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مسؤولية الإدارة عند التعسف في استخدام القوة أو الانحراف فيها: دراسة مقارنة
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Use management of the force to protect public order and not be entertained and permissible in all cases, but management must comply with the reasons and principles governing such use, so that does not count the use of force by members of the public authority Bamahzawr and then claimed materialize because of arbitrariness or deviation in the use of force, physical and moral, both.
To achieve management responsibility for two can Aaoss traditional direction in which resides the responsibility on the wrong basis or without error, but the developments and the expansion of the use of force management activity in most cases to deal with the turmoil facing the country if possible carry this responsibility on the text of the law directly.

Since the establishment of this responsibility is not limited to only the criminal liability that may take pictures overtaking Feith use of force or the use of an image of cruelty, but can be realized with civil liability in addition to the disciplinary responsibility for business management


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Publication Date
Sun May 07 2017
Journal Name
المجلة العلمية للتربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة. جامعة حلوان
تأثير استخدام تمرينات خاصة بالأثقال باسلوب التدريب (الدائري الهرمي) لتطوير مطاولة القوة المميزة بالسرعة و انجاز 200 متر للتجديف کاياک
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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of the effectiveness of self-managed teams in improving the quality of services / an applied study in Ramadi municipality
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This research aims to identify the effective role of self-managed teams in the quality of service performance in the directorate of Ramadi municipality. The problematic nature of our research involves this main question of the effective role of self-managed teams in the Municipality of Ramadi in improving the services of performance quality to the beneficiaries from the Directorate service. The importance of this study lies in the role played by the work teams in the organizations that excel in their field, the attendant of the changes in the leadership, administrative roles of the institutions, and teams leaders, will be achieved by the self-managed teams in improving the quality of the service provided by the institution to whi

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Electonic management   And its role in the development of the Zakat Foundation
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The world is witnessing a remarkable development in the use of technology, which has made it an essential means of investment, especially in the field of management, which provided many of the facilities experienced by the institutions, including improving revenues, shortening time and saving labor. Islamic investment technology as a successful means of management and we touched on the Zakat Foundation as an application model.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 31 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The responsibility of the Ministry of the Interior for the work of its employees
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The harm that a member of the internal security forces causes to others is either to ask about him personally according to the rules of responsibility for personal actions whenever the injured man is able to prove the error on his side Or to ask the Ministry of Interior according to the rules vicarious liability, which obligate the follower to compensate the harm caused by his subordinate to others whenever the injured failed to prove the error on the part of the employee of the internal security forces As the error is considered presumed by the Ministry of the Interior without requiring the injured person to prove the latter’s fault, and the reason for that is to protect the injured by facilitating his obtaining compensation, as the o

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The status of the state and its relationship to the concept of force in international relations
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The concept of power despite its implications unclear and unknown was one of the most standards in international relations ambiguity and lack of clarity, however was more standards important and influential in the conduct of international relations, and since that time until today since that ambiguity in the meaning of power and use it as a factor of international relations factors and drive the engines were very different and irony from case to case and from researcher to another, but it may be classified force as the international status enjoyed by the state in the international ocean and here is a structure formed of forces posed by the state, such as economic and political nature of the political system and military power and concept

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 18 2019
Journal Name
وقائع مؤتمر
واقع تطبيق خصائص الحوكمة في ميدان الإدارة العامة دراسة تحليلية في المنظمات العامة في العراق
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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
مسؤولية مراقب الحسابات في ظل ظاهرة غسيل الاموال
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احتلت قضية غسيل الاموال أهمية كبيرة على الساحة الاقتصادية العالمية خلال الفترة الاخيرة إدراكا من المجتمع الدولي لأثارها السلبية على الاستقرار الاقتصادي و خاصة على الاستثمار المحلي و الدولي و لذلك يتزايد الاهتمام بها و سبل مواجهتها من قبل العديد من الدول و المنظمات الدولية و المراكز المالية الكبرى , حيث تهدد هذه الظاهرة الاقتصاد العالمي و خاصة اقتصاديات العالم النامي و من بينها الاقتصاديات العربية .


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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
مسؤولية مجلس إدارة المصرف في إطار السياسة الائتمانية
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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Comparative Study of Allopurinol and Uralyt-4 in patients with Hyperuricemia in Diyala Governorate.
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Background: Hyperuricemia represents a major public health problem; approximately most population has hyperuricemia, serum uric acid ≥6.5 mg/dL in women and ≥7.0 mg/dL in men.
Allopurinol has been approved for the treatment of hyperuricemia patients. Epidemiological and experimental studies suggest a linkage between hyperuricemia and type of treatment.
Objective: To assess the effect of allopurinol and uralyt- 4 and mixture of two drugs (allopurinol and uralyt-4) in hyperuricemia patients
Methods: A total of 60 serum patients with history of hyperuricemia, obtained from Baladrus Hospital in Diyala governorate, were included in this study. In addition, ten normal uric acid level persons used as contro

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 06 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
منهج منهج البيروني ((ت440هـ))في دراسة علم الأرض في كتابه ((تحقيق ما للهند من مقوله مقبولة في العقل أو مرذولة))
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From the above we conclude that the Peronist represents one of the distinguished scientists who had a prominent role in supplying the Arab and Islamic Heritage Library scientific achievements that have had their impact on the Arab-Islamic civilization at a high level of knowledge has given us

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