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Amend the civil liability provisions of the consultant
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اذا تم العقد بين الاستشاري وعميله مستكملا لأركانه وشروطه، افاد حكمه، أي الزم طرفيه بالتزامات معينة تجسد هذا الحكم ولا سبيل للتنصل من هذه الالتزامات او تعديلها الا اذا اتفق الطرفان على ذلك، فللعقد قوته الملزمة للطرفين التي تتجسد في جزاء الاخلال به ( المسؤولية العقدية )، وحيث ان القواعد العامة للمسؤولية العقدية ليست من النظام العام، يجوز عندئذ الاتفاق على تعديلها في حدود النظام العام والاداب1. لذلك وللتخلص من المسؤولية التي تهددهم ازاء اخطائهم قد يعمد  الخبراء الاستشاريون الى تعديل احكام المسؤولية المدنية التي يمكن ان تنجم عن اعمالهم ويتخذ هذا التعديل صور عدة اهمها الاتفاق مع المضرور على تحمله الضرر الذي يلحقه كلا او جزءا، فيفقد تبعا لهذا حقه كلا او جزءا بالتعويض، كما قد يعمدون  الى تشديد مسؤوليتهم او بالاتفاق مع شخص اخر على تحمل عبئها بدلا عنهم بدفع التعويض المستحق عن الضرر، الامر الذي يقتضي البحث في مشروعية مثل هذه الاتفاقات في حال تضمينها للعقد المبرم مع الخبير الاستشاري.

سوف يكون منهجنا في هذه الدراسة هو اتباع اسلوب الدراسة القانونية المقارنة بين القانون العراقي والقانون الفرنسي والقانون المصري ، كما سنقوم بتحليل النصوص القانونية والآراء الفقهية التي نعرض لها كلما تطلب الامر من اجل بيان الملاحظات عليها وتسليط الضوء على مكامن القوة ونقاط الضعف والمعالجات التي ينبغي الاخذ بها، وذلك في ضوء ما تسفر عنه معطيات البحث والمقارنة.

سنتناول في بحثنا هذا اتفاقات تعديل احكام المسؤولية المدنية للخبير الاستشاري تشديدا او اعفاءا او تخفيفيا، في المطلب الاول ، اما التامين من المسؤولية المدنية للخبير الاستشاري، فسنبحثه في المطلب الثاني.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Appropriateness of the Multi-Attitude Suicide Tendency (MAST) scale using a saudi adolescent sample
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The current study aimed to standardize the multi-position suicidal tendency scale MAST in the Saudi environment as well as to assess suicidal tendencies in adolescents. Moreover, the study aimed to test the psychometric characteristics of the scale among a sample of (490) high school and undergraduate students, in the adolescence who ranging in age from (16-21) years. The scale demonstrated satisfactory internal consistency in terms of validity and reliability tests. as the results showed of exploratory factor analysis to the four dimensions of suicidal tendencies loading on two factors that accommodate 74.60% of the overall variance of the scale (1) the attitude toward life,  and absorbs 43, 20% of the total variance of the scale,

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 12 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Monitoring the Vegetation and Water Content of Al-Hammar Marsh Using Remote Sensing Techniques
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The object of the presented study was to monitor the changes that had happened in the main features (water, vegetation, and soil) of Al-Hammar Marsh region. To fulfill this goal, different satellite images had been used in different times, MSS 1973, TM 1990, ETM+ 2000, 2002, and MODIS 2009, 2010. A new technique of the unsupervised classification called (Color Extracting Technique) was used to classify the satellite images. MATLAP programming used the technique and separated Al-Hammar Marsh from other water features (rivers, irrigated lands, etc.) when calculated the changes in the water content of the study region. ArcGIS 9.3 (arcMAP, arcToolbox) were used to achieve this work and calculate area of each class.

