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أحكام الامتناع عن الفعل في المسؤولية عن الفعل الشخصي
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تترتب مسؤولية فاعل الضرر عن خطأه اذا الحق المخطيء ضررا بالغير، وهو امر لاخلاف عليه فقها وقانونا، وهو ما يعر ف بـ (الخطا الايجابي). فمتى وقع الضرر قامت مسؤولية المخطيء. ولا فرق هنا بين ناقص الاهلية او عديمها أو كاملها، فكل من الحق ضررا بالغير تحمل فاعل الضرر المسؤولية عن فعله. ولكن الامر ليس سيان بالنسبة للخطا السلبي، فهل تطبق قواعد الخطا الايجابي في حالة ارتكاب الضرر نتيجة لخطأ سلبي؟. بمعنى آخر هل يتحمل فاعل الضرر المسؤزولية عن الخطا السلبي؟ وهنا تندرج صورة من صور الخطا السلبي او وهي (الامتناع عن الفعل)، وهو الحالة التي يلتزم فيها الفرد بعدم القيام بعمل في الوقت الذي يفرض عليه القانون احيانا القيام بعمل. أو يفرض عليه الواجب القيام بعمل معين. أشكالية البحث: وهنا تثور أشكالية تتلخص في ما ياتي:

 1– ما هو الحكم القانوني في حالة امتناع الفرد عن القيام بعمل مفروضا عليه بحكم القانون او بحكم الواجب القانوني العام؟

2– هل يتساوى اثر الامتناع عن الفعل الذي يفرضه الواجب القانوني العام، مع الاثر الذي تفرضه النصوص القانونية الخاصة؟

3– هل يتساوى الحكم على الممتنع ناقص الاهلية، والممتنع كامل الاهلية؟

4– ماهو الحكم اذا كان الممتنع ناقص الاهلية، بمعنى ان يكون الضرر ترتب على امتناع شخصا ما عديم الاهلية؟ 5– وأخيرا ما هو موقف الفقه الاسلامي من هذه المسألة بالذات، وما هي اراء الفقهاء في الموضوع. هذه الاشكاليات جميعها سوف نجيب عنها في هذا البحث ان شاء الله تعالى.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Eliminate harmful side – effects of Controls System by designing Activity – Based Responsibility Accounting model
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This research has come out with that, function-based responsibility accounting system has harmful side – effects preventing it of achieving its controlling objective, that is, goal congruence, which are due to its un integrated measures, its focus on measuring measurable behaviors while neglecting behaviors that are hardly measured, and its dependence on standard operating procedures.

In addition, the system hypotheses and measures are designed to fit previous business environment, not the current environment.

The research has also concluded that the suggestive model, that is, activity-based responsibility accounting is designed to get ride of harmful side – effects of functi

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 30 2022
Journal Name
مجلة اقتصاديات الاعمال للبحوث التطبيقية
تأثير اخلاقيات الاعمال في فاعلية تقارير محاسبة المسؤولية في ظل تباين ثقافة الوحدة الاقتصادية:دراسة استطلاعية على عينة من المحاسبين في الشركات الصناعية العراقية
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هدف البحث الى التعرف على العلاقة والاثر بين متغيرات البحث والمتمثلة بأخلاقيات الاعمال بمثابة متغير مستقل بأبعاده ( فريق العمل ، المسؤولية ، السرية ، القواعد والاجراءات الوظيفية ) ومحاسبة المسؤولية بمثابة متغير تابع، ومتغير وسيط هو الثقافة ، تمثل مجتمع البحث بمجموعة من الشركات الصناعية العراقية وتم اخذ عينة قصدية من محاسبي تلك الشركات بلغ عددهم (60) محاسبا حيث تم توزيع الاستبانة عليهم كأداة للبحث وتم تحليلها ب

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Remedies breach content of contract Study in French law according to the Decree 131-2016 and the preliminary draft amendment to the Civil Liability Act of 2017
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The Contracts must be executed according to their content. Therefore, the parties must fulfill their obligations as stipulated in the contract content. If one of them Do not execute his obligations, his contractual responsibility is to breach the contractual content of his contract.

This principle does not differ in law, but the difference lies in what is wrong or not, as well as different ways to address this breach.

The breach is not limited to the failure of the parties to fulfill the obligations under the contract, but the description of the breach applies to the cases of non-implementation of obligations not mentioned in the contract - secondary obligations - and the liability is also contractual, by virtue of chargi

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The Exclusion Of Application Of Foreign Law Provisions For Violating Islamic Sharia Law In Terms Of Article (27) Of The UAE Civil Transactions Law Amended By Federal Decree-Law No. (30) of 2020
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This study is about the subject of exclusion of the application of foreign law as it violates the Islamic Sharia law in terms of Article (27) of the UAE Civil Transactions Law as amended in 2020, which before that date included all disputes involving a foreigner. According to the amendment referred to, the application of Islamic Sharia law shall be limited to civil transactions with the exclusion of personal status affairs.

