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جريمة الرشوة دراسة مقارنة بأحكام الشريعة الإسلامية واتفاقية مكافحة الفساد: دراسة مقارنة
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     ليس ثمة شك في أن المصالح الضرورية هي ما يضطر إليها الخلق لتنظيم معاشهم وحفظ معادهم ، فإذا اختل أحد هذه المصالح أختل نظام المصالح ، وحلت الفوضى محل التوازن بقدر هذا الاختلال ، وظاهر من هذا الامر أن هذه المصالح لها تعلقان ، تعلق بحفظ مصالح الفرد ، وتعلق بحفظ مصالح المجتمع ، والمصلحة العامة في الشريعة مقدمة على المصلحة الخاصة عند التعارض.

     وشُرعت الاحكام لتحقيق هذه المصالح فهي مصالح الخلق باعتبار ، ومقاصد الشرع باعتبار ثان ، وللوسائل المفضية إليها حكم هذه المقاصد والوسائل المشروعة أما لجلب منفعة أو لدرء مفسدة ، فإذا خالف قصد المكلف قصد الشارع من تشريعه الاحكام وقع باطلاً ، ويتوصل إلى معرفة مشروعية الأسباب عن طريقين ، أحدهما : الشرع ، وثانيهما : العقل والادراك بالعقل أما ضروري أو نظري .

     فإذا كانت المصالح هي علل الاحكام بمعنى أن الاحكام شرعت لتحصيلها إن ادركها العقل كان طريق العلم بالأحكام عقلياً ، ويدعم اتجاه العقل ورود الشرع مؤيداً له ، والعقل قد يدرك المصلحة أو المفسدة بالضرورة أي بدون توقف على نظر أو تأمل ، كإدراك العقل حسن العلم والعدل وقبح الجهل والظلم ، ... وقد يدركها بالنظر والتأمل ويدخل في هذا النطاق كل الحوادث والجزيئيات التي تتأثر بتغير الأزمان والأعراف وتبدل الاحوال والأماكن " ويدخل في هذا النطاق جرائم الرشوة والاختلاس والتزوير ، ونحوها من الجرائم الواقعة على الأموال الماسة بالمصلحة العامة " .

     أما المشرع فيعلم به ما يتوقف ادراك حسنه وقبحه على وروده ، كالمسائل المتعلقة بالعبادات والأمور التعبدية والغيبيات ... ، ويأتي الشرع مؤكداً لاتجاه العقل في ضرورة حفظ مصالح الفرد والمجتمع ، والمجتمع من خلال تشريع الاحكام التي لا يتأثر حسنها أو قبحها بتغير الأزمان والأماكن والأعراف ، كما في الحدود فهي أحكام لا تقبل التبديل أو الاسقاط أو الصلح أو الاجراء ، لأن الإخلال يها يلزم منه الإخلال بمصالح المجتمع ، من هذا المنطلق يمكن إدراك عظمة الشريعة وقدرتها على حماية مصالح الفرد والمجتمع بشكل متوازن .

     وبناءً على ذلك فقد منح الشرع للمشرع الزمني أن يحدد الأفعال التي تشكل تهديداً للمصالح العامة أو الخاصة أو كليهما ، وهذه الأفعال ليست على نمط واحد ، فمنها من نص الشارع الحكيم على تجريمها دون أن ينص على عقوبة محددة لها كالرشوة ، ومنها من لم ينص على تجريمها وعقوبتها كإساءة استعمال السلطة واستغلال النفوذ.

     وتمثل جريمة الرشوة اعتداء على مقاصد الشرع وما يرمي إليه من الوئام والتواصي بالحق والتعاون على البر والتقوى ، واعتداءً على المصالح العامة وتهديداً لها ، وإخلالاً بمفهوم الوظيفة العامة ، لقياسها أساساً على فكرة الاتجار بأعمال الوظيفية أو استغلالها على نحو غير مشروع يتنافى معه أهدافها ، لأن الجهد والعمل هو الأساس في الكسب في حين أن الرشوة هي كسب للأموال بغير جهد أو عمل ، لذا كانت المصلحة المحمية فيها هي المحافظة على هيبة الوظيفة وكرامتها وحسن سير العمل في المرافق العامة من اجل تحقيق الغاية المرجوة من مباشرة النشاط الوظيفي ، فجريمة الرشوة تعرقل نشاط الدولة وتؤثر على اجهزتها المختلفة في أداء نشاطها الطبيعي المرسوم لها ، لمساسها بالعلاقة الوظيفية القائمة بين المرفق العام والموظف ، فالوظيفة هي : مجموعة من المهام والواجبات والمسؤوليات التي ينظر إليها على أنها تكليف مطلوب من الأفراد انجازه[1] ، والإخلال بتلك العلاقة يفضي إلى انحراف الوظيفة عن أهدافها ، وهذا يتنافى مع المصلحة العامة التي تحرص على حماية النشاط الوظيفي من أي انحراف مهما كانت طبيعته أو وصفه[2] .


[1] Flipo , personnel , management , 1984 , p14 etc

[2] د.مأمون محمد سلامة ، قانون العقوبات - القسم الخاص  ، الجرائم المضرة بالمصلحة العامة  ، دار الفكر العربي ، القاهرة – مصر ، 1982م ، ص 100 – 101 .

