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The Role of Supreme Fedral court in the Rationalization of lraq Parliamentary System According to the Coustitution of the Republic of Iraq 2005
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      تعد تقنية العقلنة ([i]) تقنية تطويرية للنظام البرلماني تعمل على معالجة الانحرافات التي يمكن ان تحدث لهذا النظام سواء بفعل النظرية او نتيجة للممارسة السياسية، ولعل اول من تحدث بموضوع (البرلمانية المعقلنة) الفقيه الدستوري الروسي الاصل (بوريس ميركن) في فترة مابين الحربين العالميتين (الاولى والثانية) واراد بها تقوية مركز الحكومة لمواجهة البرلمان، وقد اخذ بها واضعوا القانون الاساسي الالماني 1949، فاشترطوا ان يكون حجب الثقة من الحكومة حجبا بناءً على الرغم من اسبقية المشرع الدستوري الالماني في عقلنة برلمانيته الا ان وضوح وبروز هذه التقنية كان على يد المشرع الدستوري الفرنسي في دستور ديغول 1958، وقد جعل المشرع الدستوري الفرنسي منها تقنية لتحجيم البرلمان تشريعيا ورقابيا في مقابل توسيع الاختصاص التشريعي للحكومة وتعزيز مركز رئيس الدولة وجعله حاكما وحكما بين السلطات، لصرامة العقلنة الديغولية فقد ظهرت في فرنسا اتجاهات تتبنى اطروحة الجمهورية السادسة المناهضة لجمهورية الجنرال الخامسة، وقد سعى المجلس الدستوري من جانبه الى التخفيف من شدة العقلنة البرلمانية، فقد ذهب في العديد من قراراته الى توسيع الاختصاص التشريعي للبرلمان، وذلك من خلال تفسير المادة (34) من الدستور تفسيرا واسعا.

[i]  يعرف بعض الفقه العقلنة البرلمانية، بأنها تعني إعتماد مؤسسات دستورية وتوزيع الصلاحيات فيما بينها وتنظيم العلاقات القائمة بين هذه المؤسسات بما يؤدي الى أنتظام عمل المؤسسات الدستورية واستقرارها وفاعليتها، والحيلولة دون تعرضها لحالة شلل او جمود. انظر الى: د. عصام سليمان، الانظمة البرلمانية بين النظرية والتطبيق، منشورات الحلبي الحقوقية، ط1، 2010، ص 117.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 25 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The supervisory jurisdiction of the Federal Supreme Court in Iraq
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The constitution  occupies the highest rank in the legislative hierarchy, as its rules are considered the highest rules in the entire legal system, and accordingly it follows that the competent authority in legislation respects the constitution and does not violate it, and in other words, the legislation that is issued by it should be constitutional, i. Modern constitutional documents in many countries have organized the issue of creating oversight over the work of those authorities, and this oversight may be judicial when it is exercised by the judiciary, and it may be non-judicial when entrusted to other bodies, and judicial oversight is achieved through an original lawsuit filed to challenge the A law or regulation before a Supre

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 07 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Political decentralization Under the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq for 2005: An analytical study
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This research deals with political decentralization under the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq in 2005 in terms of reviewing the concept of the term and its pillars, as well as setting boundaries with other terms that converge with it such as administrative decentralization and autonomy. In order to answer an important question related to the evaluation of the effectiveness of the introduction of this system by the Iraqi legislator, and to indicate the obstacles that prevented the implementation of this system despite the passage of nearly a decade to the entry into force of the Iraqi Constitution, and then propose a road map to complete the construction of this system and its pillar.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 24 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Conflict of Jurisdiction between the Federal Supreme Court and the Administrative Judiciary in Iraq : Analytical Study
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      It is recognized, that the constitutional text is the binding rule for all persons of the state, whether rulers or ruled, with all the contents of the constitutional texts, and thus the three authorities; Legislative, judicial, and executive are bound by the content of these texts, as it is not possible for any of these authorities to confer their own visions and perceptions on the constitutional text, so it is necessary to return to the will of the constitutional founder, in order to clarify the meaning that he seeks by placing that text. This includes the content of Article (93/Third) of the Constitution of Iraq for the year 2005, which referred to the disputes that the Federal Supreme Court is competent

