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القواعد الدولية للملاحة في المضائق الدولية
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لا شك ان للبحار والمحيطات أهمية قصوى في حياة الافراد والشعوب ليس على صعيد توفير المصادر الغذائية والثروات المعدنية حسب، وانما كأداة رئيسة ميسورة في عمليات النقل والمواصلات بين الامم. ولذلك فقد سعى المجتمع الدولي منذ مدة طويلة، الى تنظيم استغلال هذا المورد المهم، ووضع القواعد الكفيلة باستخدامه التي تعد في الواقع، البداية الحقيقية لظهور قواعد القانون الدولي، والباعث الاول على قيامه.

      وقد احتل موضوع تنظيم الملاحة في المضايق الدولية مكانا بارزا على هذا الصعيد، نظراً لما لهذه المضايق من تأثير فاعل في سير العمليات الملاحية عبر البحار، وما تشكله من حلقات وصل رئيسة فيما بينها. وعلى هذا الاساس، جرى تنظيم الوضع القانوني للعديد من المضايق الدولية الهامة كالمضايق التركية والدانماركية ومضيق جبل طارق ومضيق ماجلان، طبقا لاتفاقيات دولية خاصة بها.

      وقد تعاظمت اهمية المضايق الدولية بعد الحرب العالمية الثانية نتيجة للتطور التكنلوجي الهائل في وسائط النقل البحري ووسائل استكشاف واستغلال البحار، وما رافقه من تقدم في الانشطة العسكرية والتجارية والمدنية المختلفة، وتطور في الاستراتيجية البحرية للدول بوجه عام والدول العظمى على وجه الخصوص، الأمر الذي انعكس بدوره في مدة وجيزة من الزمن على النظام القانوني الملاحي للمضايق الدولية، وهذا ما يبدو واضحا من خلال القواعد التي ارستها الممارسات العرفية في هذا المجال والاتفاقيات الدولية وفي مقدمتها اتفاقيات جنيف لعام ١٩٥٨ واتفاقية قانون البحار لعام ١٩٨٢ - التي اضفت الصفة الدولية على الكثير من المضايق التي لم تكن تخضع لهذه الصفة من قبل، ووسعت من نطاق مفهوم المرور عبر المضايق الدولية من حق المرور البريء الى حق المرور العابر الذي يعتبر في رأي البعض الاقرب الى نظلم  لمرور الحر في اعالي البحار.

وعلى الرغم من تعدد ميادين استخدام البحار وتنوعها، الا ان استخدامها كميدان للملاحة التجارية بين الدول يعد الاهم من بينها على الاطلاق، كما ويشكل العمود الفقري للاقتصاد العالمي في عصر يتميز بالتبادل والترابط الوثيق بين اعضاء المجتمع الدولي. ولذلك فقد تعين ازالة المعوقات والعقبات كافة التي من شأنها ان تعرقل حرية المرور عبر المضايق الدولية، مع الاخذ بعين الاعتبار الحفاظ على المصالح السيادية والامنية والبيئية للدول المطلة على هذه المضايق. أي يتعين ايجاد نظام قانوني ملاحي للمضايق الدولية يحقق التوزان العادل بين المصالح الوطنية لهذه الدول من جهة، والمصالح العليا او الحيوية للمجتمع الدولي من جهة اخرى.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The application of quality requirements in the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs using the international standard (ISO 9001: 2015) Korean case study of the Iraqi Center
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This research aims to study the mechanism of application of international specification requirements (ISO 9001: 2015) at the Iraqi Center- Korean Vocational Training return to vocational training department at the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs for the purpose of preparing and creating the center to get a certificate of conformity with the requirements of the standard (ISO 9001: 2015) that would elevate the level of performance and services provided in the respondent Center after it is identified and the study of the reality of the quality management system by identifying strengths and weaknesses in the system to diagnose the gap and find ways to address that gap, and adopted the researchers the case study method to conduc

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
الإبلاغ المالي عن المشتقات المالية بوصفها أدوات للتحوط من المخاطر السوقية وفقاً للمعايير المحاسبية الدولية: بالتطبيق في مصرف بغـداد
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The research has  focused on accounting for marketing risks faced by banks because they are exposed to a high level of risk as a result of their great utilization of financial instruments, which may make them liable to insolvency or bankruptcy and collapse, and accordingly to major economic crises. Therefore, banks are required to manage (reduce) risks so as to prevent them. As Iraqi banks don't manage these risks according to modern methodology of using derivatives, as well as lack of both the standard accounting system for banks and the Iraqi accounting criterion (standard) No. 10 to an obvious methodology for these risks identification, classification, hedging and disclosure, the researchers was prompted to concentrate

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 10 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The failure of international law to protect Iraqi cultural property from the intentional destruction by ISIS: A priority worthy of international protection
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The destruction and protection of cultural property has been a feature of armed conflicts for thousands of years and it has received increasing international focus over the past two decades. This feature was clearly appeared during the recent armed conflict in Iraq. During the conflict, cultural property was subjected to intentional and organised destruction by members of ISIS. Although there are international legal norms to protect cultural property during armed conflict, however, this destruction has proven the failure of those rules to effectively deter these criminal acts. This Article analyses the framework of international law relevant to the protection of cultural property during of armed conflict in the light of that destruction,

