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التكامل بين القانون الدولي الجنائي والقانون الدولي الإنساني في مكافحة الإرهاب
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Aujourd'hui, la communauté internationale confronte à de multiples cas et des problèmes complexes qui s’étendent leurs effets au-delà des frontières, ce qui menace la paix et de la sécurité au niveau national, régional et international, où le terrorisme représente ici l'un des plus graves de ces problèmes. En effet, ce phénomène est devenu une réalité qui touche la sécurité mondiale grâce à sa capacité d'influencer dans plusieurs pays, ce qui souligne l'importance et la nécessité d'une coordination et d'intégration entre les différentes branches du droit international public, en tant que cadre dans lequel  peut  adapter les activités nationales et internationales de lutte contre le terrorisme et de permettre aux États de coopérer efficacement entre eux pour lutter contre le terrorisme. Ce cadre comprend, dans ses différentes branches, instruments traitant des aspects spécifiques de la lutte contre le terrorisme qui sont intégrés les uns aux autres pour atteindre l'objectif principal, qui se réside à la protection de l'homme et la préservation de sa dignité humaine.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
اللجنة الوطنية للقانون الدولي الانساني ودورها في دعم ادماج ونشر القانون الدولي الانساني في العراق
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The National Committee of international humanitarian law and its role in supporting the integration and deployment of international humanitarian law in Iraq

There are a number of bodies that could help national authorities to better implement IHL. Internally, States may decide to create interministerial working groups, often called committees for the implementation of IHL or national humanitarian law committees, the purpose of which is to advise and assist the government in implementing and spreading knowledge of IHL. Outside the State structures, international organizations and civil society in general may also play an important role through the exchange of expertise and cooperation. Key players in this. Regard are  the Nat

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 24 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The Law Applicable to the Implementation of the Judgment of International Bankruptcy
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International bankruptcy is a legal system for those who take trade as a craft and stop performing their obligations of an international character as a result of a defect in their financial position. Legislative jurisdiction in cases of international bankruptcy is one of the most important topics of international bankruptcy by researching the position of national and comparative legislation by determining the applicable law such as the law of the court that hears the dispute or the law to which the attribution rule refers. 

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
المسوؤلية عن انتهاكات التراث الثقافي في القانون الدولي
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ان انتشار الصراعات بين الاديان والاعراق لايعني فقط الهجمات ضد السكان المدنيين ولكن ايضا في كثير من الحالات، تدمير الاهداف او الممتلكات ذات الخصائص المدنية التي تشكل التراث الثقافي . اعمال التخريب او التدمير الموجهة ضد هذه الممتلكات شائعة لاسيما في مثل هذه النزاعات ، حيث ان مثل هذه الممتلكات عادة ماتعتبر بمثابة رمز للهوية الثقافية وتاريخ للطرف الخصم ، ولكن في نفس الوقت ، تعتبر جزءا من التراث الانساني ،أن وا

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 24 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
منظمة شنغهاي للتعاون دراسة في إطار القانون الدولي
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إن منظمة شنغهاي للتعاون –(Shanghai Cooperation Organization SCO) هي منظمة دولية إقليمية حكومية فريدة من نوعها أُسست من قبل الصين،

روسيا، كازاخستان، قرغيزستان، طاجيكستان وأوزبكستان بمدينة شنغهاي

الصينية في 51 حزيران 1005 . تتجاوز مساحة الدول الأعضاء للمنظمة حالياً

00 مليون و 581 ألف كيلومترمربع أي ما يساوي ثلاثة أخماس مساحة قارتي

أوروبا وآسيا، ويبلغ عدد سكان الدول الأعضاء فيها نحو نصف تعداد سكان العالم.


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Publication Date
Thu Jun 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Legal Organizing - Redefining the Function of Criminal Law
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This is a theatrical overview of the organizational approach regarding the definition of functions of criminal law and the nature of the criminal justice system. The research assumption is the following (organizational approach is the most important and effective instrument to achieve the goal of scientific-oriented law.

The law should be defined by the terms of science, not by the terms of politics and relatively social norms. Through legally organized law social needs can be satisfied at the right time, and legislative intervention becomes more functional.

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 11 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Means of combating crime International terrorism
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International attention to the fight against the financing of terrorism has been one of the most important systemic transformations of the modern international strategy for the prevention of the crime of terrorism. International attention to the financing of terrorism has gone through multiple periods، considering that funding has not been a priority for the international community. Which led the international community to notice that there are tools that assist terrorists, the most important of which is the financial instrument, namely finance. This has led the Security Council، the General Assembly of the United Nations and regional organizations to issue binding decisions and to develop international conventions that would And to ma

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 24 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Rules of Human Conduct in War in the Light of Islamic Jurisprudence and International Humanitarian Law
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     The importance of the research lies in the description of war within the framework of international law and Islamic jurisprudence, the extent of its legality, and an attempt to highlight the legal value of the rules of human conduct in the war for which Islamic Sharia has established, and how it dealt with some categories of fighters (prisoners for example), and comparing it with the international conventions and treaties regulating this conduct in the field of international humanitarian law.

      As for the research problem, it is an attempt to establish the rules of human behavior in war, which came in The Hagu

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 07 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
عقد إختيار القانون واجب التطبيق على العقد الدولي
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      The defferenation of the contract, as alegal concept, is one of the new ideas in scientific research, aim to charectrise each condition or obligation of the contract, as an independent contract of the other parts, conclude under the agreement of the parties on a specific object with its own cause; this idea had applied in international contract too, specifically with the choice of law applicable to the international contract, that’s also supported by the potentiality of chossing the applicable law after concluding the international contract.

     The choice of the applicable law, play a significant role in implementing the function of the international contract as a gear to org

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 31 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Enshrine the Principle of the Common Heritage of Humanity Within the Framework of International Law
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The international community began to realize, following the discovery of  vast wealth in areas that fall outside the territorial limits of states sovereignty, that the huge difference in scientific and technological development between developed and developing countries may give developed countries the opportunity to exploit these wealth, and this, in turn, will lead to a widening gap between countries, developed and developing countries, and the consolidation of the principle of inequality due to the lack of third world countries with the capabilities that allow them to participate in the exploitation of these wealth, and when these concerns came to the fore in the United Nations General Assembly in 1967, Ambassador Arvid Bardo, th

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 11 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Targeted Drone Killings Under International Human Rights Law
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Targeted killings by unmanned aircraft are a dangerous means that threaten the human right to life, both in wartime and in peacetime. In wartime, international humanitarian law prohibits weapons that cannot respect general principles such as discrimination, proportionality and military necessities. In peacetime, all international instruments guaranteeing the protection of human rights prohibit attacks on the right to life, except in cases provided for by law, as well as extrajudicial executions.


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