Aujourd'hui, la communauté internationale confronte à de multiples cas et des problèmes complexes qui s’étendent leurs effets au-delà des frontières, ce qui menace la paix et de la sécurité au niveau national, régional et international, où le terrorisme représente ici l'un des plus graves de ces problèmes. En effet, ce phénomène est devenu une réalité qui touche la sécurité mondiale grâce à sa capacité d'influencer dans plusieurs pays, ce qui souligne l'importance et la nécessité d'une coordination et d'intégration entre les différentes branches du droit international public, en tant que cadre dans lequel peut adapter les activités nationales et internationales de lutte contre le terrorisme et de permettre aux États de coopérer efficacement entre eux pour lutter contre le terrorisme. Ce cadre comprend, dans ses différentes branches, instruments traitant des aspects spécifiques de la lutte contre le terrorisme qui sont intégrés les uns aux autres pour atteindre l'objectif principal, qui se réside à la protection de l'homme et la préservation de sa dignité humaine.
The development of the phenomenon of crime in terms of quantitative and qualitative led to turn this phenomenon from the individual level to the international level... and now a wide range of individual called (victim), maybe thousands and sometimes millions... And from the use of simple primitive methods of killing the lethal weapons... This is the beginning of the international crimes against the security and safety of humanity such as genocide and war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Although it is hard to eliminate the crime, the efforts of the international community will necessarily be diverted to prevent the commission of serious crimes and violations or to limit their effects.
Since the existence of a judicial
... Show Moreكان لسياسات االحتالل دور بارز في فشل مشروع إعادة بناء الدولة في افغانستان، وفي الوقت نفسه تتحمل دول االحتالل المسؤ و لية الكاملة عن بعض هذه ً كبي ارً السياسات مثل عدم التخطيط الجيد لمرحلة االحتالل وإعادة بناء الدول ة، ثم إن جزءا من فشل هذه السياسات يرجع الى البيئتين المحلية واإلقليمية ، كذلك كان للخبرة السياسية والدستورية وللواقع االجتماعي الثقافي األفغاني تأثيرهما المهم في قدرة المجتمع األفغاني ً على قبول
... Show MoreThousands of victims of disasters, wars and armed conflicts Found in the emblems of the Red Cross and Red Crescent as a safe haven that protects these victims from violence, and extend a helping hand in the midst of adversity, and a symbol of humanity. However, these symbols which used to protect members of the military medical services during the wars, and a hallmark of the members of the Red Crescent and Red Cross in peace, were at the same time a reason to raise real difficulties because of the multiplicity of these badges, as the significance of religious insignia to create a situation of bias of Islamic and Chris
... Show MoreEthnic cleansing is the systematic forcible removal of ethnic and religious groups from a specific area, with the intent of making the area ethnically homogeneous. Direct deportation is accompanied by genocide, rape, and destruction of property, so the crime of ethnic cleansing can be considered a crime against humanity and can be included in the Genocide Convention.
Ethnic extremism is a concept linked to the use of violence and weapons by a strong party against a weaker party. Extremism and fanaticism are often behind such a crime with the aim of obliterating or concealing the oppressed group in a particular geographical area.
This research id entitled "The Prohibition of Perfidy in International Humanitarian Law". International humanitarian law includes some international agreements that aim to regulate hostilities, and the use of tools and means of warfare (The Hague Law), Where there are many international rules that govern the conduct and management of hostilities, there are some provisions that limit the use of certain means and methods during armed conflict, Whether by prohibiting the use of specific methods of fighting, or prohibiting or restricting the use of certain types of weapons, The dedication of these rules to the law of armed conflict comes in implementation of the principle of the law of war, which restricts the authorit
... Show MoreThis paper deals with "the prohibition of autonomous weapons in the light of the principles of international humanitarian law", The autonomous weapon is the newly developed type of weapon, and it is the latest of the genius of the human race in finding another "automatic" race to undertake combat operations on its behalf, However, this matter was not left at all, Rather, each party to the armed conflict must abide by the principles of international humanitarian law to avoid the harmful effects of that weapon, In particular, adherence to the text of Article 36 of the First Additional Protocol of 1977, which obliges the Contracting Parties to conduct a review of their weapons before their launch to find out what is prohibited and per
... Show Moreشكلت التطورات التكنولوجية في وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي الناجمة عن العولمة معلم رئيسي في تحولات التنظيمات الإرهابية، وإنتاج انماط جديدة من الإرهابيين والمتطرفين القادرين على التفاعل مع الثورة المعلوماتية والاتصالية. ان معظم الجرائم الإرهابية الإلكترونية مرتبطة بالإنترنت وهو المسرح المفضل للمتطرفين فالأول يقتل والثاني يسوغ ويحرض ويجند، والذي جعل الإنترنت وسيلة فعالة كونها سهلة الاستخدام وسريعة الوصول إلى
... Show MoreIn many countries there are national committees for the implementation of international humanitarian law that aim to advise and assist their governments in implementing international humanitarian law and spreading knowledge about it. The responsibility for the formation of these committees rests with the states, supported by the International Committee of the Red Cross, as one of the ways to ensure the effective implementation of international humanitarian law. The national committees for international humanitarian law seek to urge governments to implement and ensure respect for international humanitarian law and to contribute to its enforcement and dissemination at the national level.
Rules of international humanitarian law establish restrictions on parties to armed conflicts in the their choice of weapons, means and methods of warfare. States when develop or acquire new weapons should verify that it complies with these rules. Current progress by new technology indicates that is very important to continue to assess the legality of new weapons.
The title of this research is "The Special Conditions for the Crime of Extradition in Accordance With International Law Provisions and Iraqi Law." The examination of the conditions of extradition is of paramount importance because it establishes the general provisions on the basis of which extradition is made, if such conditions are met at the time of the issuing of the extradition decision. Crimes vary according to their types, gravity and description. For this reason, the conditions for determining the crimes in which extradition is permissible have been established. These conditions are that the crime committed is of a certain gravity. The second condition is dual criminality in the requesting State and the States to be extradited; th
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