were analyzed, where energy was collected from the body by several sensors; each sensor receives energy within a specific range, and when energy was collected from all sensors, the image was formed carrying information about that body. The images can be transferred and stored easily. The images were analyzed using the DS9 program to obtain a spectrum for each object,an energy corresponding to the photons collected per second. This study analyzed images for two types of objects (globular and open clusters). The results showed that the five open star clusters contain roughly t

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Publication Date
Mon May 27 2019
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Virtual Museums: Features and Characteristics: وعد عدنان محمود
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This research provides a study of the virtual museums features and characteristics and contributes to the recognition of the diversity of visual presentation methods, as the virtual museums give the act of participation and visual communication with programs at an open time, so that it would contribute to reflection, thinking and recording notes, developing the actual and innovative skills through seeing the environments. The study has been divided into two sections the first one is virtual museum techniques. The techniques were studied to reach the public and are used remotely by the services of personal computers or smart phones being virtual libraries that store images and information that was formed and built in a digital way and how

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Health Awareness Throush Communication Media
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Means of communication has a great impact on all fields of awareness including health awareness by increasing the knowledge of community about health and developing their abilities to improve human health and cultural awareness. According to the importance of health awareness for a community to develop their intellectual and physical integrity, the researcher has found that it is essential to know the role of means of communication as a source of information for many students being active and main segments to build their society intellectually, socially and economically.

The research has focused on the study of health awareness among students and their health knowledge derived from the means of communicat

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 02 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
New Fuzzy Normed Spaces
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In this paper the research introduces a new definition of a fuzzy normed space then the related concepts such as fuzzy continuous, convergence of sequence of fuzzy points and Cauchy sequence of fuzzy points are discussed in details.

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 28 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Skin Detection using Improved ID3 Algorithm
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Skin detection is classification the pixels of the image into two types of pixels skin and non-skin. Whereas, skin color affected by many issues like various races of people, various ages of people gender type. Some previous researchers attempted to solve these issues by applying a threshold that depends on certain ranges of skin colors. Despite, it is fast and simple implementation, it does not give a high detection for distinguishing all colors of the skin of people. In this paper suggests improved ID3 (Iterative Dichotomiser) to enhance the performance of skin detection. Three color spaces have been used a dataset of RGB obtained from machine learning repository, the University of California Irvine (UCI), RGB color space, HSV color sp

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Publication Date
Mon May 20 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Approximaitly Prime Submodules and Some Related Concepts
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In this research note approximately prime submodules is defined as a new generalization of prime submodules of unitary modules over a commutative ring with identity. A proper submodule  of an -module  is called an approximaitly prime submodule of  (for short app-prime submodule), if when ever , where , , implies that either  or . So, an ideal  of a ring  is called app-prime ideal of  if   is an app-prime submodule of -module . Several basic properties, characterizations and examples of approximaitly prime submodules were given. Furthermore, the definition of approximaitly prime radical of submodules of modules were introduced, and some of it is properties were established.

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