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قراءة في قانون ادارة الدولة العراقية للمرحلة الانتقالية
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بعد سقوط النظام السياسي في العراق في ٢٠٠٣/٤/٩ حصل فراغ دستوري وسياسي ولم تكن الرؤية واضحة لدى سلطات الاحتلال بغية اتخاذ القرار المناسب ففي أكانت تعلن أنها جاءت محررة ومنقذة للشعب العراقي ثم عادت واعترفت بالامر الواقع بكونها سلطة احتل مما رتب عليها مسؤوليات كبيرة وجسيمة وفقا لمبادئ القانون الدولي وقرار مجلس الامن الدولي رقم ١٤٨٣ لسنة ٢٠٠٣ والذي دعا (المعنيين): كافة الى الوفاء بالتزاماتهم بمقتضى القانون الدولي بما في ذلك معاهدات جنيف لعام ١٩٤٩ واتفاقات لاهاي لعام ١٩٠٧).

ونظراً لتعقد الوضع في العراق وظهور بوادر على ضعف تأييد الدول التي شاركت أمريكا في احتلاله (كاسبانيا) مثلاً ولظهور قلق حتى في الولايات المتحدة الامريكية حول الوضع القانوني لسلطة التحالف المؤقتة وحول الكيفية التي أقيمت بها. سارعت سلطة الائتلاف في وضع قانون أدارة الدولة ومن ثم تسليم السلطة الى حكومة عراقية من الناحية الشكلية في ٢٨ / حزيران/ ٢٠04، لأن قوات الاحتلال لا زالت موجودة في العراق.

ومن خلال قراءتنا لقانون ادارة الدولة نرى ضرورة تسليط الضوء على بعض الامور التي نعتقد انها جديرة بالمناقشة، ونحاول ايضا بيان النواقص التي شابت هذا القانون من وجهة نظرنا وهدفنا من ذلك المساهمة في بلورة الآراء والرؤى قبل الشروع في كتابة الدستور العراقي الجديد، والله ولي التوفيق.


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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Provisions of the uncertain fate of the Penal Code
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Under the provisions of the old penal laws were criminal responsibility collectively If someone commits murder of the tribe was the victim belongs to another tribe was wasting his blood as a murderer and have each person of the tribe personally responsible for this crime. If it does not contribute to it or did not know, however, committed to achieving voices calling goodness and justice demand soared to impose punishment on the person who is connected to the crim.

The French Revolution and its leaders credited with establishing the principle of personal punishment and responsibility in contemporary penal laws did this concept is limited to the advancement of the criminal liability of play a role in the commission of the crime, bu

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 20 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Autonomous state security
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The state, as one of the most important social institutions that works to provide services and security for individuals, needs security, and this security is achieved according to a specific hierarchy that starts from the security of the individual and the security of society to the security of the state, as the advanced state security is based on the basic pillars of solidarity and social peace This security consists of several levels (human, regional, social, economic, and cyber), unlike Arab criminal legislation, including Iraqi law, which is based on the concept of traditional state security, as it relies on the military side only in order to provide maximum criminal protection for the security of the political system The security of

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Спортивная периодика Украины и Иракского Курдистана как средство становления национального единства в переходный период
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In this subject article analyzed features of a sports indifferent countries during , article analyzed features of a sports media in different countries between social change politcheskih , transformation thematic area dedicated sports periodicals and the influence of these media on the formation of national identity .

Subject of comparative analysis research are sports print media in Ukraine and Iraqi Kurdistan .And highlight the sports as one of modem  Kurdish journalism in lraqi Kurdistan that emerged after the spring in 1991 which took her privacy in the field of journalism , and analysis with sports journalism in the era of the independent state of Ukнаraine in the early nineties of the past century .

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 23 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الادارة الإدارة في الدولة العثمانية
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Continued Ottoman rule in the Arab world until the end of World War I in 1918, and during the four centuries of Ottoman control, care of the Ottomans install and floating their rule, and to prevent the Arabs from the establishment of a political entity separate from the people to facilitate the rule of the Arab world and to ensure the

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 05 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The requirements of curriculum development for the public stage in Iraq
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 Chapter One : the importance of research and the need for it .
       He has developed the concept of the curriculum has evolved as other educational concepts . Because the world has become a small village due to modern technology and are used in various aspects of life , and the rapid communication between the world can be accessed easily and conveniently . And that the purpose of education citizens who create social functions which ones to keep the culture , upgrade and repair flaws, and aims to develop the capacity of the individual and the preparations in the footsteps of scientific and technological development .
- The goal of research : The research aims to:
1 . What is the

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 06 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The reality of teaching performance materials for teachers of social primary stage
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    The teacher is the most able to achieve the goals of education in education because he has the ability to affect the behavior of the disciples testified and its actions and appearance and other actions that convey pupils with it sometimes in a manner unconscious or unconscious , and the importance of the role of the teacher in the educational process , it is necessary to compromise the care and attention to the extent that commensurate with the important role that the rise in the preparation of youth and composition , and as a result is needed to continue efforts to improve the quality of teacher preparation so that it can be more effective and positive in the educational process .
First - Research Goals -<

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Legalization of political parties Study in the law of parties
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The political parties are considered to be the basic infrastructure in the political process for their great role in achieving the political movement in the country and to work on implementing the goals and interests of its voters in the event of their coming to power. If the parties that totalitarianism led to monopoly and monopolization, We can not talk in these countries about the liberal concept of the party and can not talk about the existence of a law or laws and regulations governing and regulate the work of parties. But on the other hand, which is represented by the liberal state, we find a lot of talk and practice about the form and nature of the legitimate law in regulating the formation of parties and their work in a manner th

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Effect of marital relationship In the Iraqi Penal Code
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Marital relation has a great effect on man’s life in general, because it is the legal frame for establishing a rightful legal family, This relation  also has its great effect and importance in laws in general and the Criminal Law in particular (substantive and procedural). As for the scope  of the sustentative rules (under study); it deals with the rules which organize incrimination and penalty in which  the state organizes the right of penalty and put forth the boundaries between what is prohibited and what is permissible and codify the appropriate penalty  specified by the law in case of breach.

The study we examines, in two sections, with the effect of the marital relation from the substantive perspective

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 12 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الدولة الدولة عند الإمام أمير المؤمنين علي بن أبي طالب (عليه السلام)
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Imam Amir al-Mu'minin Ali Bin Abi Taleb when he rebuild the Islamic State faced many challenges circumstances that disturbed the general life

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 20 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Babylon Center For Humanities Studies
ثورات اليهود في عهد الدولة الرومانية
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