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تجريم المخالفات الجسيمة في اتفاقيات جنيف في قانون العقوبات وقانون العقوبات العسكري العراقي
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تمثل اتفاقيات جنيف لعام 1949 وبروتوكوليها الاضافيين لعام 1977 عصب الحماية للافراد الذين لا يشاركون في العمليات العدائية او الذين كفوا عن المشاركة فيها. وتكاد تكون معظم دول العالم اطراف في هذه الاتفاقيات ويبلغ عددها 194 دولة طرف[i].  ان هذه الاتفاقيات ترمي بالثقل الاكبر في مسؤوليتها عن احترام وكفالة احترام قواعده على الدول. ويتجسد واجب الاخيرة في الايفاء بالتزاماتها الدولية على صعيدين، الدولي والوطني. احدى هذه الالتزامات تتجسد في تجريم المخالفات الجسيمة او ما يطلق عليه بجرائم الحرب (مخالفات قوانين واعراف الحرب). الايفاء بهذه الالتزامات ومن ضمنها تجريم المخالفات يتخذ اشكالا عدة تأتي في مقدمتها الموائمة التشريعية للقوانين الداخلية مع اتفاقيات القانون الدولي الانساني ممثلة باوراق بحثنا في اتفاقيات جنيف الاربع ومن ثم عملية نشر قواعد هذا القانون وتعليمه الى فئات المجتمع ونخص منهم بالذكر، صانعو السياسة، طلاب القانون والاعلام وفئة العسكريين.

ومع تغير النظام في العراق عام 2003 وما تبعه من تغييرات في النظام القانوني احدثها الحاكم المدني للعراق، والتي شملت جميع اوجه الحياة السياسية والاقتصادية واقل منها الاجتماعية. كان هناك سيل جارف من التشريعات ان صح تسميته. مثل العديد منها انتهاكاً لقاعدة الحماية المتعلقة بالناحية التشريعية لقوانين الدولة الواقعة تحت الاحتلال الحربي، وهي ان سلطة الاحتلال مقيدة في اصدار قوانين وتشريعات جديدة بان تكون اما لصالح المدنيين او تتعلق بالامن الحربي لدولة الاحتلال وافرادها[ii]. في حين ضمنت تشريعات اخرى حماية اكبر على صعيد حقوق الانسان والامتثال للاتفاقيات الدولية المتعلقة بهذا المجال وبمجالات اخرى. ومع انتقال السلطة الى ايدي العراقيين في الثلاثين من تموز عام 2004 بدأ العراقيون برسم المعالم القانونية لعراق ما بعد العام 2003.

السؤال المطروح هل نحن بحاجة الى سن تشريعات جديدة في المجال الجزائي؟ الاجابة الوافية لا يمكن ان تكون بالنفي او الايجاب دون اعتماد منهج البحث العلمي وسنحاول في هذا البحث معرفة الاجابة فيما يخص موضوعاً بعينه وهو تجريم المخالفات الجسيمة في اتفاقيات جنيف في القانون العراقي آملين في خطوة متقدمة بحث المخالفات الجسيمة المنصوص عليها في البروتوكول الاول المعني بحماية ضحايا النزاعات المسلحة الدولية والبرتوكول الاضافي الثاني المعني بحماية ضحايا النزاعات المسلحة غير الدولية. هذا اذا ما علمنا بان العراق صادق على الوثيقة الاولى[iii] دون الثانية.


[i]ينظر وثيقة تبين الدول وتاريخ تصديقها على اتفاقيات القانون الدولي الانساني على موقع اللجنة الدولية للصليب الاحمر وحتى 5/5/2011: (accessed on July6,2011).

[ii] ينظر نص المادة/64 من اتفاقية جنيف الرابعة لحماية المدنيين، ونص المادة/43 من اتفاقية لاهاي لعام 1907.

[iii] صادق العراق على البروتوكول الاضافي الاول بتاريخ الاول من نيسان 2010. ينظر هامش رقم (1).

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Effect of marital relationship In the Iraqi Penal Code
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Marital relation has a great effect on man’s life in general, because it is the legal frame for establishing a rightful legal family, This relation  also has its great effect and importance in laws in general and the Criminal Law in particular (substantive and procedural). As for the scope  of the sustentative rules (under study); it deals with the rules which organize incrimination and penalty in which  the state organizes the right of penalty and put forth the boundaries between what is prohibited and what is permissible and codify the appropriate penalty  specified by the law in case of breach.

The study we examines, in two sections, with the effect of the marital relation from the substantive perspective

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Provisions of the uncertain fate of the Penal Code
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Under the provisions of the old penal laws were criminal responsibility collectively If someone commits murder of the tribe was the victim belongs to another tribe was wasting his blood as a murderer and have each person of the tribe personally responsible for this crime. If it does not contribute to it or did not know, however, committed to achieving voices calling goodness and justice demand soared to impose punishment on the person who is connected to the crim.