The study concluded with many results, the most important of which is that the current text of Article (27) of the Civil Transactions Law as amended in 2020 is unable to explain what the judge may do in cases where the foreign law jurisdiction is referred to in one of the excluded texts, namely those related t

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The development of ethics management system to enhance the social responsibility of government institutions in Iraqi society An analytical study on a sample of top leadership and the presidency of
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The objective of this research is to identify the analysis of the ethics of the administration in the development of the social responsibility of one government organizations, and to achieve the objectives of the research was the use of a questionnaire developed for the purpose of data collection and distribution to the research sample, was chosen as a total sample population (50) individuals were relying on statistical package to do a statistical analysis for this research, user, ANSI (SPSS) simple regression analysis, standard deviation, Pearson correlation coefficient.

Research findings show the role of social responsibility in achieving the university's strategy,

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
THE ETHICAL RESPONSIBILITY OF THE COMMUNICATOR IN PRESS INSTITUTIONS TO CONSOLIDATE THE VALUES OF TOLERANCE: A Study of the Communicator in the Newspapers (Al-Zaman, Al-Sabah, Al-Mada) For the period: 1/5/2020 to 1/10/2020
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This research deals with the role that the media can play in spreading awareness, culture and sound behavior among members of society, due to its ability to reach the largest number of individuals; its wide spread within society; and the moral responsibility of the media in consolidating the components of civil peace. The media works on forming intellectual convictions and behavioral attitudes by publishing opinions and ideas, introducing them to people's awareness and enhancing them in the practice of their daily lives, he was its media medium. Sociologists and psychologists confirm that the media. The significance of the research comes due to the broadening of violence and sectarian fighting; the absence of a culture of civil social pe

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 16 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
English Influence of Workplace Incivility on Psychological Well-being of Nurses in the Southern of Iraq
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Objectives: The main objective of this study is to find the influence level of nursing incivility on psychological well-being among nurses in southeastern Iraq.

Methods: In this descriptive correlational study, a convenience sample of 250 nurses working in three government hospitals in Missan province in the south of Iraq were surveyed using the nursing incivility scale (NIS) and Ryff's psychological well-being scale (PWB) from November 2021, to July 2022. A multivariate multiple regression analysis was done to analyze the multivariate effect of workplace incivility on the psychological well-being of nurses.

Results: The study results show a

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Analysis of Verbs Forms in Sa’eed Faeeq’s Short Story: Cloud in the Sky: Sait Faik'in "Havada Bulut" Adlı Hikayesinde Fiil Kiplerinin İncelenmesi.
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This research paper which is entitled “Analysis of Verbs Forms in Sa’eed Faeeq’s Short Story: Cloud in the Sky” deals with the forms of verbs (i.e., kinds of tenses and suffix analysis). It is one of the applied studies. Verbs are basic elements in Turkish sentences. Their function is to state the predicate which is a sentential essential part. Verbs denote sentence construction, action and formal aspects. Forms are added to the base of verbs in the Turkish language giving the verbs their final structures. Such structures are set in a distinct planned way. The verbs used in the Turkish language which are distinguished by one of these forms are known as simple tense verbs.

Sait Faik'in ( "Havada Bulut" adlı Hikayesinde Fi

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluating Training Programs According to model Kirkpatrick / field research in the Health Maysan Directorate .
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This present paper aim at knowing  the process of evaluating the training program that could be applied  in Maysan Health office  for it significance and importance in field of management and vocational staff  preparations  of high  scientific experience in different fields of  Health.  The society of research includes staffs  working in Maysan Health Office  , of specialists ,  dentists, pharmacists, laboratories, nursing  and administrators. Their number is 100 employees, the researcher has designed questionnaire by depending on "Kirkpatrick"  for assessing  the training . The researcher has used   thorough survey and has entailed 90 questionnaire,

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The morphological structure of nouns and verbs in the novel "Astonishment" by the novelist Aharon Applefield, Morphological study.: מבנה שמות עצם והפעלים ברומן תימהון לסופר אהרון אפלפלד עיון מורפולוגי
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This research sheds light on the morphological structure of nouns and verbs in the novel "ASTONISHMENT" by the novelist Aharon Applefield by analysing selected models from the novel in a morphological analysis in order to identify the most important morphological features of this structure according to a statistical analytical approach.

 The morphological structure is the main pillar of the linguistic structure of the literary text. Morphology is the science that studies the word, by which its structure and original letters are known, and the change that has occurred to it.  The aesthetics of the fictional text is reflected in this structure, through which the writer conveys his ideas and narrations to the reader.  The research

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