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أنواع المشروع المشترك
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Trade relations have witnessed notable development in the last two centuries. reflected its impact on various aspects of economic , social and legal life , the joint venture is one of the type that defined the international trade cooperation and internal cooperation both , and through strategic planner puts a range of different possibilities and specialization in the work according to a certain organization , through the contribution of more than a natural or legal person in the establishment of an independent project working to achieve specific objectives need to be completed include various efforts in the sum of one monolithic .

And also considered a joint venture of the most important means of financing for various projects that are appropriate to the prevailing circumstance  as it is based on the parties to an agreement under which one or more share in the establishment of a specific project is subject to joint control and reflected the common ownership or partial each party to achieve a certain profit .

The joint venture will take one of two formulas: the first joint venture contract is a contract concluded between two or more parties to implement a specific project within a certain period, the second formula are the joint venture organization is the kind of project that take the form of a company with the independence and have an independent judicial personality of the founding parties.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 06 2014
Journal Name
مجلة العلوم القانونية
المشروع المشترك
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المشروع المشترك صورة من صور التعاون التي ألفها التعامل التجاري الدولي، الذي يرتبط بموجبهِ الأطراف لتحقيق غرض مشترك بينهم يتمثل بما يقوم بهِ المشروع من نشاط موحد، وتقوم فكرة هذا المشروع على أساس المشاركة المباشرة، التي يشترك بها عدد من الأطراف بقصد تنفيذ نشاط اقتصادي يعود بالنفع على الشركاء، ويأخذ المشروع المشترك أحد الصيغتين: الأولى المشروع المشترك التعاقدي: الذي هو عبارة عن عقد يُبرم بين طرفين أو أكثر لتنف

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 31 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The Terrorist Project in Terms of the Agreement
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Terrorist crime is considered a serious act that outweighs all other crimes in terms of impact and result, because it has a wide range on societies, and it also contains a great thing of danger represented in its purpose, and here describing terrorism as a crime is a description that does not give the full right to this behavior or that it It abbreviates it and does not show its actual reality, given that terrorism contains several different crimes and the roles of its contributors, and these roles are necessary to reach the result or the end. In which each episode is complementary to the other, it is not a single act, but rather several joint and complex actions that in turn all lead to the result, and the agreement in the terrorist pro

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Species of Malassezia associated with psoriatic patients
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Background: Malassezia spp. are lipophilic unipolar yeasts recognized as commensals of skin that may be pathogenic under certain conditions. Yeasts of the genus Malassezia are known to be members of the skin micro flora of human and other warm-blooded vertebrates. Psoriasis is a common cutaneous disease of unknown etiology, may be triggered by infections, including those due to fungi.
Materials and methods:
Twenty three patients with psoriasis were included in this study, who attended Al-Kadhumyia teaching hospital / Dermatology department, from the 30th of October 2010 to the 1st of April 2011. Fifteen (15) were males and eight (8)  were females, with the mean ag

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Time-Cost Trade-off to Manage A Project in a Fuzzy Environment
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In this research, the problem of ambiguity of the data for the project of establishing the typical reform complex in Basrah Governorate was eliminated. The blurry of the data represented by the time and cost of the activities was eliminated by using the Ranking function and converting them into normal numbers. Scheduling and managing the Project in the Critical Pathway (CPM) method to find the project completion time in normal conditions in the presence of non-traditional relationships between the activities and the existence of the lead and lag periods. The MS Project was used to find the critical path. The results showed that the project completion time (1309.5) dinars and the total cost has reached (33113017769) dinars and the

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 27 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Kinds of unknowns and government linkages -empirical study of the application
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It is no secret that the prophets speech is of great importance, as the second source of Islamic legislation after the Holy Quran, and as such we must reserve and verify the authenticity of the novel and the narrators seizure, and all the conditions laid down by the scholars.

The subject of our research here concerns part of this verification, which is the unknown, the subject of the unknown hadith is considered a matter of great interest by the modernists because it relates to the validity of the novel and the narrators, and the methods of the modernists varied in terms of the reasons for this weakness, the fool never entertained them by the reckless narrative.

I chose the subject of my research the types of Mahjail and

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 26 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
التباين بين مفهوم المشروع الإسلامي الحضاري والمشروع العولمي الغربي
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The Islamic civilizational project has become anurgent necessity when Muslims and Arabs faced in recent years, with serious of challenges and the dangers that surrounded them; Globalization is one of these challenges.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Select the optimal project by using two methods of analytic hierarchy and goal programming
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      The aim of this research is to solve a real problem in the Department of Economy and Investment in the Martyrs establishment, which is the selection of the optimal project through specific criteria by experts in the same department using a combined mathematical model for the two methods of analytic hierarchy process and goal programming, where a mathematical model for goal programming was built that takes into consideration the priorities of the goal criteria by the decision-maker to reach the best solution that meets all the objectives, whose importance was determined by the hierarchical analysis process. The most important result of this research is the selection of the second pro

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
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The human intellect and his ability to complex thinking is a characteristic that Allah has given him above all his creatures. Islam came to encourage the utilization of the mind by thought, contemplation and consideration of the kingdom of Allah, His signs and religion, and He gave us a set of legislation that preserves the mind and protects it from falling into error or deviation.

This research deals with one of the most important components of civilizations in general and Islamic civilization in particular, which is thinking and what is related to it. It is an essential and influential component in man's dealing with life around him and the for

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 13 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
دراسة حول العلاج الطبي ببعض أنواع الأحجار الكريمة
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ذكر القدماء كلمة الجواهر ولم يصنفوها بأنها كريمة ، و لكنهم قالوا عن الذهب و الفضة بأنهما معدنين نفيسين تمييزا لهما عن النحاس و الحديد . أما إسم الأحجار الكريمة فلم يرد في كتاباتهم من قبل حسبما تحققت

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
الهدف العسكري المشروع واهم المباديء التي تحكمه في القانون الدولي الانساني
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The direct military attacks in international armed conflicts may be against military targets Oalohdav and civilian objects alike, and so these attacks are legitimate, so do not result in an international responsibility, must be directed to the legitimate military targets without objects and civilian objects, and then may ask international law two conditions in these goals even can be counted legitimate military objectives may strikes her, the two effective contribution to military action, and to achieve a definite military advantage when directing attacks against it, and most of the development of international humanitarian law legal principles that limit the persistence of hostile forces to strike and attack targets and objects without

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