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 25 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Black money and ways to combat its whitening: A comparative study
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The phenomenon of black money laundering (money laundering) receives wide and great attention from researchers of all their intellectual orientations, legal or economists, as this process acquires great importance in light of commercial developments and electronic transactions, Especially after the opening of Iraq to the outside world after 2003, and there are many factors that encourage the process of money laundering, including the large number of crimes, the prevalence of financial and administrative corruption, and the weakness of legal procedures to combat it, as the phenomenon of black money laundering is considered a criminal case that affects developed and developing countries. Because it impedes the tracking and seizure of funds

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Ruling on questioning children by the security authorities: (Comparative Study between Sharia and Law)
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Some of the issues that have become common in our society recently after the Americans entered our country and were rubbed by some security agencies: obtaining some information from children, and the serious consequences that may lead to the lives of innocent people, became common interrogation of some security agencies and rely on their words.
There are significant cases where their testimony needs to be heard, such as their presence in some places where incidents are not witnessed by others, such as schools or being witnesses to certain crimes.
I saw the study of this case in the light of Sharia and law

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 11 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Means of combating crime International terrorism
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International attention to the fight against the financing of terrorism has been one of the most important systemic transformations of the modern international strategy for the prevention of the crime of terrorism. International attention to the financing of terrorism has gone through multiple periods، considering that funding has not been a priority for the international community. Which led the international community to notice that there are tools that assist terrorists, the most important of which is the financial instrument, namely finance. This has led the Security Council، the General Assembly of the United Nations and regional organizations to issue binding decisions and to develop international conventions that would And to ma

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Fairness in explaining the provisions of endowments A study to clarify the provisions of endowments according to the views of the Jaafari school of thought compared to the provisions of Iraqi laws.
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In The Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful

It is no secret to everyone that the endowment is an important nucleus for the prosperity of Islamic civilization, especially in the fields of education, health, economy, and defensive military actions that fall within the door of jihad, and so on. Al-Ashraf, Qom Al-Quds, Cairo, and other parts of the Islamic world. What we will see in the research.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 25 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The dialectic of the intercourse and the female's lack of consent elements in the crime of rape in Bahraini law: A comparative study
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The crime of rape is based on three pillars, the objective pillar which is the act of intercourse, the victim’s lack of consent pillar, and the subjective pillar, which is in the form of criminal intent, and since rape is an intentional crime, there is stability in the legal trend on its content, which is the knowledge of the perpetrator and his willingness to sexually assault the victim without consent.

However, there are many controversial issues regarding the act of sexual assault and the lack of the victim’s consent which are studied in this article.  As the difference in the definition of sexual intercourse leads to the exclusion of many acts from the concept of the crime of rape, such as the difference in what is m

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 21 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Remediation of the Administrative Corruption Issues in accordance to the Theory of News Frames
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Media, especially press plays an important role in fighting corruption and tackling this phenomenon, which has become widespread in our society, through its effective role in raising awareness of the seriousness of spreading of corruption of all its forms in society.
All international conventions and agreements stress the necessity of the role of media and its importance in the light of corruption. All countries also commit themselves to the necessity of guaranteeing the freedom of media and the circulation of information and preparing it as a prerequisite for activating the People’s Control Mechanism and supporting measures and means to prevent and combat financial and administrative corruption more actively and effectively.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 07 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
المرأة في الشريعة الإسلامية
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         Elements of the study contribute to the direction and demonstrate scientific steps, in order to walk in the implementation procedures. The researcher is a sense of a social phenomenon is an important step and a motivation to study and uncover the causes and factored in order to reach substantive results. And to clarify what is involved in the importance of the study, as well as setting goals that aspire to achieve the study .                                        &nbs

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 20 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Open Price Contract Compertive Study: Comparative Study
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The ultimate goal of any sale contract is to maximize the combined returns of the parties, knowing that these returns are not realized (in long-term contracts) except in the final stages of the contract. Therefore, this requires the parties to the contract to leave some elements open, including the price, because the adoption of a fixed price and inflexible will not be appropriate to meet their desires when contracting, especially with ignorance of matters beyond their will and may affect the market conditions, and the possibility of modifying the fixed price through The elimination is very limited, especially when the parties to the contract are equally in terms of economic strength. Hence, in order to respond to market uncertainties, t

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 28 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Comparative Study on Association Rule Mining Algorithms on the Hospital Infection Control Dataset
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Administrative procedures in various organizations produce numerous crucial records and data. These
records and data are also used in other processes like customer relationship management and accounting
operations.It is incredibly challenging to use and extract valuable and meaningful information from these data
and records because they are frequently enormous and continuously growing in size and complexity.Data
mining is the act of sorting through large data sets to find patterns and relationships that might aid in the data
analysis process of resolving business issues. Using data mining techniques, enterprises can forecast future
trends and make better business decisions.The Apriori algorithm has bee

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
الحقوق العينية التبعية المترتبة على السفينة دراسة مقارنة: دراسة مقارنة
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          There is no doubt that the exploitation of the ship in navigation requires large expenditures make their  owners or processors in constant  need to borrow from third parties for the purpose of maintenance of the vessel or processing with supplies and fuel or by providing them with tasks and equipment necessary for the exploitation  of ship , and since all the money the debtor is general  guarantee to meet its debts , but the creditor You may not get the full right, as other creditors could challenge him where the money is shared on all creditors of the debtor, the existence of public security does not distinguish between the creditors, the debtor  may also so

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