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Structural and contextual dimensions For the connection of static T feminization An analytical study
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After looking at the books of the first two grammarians, may God have mercy on them and reward them for what they have provided us with the rules of service to the Book of God and service to Arabic, we must highlight some of the things that the grammarians wanted to clarify, which did not come out of what they proved, but we are working on the statement of the issuance of the passport Provisions from the syntactic industry, and whether it is intended to prove a rule is not very added to the statement of speech, and we know that language, any language was the function of understanding; therefore they said: (speech is a useful word that indicates the benefit improves silence on them), and this concept between Grammatical controls and conte

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
The levels of IFN- , IL-12 And Testosterone Hormone in Persons with Asymptomatic Toxoplasmosis
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Background: The primary goal of this study is to perceive the immunological differences in mean level of IFN- and IL-12 in persons who have positive results for anti-toxoplasma gondii antibodies compared to persons who gave negative results for these antibodies. The secondary goal is to inspect the endocrineimmune interaction in thesepersons by detecting the effect of testosterone hormone level on cellular immune response namely, IL-12& IFN- . This study also detect the effect of Toxoplasma gondii on the level of testosterone hormone in those persons compared with healthy control.
Objective: Investigate the relationship between T. gondii and serum IL-12,IFN- and testosterone hormone levels in asymptom

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sun Mar 05 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Detecting the antibacterial activity of green synthesized silver (Ag) nanoparticles functionalized with ampicillin (Amp)
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In the current study, synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) before and after functionalization with ampicillin antibiotic and their application as anti-pathogenic agents towards bacteria were investigated. AgNPs were synthesized by a green method from AgNO3 solution with glucose subjected to microwave radiation. Characterization of the nanoparticles was conducted using UV-Vis spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), zeta potential determination and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. From SEM analysis, the typical silver nanoparticle particle size was found to be 30 nm and Zeta potential measurements gave information about particle stability. Analysis of FTIR patterns and UV-VIS spectroscopy con

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Scopus (11)
Crossref (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Response of Reinforced Concrete Composite Beams Reinforced with Pultruded GFRP to Repeated Loads
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Basrah Journal Of Veterinary Research
Some macroscopic and microscopic observation on the pituitary gland of guinea-pig Cavia culteri.
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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Thinking Styles And Its Relationship With The Need for Cognitive for Students of University
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This study aims to recognize the most common thinking styles and level of the need for cognitive university students , the relation between thinking styles and the need for cognitive, and there are differences according to gender .The sample consists of (250) males and females university students for the academic year (2013-2014), and the researcher uses two scales;" thinking styles scale (Harison &Bramson, 1986), and the need for cognitive scale" (Cacioppo, Petty & Kao , 1996).
The results show that there is difference in the range of the prevalence of the thinking styles among university students , the scientific thinking style is the most common , the students have got the arrange level of the need for cognitive , and there

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The martial rights and duties (Rights and duties of a woman and a man)
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This research addresses the relevance of men and women and the consequent provisions
such as dowry and alimony ... Of the like, marriage is to organize links masculinity and
femininity any sexual meeting between men and women a special system that must be
produces reproduction him and alone, which gets its reproduction in human kind, and has no
family and on the basis of private life is being organized.
The importance of the topic see Islam has urged marriage and forbade celibacy, and ensure
that the Lord of Glory Almighty married subsidy nor the origin of the differences between
men and women in money or workmanship or blue-chip Every Muslim inept any Muslim and
every Muslim efficient for any Muslim.
The impor

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2005
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
The presence of protozoal cysts and helminthic ova on Vegetables collected from Baghdad markets
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The vegetables are considered as an important source of human infection with intestinal parasites. Aims: to try a detection of the protozoal cysts or helminthic ova from vegetables collected from Baghdad markets.
Methods: The study was carried out during three months I'1 of September to the end of November 1999. Four different kinds of vegetables were selected for this study including tomato, onion, cucumber and celery. The vegetables soaked and washed in saline, centrifuged and the sediment examinedfor the presence ofprotozoal cysts, helminthic ova or fungi.
Results: Ova of Ascaris lumbricoides and Enterobius vermicularis were isolated from tomato and celery. Hookworm ova were isolated from celery leaves. Entamoeba hist

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