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النظام الإجرائي لطرح موضوع عام للمناقشة في النظامين العراقي و الإماراتي "مقارنة بالنظام الكويتي"
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       بالرغم من تقلص الاختصاص التشريعي للبرلمان، ومحدودية نطاق مساهمة أعضائه في التقدم بمشروعات القوانين، يبقى للسلطة التشريعية اختصاصها الأقوى وهو رقابة أعمال الحكومة من خلال وسائل الرقابة البرلمانية المتعددة، ومن أبرز هذه الوسائل التحقيق البرلماني، بعد كشف الحقيقة، حول موضوع معين،والاستيثاق من أداء الحكومة لمهامها، والحد من استبدادها، ومنعها من أن تطغى بسلطاتها.فقد تبوأ التحقيق البرلماني مكانته في النظامين البرلماني والرئاسي، حتى أضحت أهمية التحقيق البرلماني ومكانته واضحة في النصوص اللائحية لمجلس النواب العراقي ونظيره الكويتي، وقد شكلت هذه النصوص بجماعها النظام الإجرائي للتحقيق البرلمانية. فكان لابد من مناقشة هذه النصوص وما ترتب عليها من ممارسات برلمانية، بعد أن قسمنا دراستنا إلى أربعة مباحث، عرضنا في الأول ماهية التحقيق البرلماني وأهميته، وفي الثاني تطرقنا للنظام الإجرائي للتحقيق، وفي المبحث الثالث ناقشنا ركائز التحقيق ومقوماته، أما المبحث الأخير فتناولنا فيه الأثر الدستوري للتحقيق البرلماني.


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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Privatization Thesis and its trends in Iraq after 2003
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The concept of privatization is built on the basis of the transfer of assets and services of the public sector to the private sector this concept has appeared in the eighties of the last century whene the high oil prices took place and recession solution swept the world Which called for the freedom of the market and left the room for the private sector to take the initiatine in economic activity.         Both the IMF have   adopted this thesis in their programs of the structural adjustment in light of external and internal factors helped to Create the conditions to accept thesis that under the pretext of achieving a number of economic goals.

In Iraq in spite of

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Relationship between Growth and Economic Reformation in Iraq: Post 2003
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There were many ideas and opinions on the linkage between growth and economic reform  in both developed and developing countries. The relationship is, of course, existed. Therefore, this research comes to analyses it in the Iraqi economy. This study is based on a hypothesis that the economic reformation in Iraq leads to lag level of growth with the of high rates of inflation. However, the study is designed to be included five sections. It found a positive relationship between the economic reformation and slowing of economic growth, in which the specified hypothesis is not fit to the economic reality in Iraq after 2003                  &

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The economic policy trends in Iraq beyond 2003
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Gaining economic policy of exceptional importance in severe unilateral Iraqi economy such as the economy, as oil revenues constitute the center of gravity in the internal and external balances, Economic policy have seen in Iraq beyond 2003 in absentia economic strategic vision and failure in the application of policies to achieve economic development, as there was a disconnect and lack of integration and coordination between macro policies of monetary policy and fiscal policy, especially as if they were floating two policies are not linked by a link

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 03 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Obstacles to achieving societal peace in Iraq after 2018
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    Community peace is achieved in law-based states Constitutional institutions with competence and powers, and otherwise that peace is shaken and begins to collapse. The movement of individuals and groups in the State is regulated by law The law and its proper application without selectivity or exception, and then the sense of equal opportunity and equal rights grows every citizen looks at his spouse, what he has, and when he is unbalanced, a sense of frustration and stealing of rights is generated Societal peace suffers from the shocks of instability and what is reflected in the surrounding environment. Instead of production, demolition takes place, which impedes the achievement of the required peace.  

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Impact of the Rising of China in Restructuring the International System
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It is no secret to everyone that the Arab individual suffers from poor self-awareness and political awareness, which made the state and the importance of its existence and preserving its institutions not among his interests, which made researchers wonder about the possibility of strengthening it and the extent of its impact on the future of building the contemporary Arab state. So, the study attempts to addressing the issue of community awareness and its impact on building the state through a clear intellectual vision that blended what is social and political to define the concept of community awareness and highlight its importance and role as a basic pillar in shaping and building modern Arab countries in the Arab world and ways to enha

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Treatment of the general budget deficit in Islamic economic system
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In the name of God the Merciful
 Praise be to God and the Hall and Peace Uncle Prophet Muhammad and blindness Alo and companions
 Money is the lifeblood and a reason for living. An individual cannot live without money to make it
It is only through the necessities of life and the state that it can perform its duties and functions only
As money is so important, the state must regulate the balance of revenues
And expenses in order to avoid failure in Mizanitia, but perhaps the country may be exposed to crises
An exception that leads to misappropriation in the general Mizanitia and the Islamic Shari'ah is valid for Makkah
Time and place for all circumstances has created several ways to address the budget defici

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
الاستراتیجیة السوریة تجاه العراق بعد عام ٢٠٠٣
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The subject of this thesis acquired it's importance from many sides most
important of it , it's the nature of the relationship between Iraq-Syria relation
itself . which is basic on many close and fare relationship between them upon
the history , and also the changes that happened in global and regional area
after the 11th September 2001 and the changes of the American strategy upon
Syria , and the trying of the united states to qualify the Syrian role inside its
regional in the meddle east upon the changes that imposing by the united
states which is the most important event was the occupation of Iraq .
The importance of this subject is also due to the occupation of the united
states upon the Iraq on April 2003

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The political participation of the Iraqi woman Between ambition and challenges
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The political participation of the Iraqi woman, gains a big importance equivalent to its role in all other fields. Therefore , it represents a higher value in the democratic orientation in addition to the importance of rising the reality of the woman specifically in the fields that are considered as a scale of the human development like the income, health, and education . The weakness of womenʹs political participation, is something that can't be ignored or neglected if we are looking forward to the rising of the country᾽s reality and achieving the required development in its all aspects. The woman is half of society or more than that due to the burden of raising the generations tasks. This can be achieved by taking part in th

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Properties of the Adjoint Operator of a General Fuzzy Bounded Operator
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Our goal in the present paper is to recall the concept of general fuzzy normed space and its basic properties in order to define the adjoint operator of a general fuzzy bounded operator from a general fuzzy normed space V into another general fuzzy normed space U. After that basic properties of the adjoint operator were proved then the definition of fuzzy reflexive general fuzzy normed space was introduced in order to prove that every finite dimensional general fuzzy normed space is fuzzy reflexive.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Henry Tudor administrates The Throne Of England In (1485AD)
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The Era of Henry VII is the king who established the Tudor as they ruled England for
(24) years .He made drasfic changes in British Economy and the state of the country was
stable and secure.
Thes economic achievement of make him Qualified to be called The founder of the
modern English History .
On the basis of that significance to study one of the development stages of one of the
developed societies presently, i.e. the English society, this thesis came under the title (The
Internal Policy in England 1509-1547) to examine the overall political, economic and social
positions England passed through. The thesis also indicated the intensive labor state suffered
by the English society with all its sections, especial

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