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The role of the internal system of the Iraqi parliament in activating the parliamentary performance
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        The constitutional system in Iraq went to the necessity of the independence of the parliament in setting its internal system, for the purpose of organizing parliamentary work in parliament, so our research came to this decree (the role of the internal system of the Iraqi parliament in activating parliamentary performance), where the importance of this system is highlighted in the advancement of the reality of parliamentary work For members of the House of Representatives, in order to truly represent their constituents, as they are empowered to enable them to exercise the two most important functions. The first is to legislate laws, by discussing and adopting them within a reason

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 07 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The status of the Arabic language in the Constitution of the Republic o f Iraq for the year 2005: A comparative study
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    The Constitution of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2005, in force and following most of the previous Iraqi constitutions and the constitutions of the Arab countries, states that Arabic is the official language of the state.  Recognition of the great and lofty status of it, it is the language sanctified by the Creator (Almighty), by choosing a language not written by Heaven and the dominant of them all (the Holy Quran).  In addition, it is also the endowment of lingual to the seal of his prophets and the leader of his messengers, the greatest Prophet Muhammad bin Abdullah (peace be upon him).  Moreover, this is what questioned the study of the rules of this constitutional demarcation of the Arabic lang

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 25 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The Constitutional concept of National security policy under the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2005
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The Constitution of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2005 dealt with the policy of national security as an exclusive competence of the federal authorities, and the policy of national security as one of the forms of general policies that the constitution enclosed in privacy when it was stipulated in particular, and this policy also attracted the attention of comparative constitutional examples, as it stipulated the formation of specialized constitutional councils to undertake The process of developing and implementing this policy, or forming specialized institutions for this matter, and according to the national security policy, the unity of policies in the state is ensured and directed towards achieving the requirements of Iraqi nationa

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 24 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Constitutional Public Order and its Applications under The Constitution of The Republic of Iraq for The year 2005
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This research deals with the idea of ​​a constitutional public order, determining its nature, and its applications in light of the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2005, by reviewing the relevant constitutional and legal texts, and comparing them with the principles followed by the Federal Supreme Court on the one hand, as well as comparing the behavior of the Iraqi constitutional legislator with some Comparative trends relevant to this topic, especially in Egypt and France, in order to try to draw a road map related to this idea in Iraqi legislation and jurisdiction.

The importance of the research is the scarcity and lack of in-depth studies by constitutional jurists in Iraq despite their abundance in the wr

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
mbalance between the executive and legislative branches In the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq for 2005: A comparative study
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The most important right parliamentary system features it is based on three key elements must be met in order for this system is characterized by Balbrlmana, and these features lie in cooperation and balance between the executive and legislative branches also lies in the equality between the two branches, and this can not be achieved unless there is a mutual understanding between them, and this understanding can only be achieved if all possessed the power of the media and the influence of pressure is what makes other power stands at a certain point

Therefore constitutional rules came in this system to decide the legislative authority of certain rights exercised in the face of the executive branch and check use effective on its wo

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 24 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Commentary on Federal Supreme Court Decision No. 122 / Federal / 2022 - Exempting Officials of Independent Bodies in Iraq
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     أصدرت المحكمة الاتحادية العليا قرارها التفسيري المرقم 122/اتحادية/2022 في 29/5/2022 الذي جاء فيه (ان الية استجواب مسؤولي الهيئات المستقلة تكون بذات الالية التي يتم فيها استجواب الوزراء استناداً لاحكام المادة (61/ثامناً/هـ) من الدستور وبنتيجة الاستجواب يمتلك مجلس النواب صلاحية اعفائهم بالأغلبية المطلقة دون سحب الثقة عنهم، لان الثقة تمنح من قبله للوزراء، فاذا ما تم تعيينهم بموافقة مجلس النواب او أي سلطة

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
State of emergency under the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq 2005 Solutions and Treatments
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The emergency law is an exceptional system intended to support the executive authority with possibilities which limits the rights and freedoms of individuals to meet emergency conditions that threaten the public safety or country security, accordingly, the authority set forth in this law shall comply with the purpose set for it in taking any of the procedures provided by that law and does not depart from the means that are consistent with the constitution provisions. 

The reasons and conditions for declaring a state of emergency must be clear and stipulated in the constitution or in the emergency law in order to restrict the executive authority, the procedures implemented by the government under the state of emergency are di

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