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القواعد الدولية للملاحة في المضائق الدولية
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لا شك ان للبحار والمحيطات أهمية قصوى في حياة الافراد والشعوب ليس على صعيد توفير المصادر الغذائية والثروات المعدنية حسب، وانما كأداة رئيسة ميسورة في عمليات النقل والمواصلات بين الامم. ولذلك فقد سعى المجتمع الدولي منذ مدة طويلة، الى تنظيم استغلال هذا المورد المهم، ووضع القواعد الكفيلة باستخدامه التي تعد في الواقع، البداية الحقيقية لظهور قواعد القانون الدولي، والباعث الاول على قيامه.

      وقد احتل موضوع تنظيم الملاحة في المضايق الدولية مكانا بارزا على هذا الصعيد، نظراً لما لهذه المضايق من تأثير فاعل في سير العمليات الملاحية عبر البحار، وما تشكله من حلقات وصل رئيسة فيما بينها. وعلى هذا الاساس، جرى تنظيم الوضع القانوني للعديد من المضايق الدولية الهامة كالمضايق التركية والدانماركية ومضيق جبل طارق ومضيق ماجلان، طبقا لاتفاقيات دولية خاصة بها.

      وقد تعاظمت اهمية المضايق الدولية بعد الحرب العالمية الثانية نتيجة للتطور التكنلوجي الهائل في وسائط النقل البحري ووسائل استكشاف واستغلال البحار، وما رافقه من تقدم في الانشطة العسكرية والتجارية والمدنية المختلفة، وتطور في الاستراتيجية البحرية للدول بوجه عام والدول العظمى على وجه الخصوص، الأمر الذي انعكس بدوره في مدة وجيزة من الزمن على النظام القانوني الملاحي للمضايق الدولية، وهذا ما يبدو واضحا من خلال القواعد التي ارستها الممارسات العرفية في هذا المجال والاتفاقيات الدولية وفي مقدمتها اتفاقيات جنيف لعام ١٩٥٨ واتفاقية قانون البحار لعام ١٩٨٢ - التي اضفت الصفة الدولية على الكثير من المضايق التي لم تكن تخضع لهذه الصفة من قبل، ووسعت من نطاق مفهوم المرور عبر المضايق الدولية من حق المرور البريء الى حق المرور العابر الذي يعتبر في رأي البعض الاقرب الى نظلم  لمرور الحر في اعالي البحار.

وعلى الرغم من تعدد ميادين استخدام البحار وتنوعها، الا ان استخدامها كميدان للملاحة التجارية بين الدول يعد الاهم من بينها على الاطلاق، كما ويشكل العمود الفقري للاقتصاد العالمي في عصر يتميز بالتبادل والترابط الوثيق بين اعضاء المجتمع الدولي. ولذلك فقد تعين ازالة المعوقات والعقبات كافة التي من شأنها ان تعرقل حرية المرور عبر المضايق الدولية، مع الاخذ بعين الاعتبار الحفاظ على المصالح السيادية والامنية والبيئية للدول المطلة على هذه المضايق. أي يتعين ايجاد نظام قانوني ملاحي للمضايق الدولية يحقق التوزان العادل بين المصالح الوطنية لهذه الدول من جهة، والمصالح العليا او الحيوية للمجتمع الدولي من جهة اخرى.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Nosocomial infections in a Surgical Floor of the General Ba’qubah Hospital; Iraq
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Background: Prevention against nosocomial infection is an important issue of health care field and considered a challenge of patients’ since it reflects its effect on their quality of life. This due to that it will lead in most cases to prolonged hospitalization and also more cost.
Objective: To determine the prevalence of different types of nosocomial infection and to demonstrate the association of different risk factors (hospital environment, workers, visitors) with nosocomial infection.
Patients: this study was carried out in eleven months at Ba’quba general Hospital; Iraq. A total of 81 clinical specimens (urine, pus from abscess , burn swab, nasal swab, ear swab and wound swab) taken from surgical patients,102 specimens fr

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 06 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Evaluation of Blended Learning in Nursing Education at the Middle Region in Iraq
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Objective(s): To evaluate blended learning in nursing education at the Middle Region in Iraq.