The French Revolution and its leaders credited with establishing the principle of personal punishment and responsibility in contemporary penal laws did this concept is limited to the advancement of the criminal liability of play a role in the commission of the crime, bu

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
جرائم العنف الاسري للزوجة في قانون العقوبات والاحوال الشخصية العراقي دراسة مقارنة
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The subject (crimes of domestic violence to the wife in penalties and personal circumstances of the Iraqi law) of the important topics which aims to provide criminal and legal protection for the wife as the interest protected by the law when the criminalization of an act perpetrated spousal violence has spread problem of the most serious problems that have had a significant impact the wife, in particular, on the family and society in general, namely, the problem of protecting the wife of domestic violence, which directs it from her husband, and our goal of this study is to develop develop a wife and protection from domestic violence, which sheds it by searching in the media confront this phenomenon, namely violence prisoners and then sta

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The provisions of the autistic in criminal penalties
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  Thankfully Thank meets the grace and pushes us Blaneh and a curse, peace and blessings be upon the Prophet after him, and his family and companions, and after:

    This research deals with the subject of the provisions of the autistic in criminal penalties, one of the important issues, especially after the spread in abundance in our contemporary society, as the patient is characterized by autism in most of spaces of isolation and depression and aggressive behavior, and in some cases try autistic to commit suicide as a result of going through the psychological pressure , was this research to clarify what follows autistic criminal penalties as a result of the capital crime of self or without them, and the stat

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Publication Date
Mon May 08 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
العقوبات المقررة لجريمة تخريب الاثار
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لقد تناول هذا البحث الموسوم ب(العقوبات المقررة لجريمة تخريب الاثار – دراسة مقارنة) دراسة التنظيم القانوني للعقوبات المقررة لجريمة تخريب الاثار في القانون العراقي , وسعينا من خلاله الى تسليط الضوء على هذه الجريمة باعتبارها من المواضيع الهامة في وقتنا الحاضر لانتشار ارتكابها في العديد من دول العالم سيما في العراق بعد حزيران من عام 2014 هذا من جانب , ومن جانب اخر اهمية الاثار كموروث حضاري وانساني سواء على المستو

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Alternative Sanctions and their Impact on Societal Security: A Field Study in the Directorate of Juveniles Reformatory in Baghdad
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Crime is one of the most severe challenges facing States, and strives to find preventive measures, reduce its seriousness, and prevent them; due to developments, crimes have increased, and emerging new patterns of crimes, there is an urgent need to prevent crimes and reduce their effects. Modernizing its punitive system and diverting it to correctional rehabilitative justice to redress the prejudice caused by the crime and rehabilitate the convicted person by using alternative measures to short-term imprisonment. This research emphasizes alternative sanctions' value to minimizing short-term imprisonment penalties and their impact on societal security through several goals like, the negative consequences, justifications, and alternatives

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 15 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Criminal Penalties against individuals and the problems of execution according to the basic system of the international criminal court
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The international community has  sought to establish a judicial institution that works to apply the law fairly، as a result of a necessity dictated by the circumstances of the international community، and Because of the great violations against humanity in times of peace and war، and in order to establish the parameters of international criminal justice between all societies and countries، this necessity resulted in the idea of ​​establishing an international criminal court . A court that enjoys independence and impartiality  exercising  its international jurisdiction according to legal procedures to suo any one  accused of committing an international crime in to inflict Penalties against him or her، whether

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 25 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Tax penalties and their effectiveness in reducing the creative accounting practices: An Empirical Study of the General Commission for Taxes
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The research aims to study and definition of the concept of creative accounting and motives adopted by the management of companies to achieve their own goals and their impact on the reliability of the financial statements and the tax settling accounts and whether that tax administration is able to detect and limit the creative accounting practices and impose legal sanctions deterrent against companies The research has come to a set of conclusions, including:

  1. The administration motives in the use of creative accounting methods, some internal motives related to the interests of the administration in maximizing profits to increase incentives and rewards, others are external, such as the impact on stock prices or reduce the am

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 28 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Penalty of Semi-Intentional Killing Offence according to the Egyptian and Algerian Penal Law: An Evaluative Study from the Islamic Viewpoint: محمد جبر السيد عبد الله جميل
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The study aims at  evaluating  the penalty of  semi- intentional killing felony in the Egyptian and Algerian criminal law following the Islamic Law (Shari'a). The  study used the descriptive, evalutive and analytical  methodology  to  reach the topic in question. To meet the theoretical significance of the study, much data has been collected to give a comprehensive picture about the topic under examination. As for the practical significance of the study, it helps the juridical power to reconsider and phrase the legal materials of the semi-intentional killing penalty based on the Islamic law. The study has come to the conclusions that the Islamic Law (Shari'a) imposes a compensation (blood-money) to be g

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 24 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Interest in the criminalzation of smoking
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Smoking is one of the biggest pests in societies and is one of the main threats to human health as the problem goes beyond the smoker and the non smoker around it and is transmitted through the air and produces what is known as passive smoking.

Scientific studies and medical research confirm that at least 90% of patients with oral, pharyngeal, laryngeal, and other cancers are among smokers. It is known that the risk of these cancers among smokers increases as the amount of smoking increases. That the incidence of these malignant tumors among smokers rises between 6 to 10 times the incidence in non-smokers, Recent scientific research has proved beyond doubt that tobacco contains precursors, active carcinogens, activated cancer cel

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