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أحكام الامتناع عن الفعل في المسؤولية عن الفعل الشخصي
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تترتب مسؤولية فاعل الضرر عن خطأه اذا الحق المخطيء ضررا بالغير، وهو امر لاخلاف عليه فقها وقانونا، وهو ما يعر ف بـ (الخطا الايجابي). فمتى وقع الضرر قامت مسؤولية المخطيء. ولا فرق هنا بين ناقص الاهلية او عديمها أو كاملها، فكل من الحق ضررا بالغير تحمل فاعل الضرر المسؤولية عن فعله. ولكن الامر ليس سيان بالنسبة للخطا السلبي، فهل تطبق قواعد الخطا الايجابي في حالة ارتكاب الضرر نتيجة لخطأ سلبي؟. بمعنى آخر هل يتحمل فاعل الضرر المسؤزولية عن الخطا السلبي؟ وهنا تندرج صورة من صور الخطا السلبي او وهي (الامتناع عن الفعل)، وهو الحالة التي يلتزم فيها الفرد بعدم القيام بعمل في الوقت الذي يفرض عليه القانون احيانا القيام بعمل. أو يفرض عليه الواجب القيام بعمل معين. أشكالية البحث: وهنا تثور أشكالية تتلخص في ما ياتي:

 1– ما هو الحكم القانوني في حالة امتناع الفرد عن القيام بعمل مفروضا عليه بحكم القانون او بحكم الواجب القانوني العام؟

2– هل يتساوى اثر الامتناع عن الفعل الذي يفرضه الواجب القانوني العام، مع الاثر الذي تفرضه النصوص القانونية الخاصة؟

3– هل يتساوى الحكم على الممتنع ناقص الاهلية، والممتنع كامل الاهلية؟

4– ماهو الحكم اذا كان الممتنع ناقص الاهلية، بمعنى ان يكون الضرر ترتب على امتناع شخصا ما عديم الاهلية؟ 5– وأخيرا ما هو موقف الفقه الاسلامي من هذه المسألة بالذات، وما هي اراء الفقهاء في الموضوع. هذه الاشكاليات جميعها سوف نجيب عنها في هذا البحث ان شاء الله تعالى.

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Compensation those affected by technological development risks within the scope
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The unprecedented technological development the world witnesses nowadays has been providing brilliant medical service to the human being including examination, diagnosis and the treatment or  follow up.

However , such works hide behind potential risks treating people's lives and such risks my be discovered within the limits of now –how and technical knowledge prevailing the time of rendering the medical service.

So that pay attention, Also this the question is raised on how to keep up between the safety of the patients and such risks are being un known by the provider and questioning them contradicts the justices subsequently can the patients) acquire the compensation? The answer to such question is the basis of th

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 07 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
مرويات أبو حنيفة الدنيوري عن النبات في معجم لسان العرب
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        يأخذ هذا النوع من الدراسات أهميته في مجال الدراسات التاريخية لاسيما انه يقوم على أساس البحث والتقصي عن بعض الظواهر في المعاجم كونها  تمثل المصدر الأساسي الذي وجدنا فيه الجزء الأعظم من  تلك المادة المفقودة لكتاب النبات لابو حنيفة الدينوري.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 29 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Penalty for breach of responsibility for negotiations in government contracts: Comparative Study
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Negotiations in administrative contracts represent an important preparatory stage in which discussions and discussions between the administrative authority and the party wishing to contract with them will be held on one of the issues related to the contract to be concluded whereby the different views of the parties of the contractual relationship are brought together to exchange or achieve common interests.