Methodology: A descriptive study, using evaluation approach, is conducted to evaluate blended learning in nursing education in Middle Region in Iraq from September 26th, 2021 to March 22nd, 2022. The study is carried out at two Colleges of Nursing at the University of Baghdad and University of Tikrit in Iraq. A convenient, non-probability, sample of (60) undergraduate nursing students is selected. The sample is comprised of (30) student from each college of nursing, Self-report questionnaire is constructed from the literature, for e

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Epidemiology of Human Brucellosis among Populations in Iraq's Provinces in 2015
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Background: Brucellosis (Malta fever) is one of the zoonotic diseases that endemic in all the world, this disease has a history from 1937 in Iraq when the microorganism was first isolated via an Iraqi clinician.
Objective: To demonstrate brucellosis infection among Iraqi provinces and reveal relationship between Brucellosis with seasons, residence place, gender and age of the patients. In addition to diagnosis of brucellosis from patients in Baghdad province suspects of infection by serological methods (Rose Bengal test) and culture method in diagnosis of brucellosis in human.
Patients and Methods: This cross sectional study was conducted at Iraqi hospitals in different Iraqi provinces. The blood sample (serum) was obtained from 18

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Constants of blood money in the Koran   And its variables in the custom prevailing in Iraq
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Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.
          Because it has a prominent role in the life of the Muslim person in particular, and in the stability, security, and safety of society in general, I found it appropriate to participate even a little in solving some of the problems that arise in the nation, and that Adello Badawi in this important issue that concerns everyone without exception And that I show that there are constants in the Koran, from which the scholars of the Ummah derived their evidence on this subject, and that there have been variables have occurred in some Islamic societies, in the issue of blood money that deserves the victim and his family, has allocated talk

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
أستخدام نظرية الخيارات في أدارة المخاطرة في المصارف الأسلاميه دراسه نظريه- أستطلاعيه في المصرفين الأسلاميين في الأردن
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- المقدمهIntroduction    

الخيارات أحدى الأدوات المالية المشتقة التي تشتق قيمتها من قيمة الموجود الأساسي
Underlying Asset، وقد يكون الموجود الأساسي سهما عاديا أو مؤشر أسهم أو عقد مستقبلية سلع أو عقد مستقبلية على أوراق المديونية . وبالرغم من أن الدلائل تشير إلى أن التعامل بالخيارات يعود إلى أوائل القرن السادس العشر الميلادي آلا انه ونتيجة للعديد من الابتكارات ال

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Determination of some heavy Metals in tattoo Stickers in Children sweets available in local markets: Determination of some heavy Metals in tattoo Stickers in Children sweets available in local markets
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The objective of this study is to determination the content of some heavy metals (lead, cadmium, chromium) in colored tattoo stickers. twelve kinds of colored tattoo stikcers were collected from Baghdad markets, it was estimated heavy metals using atomic absorption spectrophotometer (Shimadzu A5000). The results indicated the concentrations of lead in all samples (1.61_1.00 mg / kg) and chromium in the three samples (0.85_0.97 mg / kg) while other samples are free of chromium , and cadmium. These elements are the components of printing inks and dyes in tattoo stickers, and this does not conform to the health and safety conditions for the packaging of food according to the organizations of the health and safety of

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 26 2022
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
العدول الصرفي في صيغ الافعال (الالتفات في الزمن) في شعر العيارين والشطار
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    The Arabian language was particularized in its style, which dazzles minds, so sophistication and diversity have been seen, which gives to words that aren't given to others in a specific weight and creator way, and applies to them even though semantics don't come only from the formula that came out

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 12 2019
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Viewing television in media convergence era Rites change and practices transformation
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The present article concerns one of the objects of media sociology under construction. The transformation of the rites in the use of the television contents in the era of digital technologies and media convergence. By an analytic contextual approach, based on the study of the uses, we formulate the following hypothesis: so many changes in the rites of uses are real, in particular at the young people, so, many pieces integer of the everyday life remain impervious to these changes, and it is true under the influence of a slowness of the social and cultural orders, rooted for a long time in the traditional social fabric. We shall then try to bring a sociological look to this societal, cultural, and communicational object that is the pas

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Polygamy in light of societal changes in Iraq (A Field Study in Baghdad)
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The polygamy as a social was known before Islam, has kept Islam on this system after it organized and put his controls and conditions, as justice between wives and the ability to alimony, it was not the purpose of satisfying the instinct of man and enjoyment, but his goal nominal than that, because it addresses problems humanity has goals noble, so the pluralism overlap of the fabric of families belonging to governance and benefits for women and men and society, which leads to increased ties of love between people of the same society and thus increases the cohesion and importance of the topic and its association with financial conditions have emerged as needed so you viewed in the second scientific Conference of the Department social Ser

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Language formats in contemporary Arabic poetry in Iraq Areading from a functional perspective
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Numerous academic and critical studies concerned with the language of poetry, with the differences and diversity in these studies and the critical methods. , the study tries to study this modern approach in the language Iraqi and Arabic poetry according to analyzing and following the functional dimension of the language, regardless of its poetic value which should be on them, as each poetic experience has its own language, thestudy came to investigate the variety of poetry samples, poets from different and far generations. - in an attempt to give an image Career dimension of language, the center of intellectual transformations that have affected the experience of Arabic poetry generally, and the level of language to be exact, as a tool f

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