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 11 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Content Assessment of the Sciences Textbooks of Grades (1-4) in the Light of International Standards in Mathematics and Science TIMSS 2019 (Cognitive Process Dimension)
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The current research aims to determine the requirements of Trends of International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS 2019) and to find out the extent to which the content of science textbooks for grades (1-4) in the Sultanate of Oman includes the requirements of (TIMSS 2019). Only the Cognitive Process dimension has been considered when conducting the analysis. The study population includes all science books from the first to the fourth grade for the academic year 2021-2022. The study identified and organized the requirements in the study tool, which is a list of requirements of (TIMSS 2019). After confirming its validity and reliability, the analysis was performed, and data were collected and analyzed statistically using frequencies

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Possibility of applying international AACSB accreditation standards in the faculties of business and Economics- case study in the college of management and Economics-University of Baghdad
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Attention increased to the topic of academic accreditation by the university as a modern philosophy by which to improve its performance and provide high-quality education. Universities and colleges in general and Iraqi universities and colleges in particular have begun interest in accreditation and desire to get it. So starting from the pursuit of the Administration and Economics College / Baghdad University in obtaining accreditation of Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) The research is present which aims to determine the level of application (AACSB) International standards at the College of Administration and Economics / Baghdad University in preparation to get its accreditation in the future. Researc

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of External Audit in Limiting Creative Accounting Practices in Light of International Standards from The Point of View of Certified Accountancy Experts in Iraq as a Model
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This research aims to solve a problem in the field of accounting and financial knowledge in the world today, that is, the problem of creative accounting. Especially after the global financial crisis and the collapse of many large companies in the world, people find that they use creative accounting methods to distinguish them from reality, showing the results of their activities and their financial status. This research discusses the concept of creative accounting, the most important methods used in financial statements and its relationship with external auditing, and procedures to limit accounting creativity. This study uses descriptive analysis methods after confirming its theoretical aspects in practice. Using the statistical

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 22 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
دور معايير المحاسبة الدولية في القطاع العام ( IPSAS ) في تفعيل أداء المؤسسات الاقتصادية والأجهزة الحكومية: بحث تطبيقي في محافظة ذي قار
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One of the most distinguished instrumentsis being used by the state for implementing its strategy andachieving perfectly and effectively its goals and policies, and economizing the Public Finance and uplifting the services level for the sake of people, is truly thegovernmental accounting system.

 Thus, through this system the upper hand is located for supplying the accurate information, which does make the complete and just expressing concerning the budget implementing results. So,this research comes here because of the hugeness in this sector and the associations largeness and the dread of the governments failure in fulfilling its obligations and the provided services, and the required need for the effective and capable inf

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 23 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Role of the External Auditor in Review of Interim Financial Information Accordance with the Internation: بحث تطبيقي في عينة من الشركات المدرجة في سوق العراق للأوراق المالية
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In light of the increasing importance of interim financial statements they provided these lists of information that enables users of accounting information to make wise investment decisions and predict the company's activities in light of changes the updated rather than wait until the end of the year and accessing information provided by the annual financial statements. In light of this research has come to the most important set of conclusions the adoption of interim financial information has been audited by the external auditor to the availability of basic qualitative characteristics in the accounting information contained in the (appropriate and timely manner, reliability and comparability) and this in turn leads to the impact on reli

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Diagnosis of the reality of the gap for the requirements of Business Continuity Management System According to International Standard (ISO 22301: 2012) in Midland Refineries Company (Daura Refinery)
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The current research included " Diagnosis of the reality of the gap for the requirements of Business Continuity Management System According to International Standard (ISO 22301: 2012) in Midland Refineries Company (Daura Refinery) " , for development of an administrative system for Business Continuity is considered a priority in the present day, and in the light of the organizations dependence on computers and information technology in work and communication with others . the international legitimacy (represented by the international organization for standardization (ISO)) remains the basis for matching and commitment , and the importance of the application of Business Continuity Management Syst

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 21 2024
Journal Name
Tikrit Journal Of Administrative And Economic sciences
Determination of competency levels and auditor evaluation procedures to the international standard (ISO19011: 2018) A case study at the Ministry of Construction, Housing and General Municipalities/Audit Directorate
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The current research seeks to achieve several objectives, including knowing the extent of the audit directorate of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and General Municipalities of the International Standard (ISO19011:2018) regarding determining the efficiency and evaluation of auditors and diagnosing the gap between requirements and application and knowing the reasons for not applying some of the items in the standard, starting from the problem, The field raised the following question (Does the audit directorate determine the efficiency and evaluation of auditors according to the standard ISO19011:2018?), and the importance of research lies in determining the return that can be achieved by the directorate through its application of stand

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