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التوعية القانونية لطلبة الجامعات بالمعايير الدولية لحقوق الانسان
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ان ثقافة حقوق الانسان بصفة عامة في الاوساط الاجتماعية، وبشكل خاص في الوسط الجامعي امر في غاية الاهمية، حيث يعد من أساسيات اقرار مبدأ سيادة القانون وضماناته في المجتمع، ومن ثم بناء وتطور المجتمع على اسس سليمة تكفل تحقيق الامان والرخاء والسعادة في المجتمع. ان غرس ونشر ثقافة حقوق الانسان  وطلبة –تتطلب الرجوع الى الخلفية الدستورية والقانونية لافراد المجتمع بشكل عام الجامعات بشكل خاص وذلك ان هذا البرنامج او المشروع من اجل تطبيقه وتحقيق اهدافه يقضي توفر البنية والارضية الصالحه لذلك. وهذه تتطلب مستلزمات عديده ذات ابعاد شخصية وفنية ومادية، وهذا يستلزم فترة زمنية ليست بالقصيرة ويتم تطبيقها على مراحل عديدة. واهم شئ في ذلك هو بناء الانسان على اساس ثقافة المواطنة والشعور بالمسؤولية اتجاه الوطن والمجتمع، ومن ثم تبني فلسفة لحقوق الانسان وعلى اساسها يتم اقرار سياسة خاصة لها، ومن ثم وضع اليات لتطبيق معايير حقوق الانسان، هذا يتطلب وضع نظام للرقابة على تطبيق الاليات، واخيرا تقييم العملية كاملة لغرض المراجعة وتصحيح المسار

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 31 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The Legal Nature of Independent Guarantees
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The guarantee has been known since ancient times as the most widely used personal guarantee, whether at the commercial or civil business level, internally and externally. However, it suffered from weaknesses from the point of view of creditors. In search of a safer personal guarantee, and based on contractual freedom, independent guarantees arose, starting with practice, followed by the stage of legislative regulation.

This type of new guarantees is based on the principle of independence. The independent guarantor, who is the debtor of the guarantee, is bound by a personal guarantee originating in the contract with the inability to adhere to defenses, which constitutes an advantage that tempts creditors, and the well-known legal

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Legal Protection of Computer Programs
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Computer programs are one of the most prominent features of technical progress in the field of information technology, which has raised many new issues that have not existed since the mid-twentieth century. and controls on the use of these programs by third parties, Controversy still exists about the legal nature of computer programs between those who believe that they are subject to the laws of patents and industrial property, and those who believe that they are subject to the laws of copyright protection and literary and artistic property, and the resulting difference in the scope of protection and rights established according to the legal system adopted in the application. This study comes to shed light on the legal nature of computer

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Legal Protection of Computer Programs
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Computer programs are one of the most prominent features of technical progress in the field of information technology, which has raised many new issues that have not existed since the mid-twentieth century. and controls on the use of these programs by third parties,

Controversy still exists about the legal nature of computer programs between those who believe that they are subject to the laws of patents and industrial property, and those who believe that they are subject to the laws of copyright protection and literary and artistic property, and the resulting difference in the scope of protection and rights established according to the legal system adopted in the application.

This study comes to shed light on the legal na

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The Legal Nature of Investment Contracts
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The investment contract that has a foreign element is considered amongst the contracts that have their legal and international economical weight, for what it represents in all countries’ economies, and achieving progress in many fields that investment has its effects on their growth and establishment as its at the centre of everyone’s attention. As well as that the variety in opinions and the presence of differences in the contents of these contracts, and the confusion between them and other international contracts, and the considerable interest jurists have in them have all led to not having a legal definition for them, as most definitions the describe them are more economical than they are legal, and the reason for that is that law

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Role of Tabuk University in Intellectual Education for Students in the Light of the Requirements of Enhancing the Intellectual Security
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The study aims to identify the degree of Tabuk University practices to raise the intellectual awareness of students through scientific research, as well as to identify the degree of Tabuk University practicing to raise the intellectual awareness through the educational process (faculty member – activities). The study also seeks to identify the degree of Tabuk University practicing to raise the intellectual awareness of students through community service and university media. The study is descriptive in nature that employed the questionnaire as a tool in collecting data. Total of (540) students were chosen randomly from different colleges at universities of Tabuk to form the study sample. The results showed that faculty member has pract

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 29 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The legal obstacles for the choices of the real estate owner and the extent to which the options of the holder are affected as a result of the pledgee’s breach of his legal duties
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منح القانون حائز العقار المرهون خيارات معينة ، ان يستعمل منها ما يناسبه للحفاظ على ملكية العقار ، ويتجنب ملاحقة الدائن المرتهن الذي قد يفلح في نزع هذه الملكية من يده لتقع في نصيب شخص آخر ، او قد تكون من نصيبه بعد ان يسدد الثمن الذي رسا عليه مزاد البيع طبقا للاجراءات المتبعة .

قد يتعذر على الحائز في حالات معينة استعمال البعض من هذه الخيارات او كلها(Contraindications to using options) ، الامر الذي يضعه تحت رحمة الدائن المرته

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Dilemmas in teaching human rights and democracy between the current reality and the difficulties in seeking to spread a culture of human rights
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In the age of information and communication revolution, education as one of life aspects has influenced with that revolution by integrating technology in education, which have become as an important learning tools of the whole educational process . Technology, when used appropriately, can help make science classroom a site of active learning and critical thinking, furthering student inquiry and connections with different materials. It is necessary to develop human rights education programs and materials for discretionary and extracurricular activities as it provide them with the skills and tools so that they are empowered to take action to realize their rights. Human rights education is a critical means of instilling the knowledge، skil

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Dilemmas in teaching human rights and democracy between the current realityand the difficulties in seeking to spread a culture of human rights
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In the age of information and communication revolution, education as one of life
aspects has influenced with that revolution by integrating technology in education, which
have become as an important learning tools of the whole educational process . Technology,
when used appropriately, can help make science classroom a site of active learning and
critical thinking, furthering student inquiry and connections with different materials. It is
necessary to develop human rights education programs and materials for discretionary and
extracurricular activities as it provide them with the skills and tools so that they are
empowered to take action to realize their rights. Human rights education is a critical means of

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Relationship of Pruritus with Biochemical and Haematological Parameters in Haemodialysis Patients (A Single Center Study).
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Background: Pruritus often constitutes a major problem for patients with end stage renal disease. The pathophysiological mechanism of chronic kidney disease -associated pruritus is poorly defined.
Objectives: To evaluate the prevalence of uremic pruritus in dialysis patients and their correlation with the laboratory and clinical parameters in some Iraqi patients with chronic renal disease.
Patients & methods: This analytic, descriptive, cross-sectional study was performed on 103 patients on haemodialysis. Blood urea, creatinine, calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase and parathyroid hormone were determined. Complete blood count was also performed.
Results: Of the 103 patients included in the study the, 79 patients (76.7%)

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 03 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Rooting Governance and its Legal Nature
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Tax governance is a set of legal means that directs the tax administration to deal in good faith with taxpayers based on transparency, integrity and accountability while ensuring the achievement of tax justice and works to introduce advanced means by which it deals with all stakeholders.

      In this study, we try to explain its rooting and legal nature by shedding light on the position of some international organizations and their internal legislation in the context of public finance.

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