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Procedures of the parliamentary question Under the constitution of the republic of Iraq For 2005: دراسة مقارنة
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من خلال دراستنا للسؤال البرلماني تبين لنا ان السؤال البرلماني يمثل اداة رقابية مهمة يتمكن النواب عن طريقها من متابعة نشاط الحكومة اضافة الى كونه قناة للتعاون بين السلطتين التنفيذية والتشريعية.

ان تنوع صور السؤال البرلماني وسهولة اجراءات طرحه وبساطتها والحيوية التي تمنحه فعالية الاداء ساهمت كثيرا في تصاعد استعماله كأداة رقابية برلمانية كما ان التطور المضطرد في الوسائل الاعلامية المرئية والمسموعة والمقروءة ساهم وبشكل كبير في توفير المناخ الملائم للارتقاء بالسؤال البرلماني .

الا اننا لاحظنا ان هناك ثغرات واضحة في التنظيم الدستوري والقانوني للسؤال البرلماني في العراق في ظل دستور جمهورية العراق لسنة 2005, اذ خلا الدستور من الاشارة الى اجراءات السؤال او انواعه او شروط طرحه , وكان من المفترض ان يتلافى ذلك النقص النظام الداخلي لمجلس النواب العراقي لسنة 2006 الا انه جاء خاليا ايضا من تنظيم الشروط الشكلية والموضوعية للسؤال البرلماني كما انه خلا من بيان انواع السؤال ومتى يكون للوزير الحق في عدم الاجابة على سؤال النائب                                                                

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Prevalence of Parasites in the Domestic Pigeons (Columba livia domestica) in Zakho City, Kurdistan-Iraq
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Pigeons have accompanied humans since ancient time because they are used as a source of food, pets, hobby, and religious symbols. Pigeons have shown high prevalence rate of infection with gastrointestinal helminths and protozoan. This study was conducted to evaluate the prevalence of parasitic infections in the domestic pigeon (Columba livia domestica) from October, 2017 to April, 2018, purchased from bird market of Zakho City, Kurdistan region. The samples were taken from 50 adult pigeons (28 males and 22 females). The birds were transferred to Parasitology Laboratory, Faculty of Science, Zakho University. In the laboratory, each bird was sacrificed and immediately the feather and skin of under wings, chest and the rest of the

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 10 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Judicial control over the decisions of separation of heads of administrative units in Iraq
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Legislation under study organized the judicial control over the decisions of the end of service heads of administrative units in Iraq,  since before the first amendment to the law of the governorates in the irregular province No. (21) for the year 2008 was the appeal before the Federal Supreme Court and after the first amendment became the decision to dismiss the governor and the governor The Governing Law stipulates that the Governor may appeal against his dismissal before the Administrative Judicial Court within fifteen days from the date of his notification. The law obliges the court to rule on the judgment with in (30) days The law did not provide for the governorates in force to appeal the dismissal decision،  and the law

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 31 2018
Journal Name
Revue Académique De La Recherche Juridique
Jurisdiction in the contract of professional football player ((comparative study))
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Is no longer a football player looks to sport as a means of entertainment and physical development. But become see as part of The economic and is getting in return for the effort of، Through a contract with a club to organize the activity which is called a contract of professional, This contract is similar to the rest of the contracts in terms of problems and dispute that arise during the implementation or after it ends because of the nature of sports to such disputes and privacy being subject to special rules (regulations, national and international professional) required that subject to judicial bodies private mission confined settle sports disputes these entities and is affiliated unions legal committees and the court of arbitration for

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2013
Journal Name
Zanco Journal Of Medical Sciences
Epidemiology of viral hepatitis B and C in Iraq: a national survey 2005-2006
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Background and objective: Viral Hepatitis Type B&C is serious public health challenge throughout the world.Hepatitis B and C viruses still remain to be the major causes of chronic hepatitis.It is estimated that around 350-400 million people in the world are chronic carriers of HBV, which represents approximately 7% of the total populationwhereas infection with HCV is found in approximately 3% of the world population, which represents 160 million people. Hepatitis B infection has a wide range of seroprevalence in the Mediterranean countries ranging from intermediate (=>2% ) to high prevalence ( =>7%). World Health Organization estimated a prevalence rate for HCV infection of about 4.6% in Eastern Mediterranean in 1999. During the eightieths

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Appropriate for Use Under Advanced Manu Facturing Technology: An Application in Baghdad Soft Drinks Company " Private Contribution
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Big developments in technology have led to upset the balance of ideas, given of its own post new properties for products not provided by traditional technology, especially economic units operating within the industrial sector, and therefore it is important to develop the Iraqi industrial sector and interest to do its vital role in light Of progress technological.The research aims to Find the use of advanced manufacturing technologies that lead to customized production and quality appropriate whether they are low quality and low cost or low cost and suitable quality or high quality and high cost to win customer satisfaction.While the important conclusions is that the application of advanced manufacturing technology is not limited to techn

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The relationship between human investment and economic growth in Iraq(1985-2010) and measuring return of investment of human
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Investment in human capital of renewable energy can be relied upon to get to achieve the goals of development is important for Iraq through the intellectual community cards creative able to innovate and develop what is so is study the effect of human investment on economic growth through the adoption of the index of national income as a function of variables independent ( human capital, physical capital) and this is built on the premise that the relationship direct correlation between economic growth and human investment, and it can measure the return on human investment, which is an incentive to increase human capital through education and the development of the economy in general have shown th

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison for estimation methods for the autoregressive approximations
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      In this study, we compare between the autoregressive approximations (Yule-Walker equations, Least Squares , Least Squares ( forward- backword ) and Burg’s (Geometric and Harmonic ) methods, to determine the optimal approximation to the time series generated from the first - order moving Average non-invertible process, and fractionally - integrated noise process, with several values for d (d=0.15,0.25,0.35,0.45) for different sample sizes (small,median,large)for two processes . We depend on figure of merit function which proposed by author Shibata in 1980, to determine the theoretical optimal order according to min

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 22 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The challenges facing the Insurance sector in Iraq Analytical study in Iraqi insurance companies (National insurance company as model)
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Most of World nations are striving to provide the necessary needs to protect their economic properties assets against natural or abnormal disasters that may be inflicted on such property and the means that used by such countries to reduce the damages is insurance, whereas insurance as a system that collects and distributes different risks into the group thus  to achieve a social symbiosis between individuals. The system works to transfer the risks from the individual to the group and then distributes the losses to all members of the group.

According to the importance of the insurance sector and the need to develop it as well as working on improving its performance, this search aims to identify the ac

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 01 2019
Journal Name
Renewable Energy
Test of solar adsorption air-conditioning powered by evacuated tube collectors under the climatic conditions of Iraq
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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison of the statistical methods used to Forecast the size of the Iraqi GDP for the two sectors (public and private) for the period (2025-2016)
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Gross domestic product (GDP) is an important measure of the size of the economy's production. Economists use this term to determine the extent of decline and growth in the economies of countries. It is also used to determine the order of countries and compare them to each other. The research aims at describing and analyzing the GDP during the period from 1980 to 2015 and for the public and private sectors and then forecasting GDP in subsequent years until 2025. To achieve this goal, two methods were used: linear and nonlinear regression. The second method in the time series analysis of the Box-Jenkins models and the using of statistical package (Minitab17), (GRETLW32)) to extract the results, and then comparing the two methods, T

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