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أنواع المشروع المشترك
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Trade relations have witnessed notable development in the last two centuries. reflected its impact on various aspects of economic , social and legal life , the joint venture is one of the type that defined the international trade cooperation and internal cooperation both , and through strategic planner puts a range of different possibilities and specialization in the work according to a certain organization , through the contribution of more than a natural or legal person in the establishment of an independent project working to achieve specific objectives need to be completed include various efforts in the sum of one monolithic .

And also considered a joint venture of the most important means of financing for various projects that are appropriate to the prevailing circumstance  as it is based on the parties to an agreement under which one or more share in the establishment of a specific project is subject to joint control and reflected the common ownership or partial each party to achieve a certain profit .

The joint venture will take one of two formulas: the first joint venture contract is a contract concluded between two or more parties to implement a specific project within a certain period, the second formula are the joint venture organization is the kind of project that take the form of a company with the independence and have an independent judicial personality of the founding parties.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 27 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Verbal joint in the Holy Quran A descriptive analytical study
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The research paper talks about one of the topics that deals with one of the high-style styles in the Holy Qur’an that carries with it a high and influential style in directing the Qur’anic context, as the verses are singled out with certain words, each of which came out to other meanings, which is what was called in the past “what the wording agreed and the meaning differed Or the so-called “faces and analogues” and the meaning of analogues in the language and the Qur’an; To mention a word in a place and it means a meaning other than the other, and to interpret each word with a meaning other than the other meant by the faces, and accordingly the goal of the research is in the linguistic significance, in order to reveal the tr

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Detection of Commercial Cheating for Some Kinds of Local Markets retailed Medicinal Oils: Detection of Commercial Cheating for Some Kinds of Local Markets retailed Medicinal Oils
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The aims of this study are to explore the commercial artifacts in the following three kinds of vegetables oils, Nigella Sativa, Trigonella foenum-graecum Linn,and Zingiber officinale. These oils have been very popular medicinal plants which are commonly used in traditional medicine .These commercial oils have been compared with the extracts of these plants.
The physical properties of extracts and commercial oils of these plants have been stuied. We observed that the refractive index of the plants matches and non-significant, while specific gravity of Nigella Sativa has similar specific gravity in both extracts and commercial oil in contrast with Trigonella foenum Linn,and Zingiber officinale and we found significant difference (P&lt

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
مجلة كلية مدينة العلم الجامعة
Palynological study for nine cultivated species of Asteraceae family
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The current research included palynological study for nine ornamental cultivated species of Asteraceae family. The study included measurement the dimensions of pollen grains and there shape in polar view and equatorial view, sculpturing,colpi length and width, spines length and number of spines rows between colpiand exine thickness, the study showed variations in pollen grains characters forthe studied taxa

Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Kinds of Food and Drinks in Morocco in the Period of Al-Murabteen and Al-Moahideen
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Cooking was of great importance in the Islamic Arabic culture and the
people of Morocco have shown great interest in this aspect and also in the
variety in the making of food. They used all kinds of meat of and have shown
interest in preserving and distributing it .The people of Morocco used the
additives in their cooking such as salt, saffron and many other kinds to add
special flavor and taste and their cooking a distinctive flavor.
Sweet and pastry, in addition to the drinks, represented another aspect of the
Moroccan kitchen. At that time women were brought as slaves from Sudan
and as a result they brought their experience in the making of sweets and
pastry with them to Morocco, they used sugar, fat, wheat

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
مدخل مقترح لتدقيق الجودة (ISO) كأحد أنواع الفحص لأغراض خاصة
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This  research  seeked  to  create  frame  work  for  audit  ISO  as  one  class  of  investigation   for  special   purpose. The suggestion  frame work  depend  on  five  basic  ingredients,  there were  nature  of  ISO audit,  the  people  interested   requirements  to do  this audit  who  process  the  audit and the  problems  effect this audit. Already discussed and study the requirements and recommendations from International Standardization Organization.

The researcher suggested the basic sup

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 26 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
العوامل المؤثرة على اختيار موقع المشروع الصناعي وأثر ذلك على تلوث البيئة
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There is no doubt though all endemic industrial must be accompanied by environmental contamination problem that is closely linked increased industrial activity on the one hand and increase the size of the problem put this industrial waste on the other, and therefore the risk to natural resources and ecosystems as a result of the presence of development projects (especially industrial ones) so it was There must be a sound footing for the sitting of industrial zones and see how their commitment to the appropriate conditions to preserve the environment and enact strict laws to achieve this and prepared well prepared to avoid the numerous errors at the social, economic and technical, environmental and health.

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 31 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Enshrine the Principle of the Common Heritage of Humanity Within the Framework of International Law
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The international community began to realize, following the discovery of  vast wealth in areas that fall outside the territorial limits of states sovereignty, that the huge difference in scientific and technological development between developed and developing countries may give developed countries the opportunity to exploit these wealth, and this, in turn, will lead to a widening gap between countries, developed and developing countries, and the consolidation of the principle of inequality due to the lack of third world countries with the capabilities that allow them to participate in the exploitation of these wealth, and when these concerns came to the fore in the United Nations General Assembly in 1967, Ambassador Arvid Bardo, th

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 05 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Frustrations of sectarian coexistence and mechanisms to activate peaceful coexistence: Iraq as a model
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Abstract The study aimed at demonstrating the reality of sectarian coexistence in Iraq, which was characterized by the tolerance and coercion caused by the successive government policies to govern Iraq and to this day. The study was based on the hypothesis that coexistence between Islamic sects in Iraq can be achieved as long as there are strong bonds linking its components, and these bonds can produce coexistence between the sects based on peace. The study concluded that the hypothesis is correct, in addition to drawing a set of observations aimed at identifying weaknesses for advancing them through the adoption of mechanisms that address these weaknesses to yield towards a genuine peaceful coexistence among Islamic sects in Iraq.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 24 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Criminalization of Graft in Palestinian Legislation between Constitutional Legitimacy and Procedural Necessity : A Comparative Study
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This study aimed to identify the extent of the constitutionality of proving the crime of graft regarding transferring the burden of proof to the accused and its violation of the presumption of innocence. The presumption of innocence, unlike the Kuwaiti legislator, who did not shift the burden of proof in the crimes of illegitimate gain, and that the proof of the crimes of illegitimate gain according to the Palestinian and Jordanian legislators are linked to two forms: actual exploitation and judgmental or presumed exploitation, while the Kuwaiti legislator has limited proof of illegitimate gain crimes in the form of The study recommended a set of recommendations for an amendment to the text of Article 3 of Decree Law No. 37 of 2018 regar

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
الاستخدام المشترك لتكنولوجيا المعلومات وإدارة المعرفة لتحقيق قيمة عالية لأعمال البنوك التجارية الأردنية( )
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    The problem of the study represented in the gap between what banks possess of Information Technology and Knowledge Management and what they need to help them in decision making and problem solving and achieving High Business Value. It formed a focus and fundamental point for this study in its analysis and interpretation. This was done by a scientific methodology and five chapters.

    The study aimed at analyzing the use of partnering Information Technology with Knowledge Management to achieve High Business Value at commercial banks in Jordan. Data were collected from 116 managers, experts, and advisors working for 16 Jordanian banks through a questionnaire de

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