The importance  of negotiations in administrative contracts and their significant and effective role in protecting state funds. The inadequacy of Iraqi legislation in the development of an integrated legal framework for this important phase, and the many problems that appear in this stage before the conclusion of the cont

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Application of Data Mining Techniques on Tourist Expenses in Malaysia
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Tourism plays an important role in Malaysia’s economic development as it can boost business opportunity in its surrounding economic. By apply data mining on tourism data for predicting the area of business opportunity is a good choice. Data mining is the process that takes data as input and produces outputs knowledge. Due to the population of travelling in Asia country has increased in these few years. Many entrepreneurs start their owns business but there are some problems such as wrongly invest in the business fields and bad services quality which affected their business income. The objective of this paper is to use data mining technology to meet the business needs and customer needs of tourism enterprises and find the most effective

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Compensation those affected by technological development risks within the scope of medical works
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 compensation those affected by technological development risks within the scope of medical works.       

The unprecedented technological development the world witnesses nowadays has been providing brilliant medical service to the human being including examination, diagnosis and the treatment or follow up.

However, such works hide behind potential risks threatening people's lives and such risks my be discovered within the limits of now – how and technical knowledge prevailing the time of rendering the medical service. Also this the question is raised on how to keep up between the safety of the patients and such risks are being unknown by the provider and questioning them contradic

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Ischemic VSD
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Background: Ischemic VSD or ventricular septal rupture (VSR) is a rare but lethal complication of myocardial infarction (MI). Multi-system coronary disease is present in more than 50% of these patients. The event occurs 2-8 days after an infarction and often precipitates cardiogenic shock. The differential diagnosis of postinfarction cardiogenic shock should exclude free ventricular wall rupture and rupture of the papillary muscles. To avoid the high morbidity and mortality associated with the disorder, patients should undergo emergent surgery. Concomitant coronary artery bypass may be required.
Objective: This study stressed on a very serious complication of a common pathology (myocardial infarction), despite it,s lethal complication

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 29 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Criminal mediation as an alternative to the criminal case in Iraqi legislation
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Criminal mediation is one of the new means that seeks to resolve criminal disputes away from the traditional procedures of criminal cases and outside the court, but under his supervision and supervision, the mediation process is based on the consensual idea of ​​ending the conflict as it gives both the offender and the victim a role in resolving the next conflict between them Outside the judiciary, with the intervention of a third party from the third party (the mediator), who has the main role in the success of the mediation process, and the mediator is obligated to inform the judicial authority of the results of the mediation, and then the judicial authority later has discretion in the return report, otherwise You will either go th

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The importance of using analytical procedures in the detection of creative accounting practices
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The research aims to identify the importance of using analytical procedures in the detection of creative accounting practices. To achieve this goal, (100) questionnaires were prepared and distributed to the auditors in the Federal Financial Supervision Bureau and the authorized auditors' offices and practitioners of the auditing profession in Iraq. For the purpose of testing the research hypothesis and analyzing data, some appropriate statistical methods have been used and the use of the statistical program (SPSS) to analyze the data. The results of the research showed that the analytical procedures and tests applied by the auditor have a role in revealing and limiting creative accounting practices and methods and that auditors u

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
La langue et la quête de l'identité dans l’œuvre d’Annie Ernaux
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Since her early beginning in 1974 in her novel "Les armoires vides", Annie Ernaux writing about life in all its various aspects remained her main goal. This novel gave the earliest signals of what would happen later on in her literary career. Indeed, her works showed abilities of echoing reality, her sufferance and experiences via the use of simple and clear language. Add to this, her writings are to be viewed as an expression of deep felt journey, and a continuous search due to the consequent changes coming out of her identity.

    We try here to give an answer to the question about writing as to whether being, to Ernaux herself, a need for the search about her social and feminist identity, or a pure literary work

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 10 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Factors Affecting the U.S Supreme Court’s Reversal of Its Constitutional Precedents
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  1. S. Supreme Court plays a very important rule in American legal system, especially in the domain of constitutional interpretation and judicial review. This importance emerges from the precedents of the court which considered as compulsory rules on all the authorities. However, the supreme court can overrule its precedents. This research is about the factors which effect the court’s decision on overruling, dividing them on internal and external factors.
  2.           The source of the internal factors is the precedent itself, while the source of the external factors is the circumstances surrounding the precedent.

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