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القيود الواردة على إجراءات التعاقد بأسلوب المناقصة العامة
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In the domain of public law administration enjoys the privileges of public power, but it is in the field of administrative contracts is not free contract in any way you want, Valmushara intervenes to restrict the freedom of administration to follow a contracting methods set forth in, the most important of these methods is the public tender method, as a general principle of the contract, so Leaders are subject to a number of legal restrictions in the conclusion of their contracts do not meet like individuals in the conclusion of their contracts own, because they do not equated with individuals to freedom of expression of will to conclude contracts, and justification that the administration in its contract aims to achieve the public interest, and they behave in public money is in the budget General state ,, so tightened restrictions on freedom of administration when its contract in order to achieve two main goals: first to achieve the biggest Save as much financial as possible through the selection of management of the contractor who offers the best tender in terms of financial and technical conditions, and the second goal to enable management to choose the contractor to stop and most capable technical the implementation of the project, which administration is keen to achieve.

The legislator has imposed restrictions on the freedom of administration are formalities before and during the conclusion of the contract, and most of the legislation is keen to organize these restrictions in order to prevent abuses and unfair competition, which prompted this legislation in the field of administrative contracts to regulate contracting methods and the most important public tender, in order to ensure the achievement of the basic principles governed by the principle of openness and freedom of competition, equality and equal opportunities, which would broaden the circle of competition by creating real guarantees a source of contentment bidding and trust providers in the trading department.


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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Relationship between federal budget estimates And actual implementation
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he public federal budget of the state includes estimated figures for state revenues and expenditures for the next fiscal year. The estimation process is one of the main parts of the preparation of the general budget of the state and the accuracy in the estimation of revenues and expenditures of the most important principles that should be based on the process of making estimates and should not overestimate the assessment process to ensure the availability of funds in the future in all cases, which lead to unfair distribution of allocations, so the research aims to study The case of preparing the budget in the Directorate and how to estimate the expenditure in, by the analysis of operating budgets and identify deviations in the implementa

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
High performance work systems and general industrial enterprise performance
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High performance work systems and general industrial enterprise performance

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Treatment of the general budget deficit in Islamic economic system
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In the name of God the Merciful
 Praise be to God and the Hall and Peace Uncle Prophet Muhammad and blindness Alo and companions
 Money is the lifeblood and a reason for living. An individual cannot live without money to make it
It is only through the necessities of life and the state that it can perform its duties and functions only
As money is so important, the state must regulate the balance of revenues
And expenses in order to avoid failure in Mizanitia, but perhaps the country may be exposed to crises
An exception that leads to misappropriation in the general Mizanitia and the Islamic Shari'ah is valid for Makkah
Time and place for all circumstances has created several ways to address the budget defici

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Challenges of applying IFRS 16 to the Iraqi environment and its role in improving Financial indicators of economic units Applied to the General Company of Iraqi Airways
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The leases, are regarded as one of the most controversial accounting issues in recent years, since they  represents one of the important sources of funding, which may be exploited by the tenant as off- Balance sheet Financing , which negatively affects the quality of financial reporting. The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) have "significant" interest in accounting for leases . FASB issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards 13 on lease contracts in 1976 and IASB issued IAS 17 in 1980, which was amended in 1997 and IFRS 16, issued in January 2016, which will be effective on January 1, 2019 , to solve

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Responsibility of the external auditor to detect the activity result of the public construction companies in accordance with the going concern principle: دراسة تطبيقية في شركة الفاروق العامة للمقاولات الإنشائية
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The audit profession today gets an increasing interest by the financial , economic and legal contemporary societies , because of the importance of the technical & neutral auditor’s opinion to the financial reports beneficiaries in order to enable them making their investment decisions , but some of them whom suffered damage or loss when they made that decisions according to the mentioned financial statements which consolidated with auditor’s report , exposed the function to a responsibility and credibility crisis in addition to missing the trust especially at the latest years. They always ask why or what is the reason that cause the auditor didn’t giving us any warning signs about the economic mater for that companies.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 04 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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Marketing is one of the most important pillars on which most industrial and commercial sectors depend on evaluating their performance, improving their financial position, development and economic growth. The presence of effective marketing activities in any industrial or commercial organization (which works to meet the requirements of customers in order to ensure the integration of trading and handling rings with consumers and to ensure the growth of the marketing process regularly and not to retreat) effectively contributes to maintaining the company's position between its competitors and its customers. It is necessary to have these marketing activities in order to meet the requirements of the organization on the one hand and to

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 22 2024
Journal Name
Imam Jaafar Al-sadiq University Journal Of Human And Social Sciences
الادارة الالكترونية الناجحة ودورها في حل مشكلات الادارة العامة
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Publication Date
Sun Nov 15 2015
Journal Name
مجلة دراسات ادارية
‫بواعث الفساد وتقنيات مواجهته في المؤسسات العامة - العلاقة والأثر
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كان الفساد وما زال أحد المواضيع الرئيسة التي شغلت اهتمام الباحثين والدارسين في المجالات المعرفية المختلفة بضمنها المجال الإداري نظراً للتأثير السلبي والمباشر لإدارات المؤسسات الحكومية العامة على نجاح برامج وخطط التنمية في تحقيق أهدافها المجتمعية, إذ أن عملية تنفيذ هذه البرامج تقع على عاتق إدارات هذه المؤسسات في إطار التزام العاملين فيها بتحقيق الأهداف والسياسات التنموية العامة للدولة ، وحرصهم على تلبية ا

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluation of the Strategic Performance of the State Board of Antiquities and Heritage/Case Study
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This research aims to the possibility of evaluating the strategic performance of the State Board for Antiquities and Heritage (SBAH) using a balanced scorecard of four criteria (Financial, Customers, Internal Processes, and Learning and Growth). The main challenge was that the State Board use traditional evaluation in measuring employee performance, activities, and projects. Case study and field interviews methodology has been adopted in this research with a sample consisting of the Chairman of the State Board, 6 General Managers, and 7 Department Managers who are involved in evaluating the strategic performance and deciding the suitable answers on the checklists to analyze it ac

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 22 2024
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Public relations of Iraqi companies and their role in the marketing of national products
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based on the importance of public relations in companies, I will discussed the issue of public relations and its role in marketing national products, given what these companies represent of great importance in terms of providing products and services to large segments of Iraqi society, which necessitated the need to search and investigate the role and importance of activities that Provides public relations in Iraqi companies in all categories( public, private and mixed).
the study tables and theirinterpretations, results and recommendations, and the studyreachedseveralresults, including the positive and the negative, the positive including the success in marketing the products by the number of companies in the Fairswhere the level of

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