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النطاق المكاني للعمليات الحربية في النزاعات المسلحة الدولية
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This research entitled "Spatial Scale of The Military Operations in International Armed Conflicts". Armed conflict, whether international or non-international is a non-fixed term or spatial scale, when armed conflict brakes out it would be impossible to predict the expansion of combat operations by land, sea and air, but each party to armed conflict has the obligation to ensure respect for international humanitarian law in this regard. This research is limited to the study of rules of international humanitarian law for determining the spatial scale for each theater of war or armed conflict and aims to determine the scope of military operations in respect of armed forces, means and methods of warfare used in it, to clarify the concept of military operations on land, sea and air, as well as cyberspace which emerged as a virtual scale where the electronic combat operations exercised.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
International rights to enhance the active participation of Iraqi youth
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After the democratic transformation in 2003 in Iraq, young people waited a lot to take their real opportunity to participate in politics, but most of the laws regulating political and electoral work have been unfair to young people, despite developments in laws and legislation, but opportunities did not allow young people to participate in politics, which was reflected It negatively affected their participation in voting and nomination, and even their assumption of public office and positions, which is why they complained about the ruling class and the political system through protests, or when they refused to vote, and this is reflected in the recent parliamentary elections and low participation rates

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 29 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
International protection of the high seas region from nuclear pollution
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        أن مصادر تلوث البيئة البحرية متعددة ,حيث تتعدد استنادا لتنوع الأنشطة المقامة في المنطقة ,منها أنشطة استغلال قاع البحار ؛عملية إغراق النفايات والتخلص منها في البيئة البحرية ؛ أنشطة السفن ؛ من عمليات الإسقاط من الجو ,ويمكن تصنيف مصادر تلوث البيئة البحرية :التلوث من المصادر الأرضية ؛التلوث من الأنشطة في أعالي البحار ؛التلوث من الجو .والتلوث النووي سريع الانتشار ويمتد لمساحات واسعة .

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Interactivity on the Website of Monte Carlo International Radio Regarding Iraqi Topics
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This research aims to identify the means and forms of interactive communication concerning Iraqi topics on the websites of global radio stations, namely Sawa and Monte Carlo. It also seeks to uncover the editorial and artistic interactions related to Iraqi topics on the selected websites chosen as the research sample, comparing them with the editorial interaction within the Iraqi context between the Radio Monte Carlo and Sawa websites.
The research yields several conclusions, including the following:
Iraqis focus their interaction with topics related to Iraq on Facebook for both Radio Monte Carlo and Sawa; Arabs show higher levels of interaction on Twitter with Radio Monte Carlo; Participants on the webs

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
كتاب المؤتمر العلمي الانساني الثاني لكلية الحكمة الجامعة
اهمية شبكة المعلومات الدولية لتدريسيي مادة اللغة العربية في جامعة بغداد
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 21 2024
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
International Public Relations methods in building the state's image through Cyberspace
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The researcher has studied in his research (International Public Relations methods in building the state's image through Cyberspace)
, analytical study of the Facebook and twitter pages for British foreign office , the role was played by the International Public Relations in building the mental image of British , especially after the new media and internet have became influential role in political life . and became an important tools used by political institutions as ministries of foreign affairs in the twenty: one century .
The researcher identified the problem of this study with the following question:
(what is the role of the International Public Relations in building the mental image of state through Cyberspace)
To answer

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
North Korea's nuclear program is facing the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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لخلاصة Nuclear energy is among the most important discoveries reached by the human terms contributed to the solution of many problems faced by the states. The last of these that are not only utilizing it in a peaceful area, but tended toward the military field and the nuclear weapons industry , Among these countries, we find North Korea, which has openly declared their manufacture of nuclear weapons and thus entry to the club of nuclear countries. International Atomic Energy Agency has worked to resolve the North Korea standoff but has not been able to achieve positive results, prompting the intervention of European countries in order to end the crisis. تعدُّ الطاقة النووية من بين أهم الاستكشافا

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Means of the right to self - determination actions and patterns of its practices under the contemporary international development
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Abstract The means of self-determination have their peaceful and non-peaceful dimensions and are united(peaceful and non-peaceful) by international consensus adopted by international conventions and instruments. This has given it various dimensions at the applied level, especially in the light of the contemporary international developments witnessed by the world represented by a number of complete and incomplete implementation models that have nothing to do with the theory of truth Self-determination associated with the liberation of peoples from colonial domination or the liberation of oppressed nationalities

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
"The Impact of International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSASs) on the Public Budget in Iraq"
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     The aim of the research is to determine the impact of the Iraqi public budget on IPSASs by conducting the questionnaire; the research was based on the hypothesis that "there is an impact of the adoption of the International Accounting Standards in the general budget of Iraq”. The research concluded that the government accounting system closely interferes with the general budget at all stages. The shifting towards the accrual basis is the first element of the reform package towards reaching the reform of the state budget. Without reforming government accounting, it is almost impossible to develop the budget. IPSASs are a recognized reference to the assessment and development of governmen

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The crime of sexual exploitation of children In the light of constitutional principles and international standards Child rights
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Sexual abuse of children is a flagrant transgression on human, social, and family values, such values which represent conscience and proper human existence, culprits in such crimes aim to make material gain using children as commodity, to be bought and sold, and subject to supply and demand, and their prices increases and decrease accordingly,  this crime Is an aggression towards public interest, for what in contains of damage to fundamental tenets of a sound society, it affects human dignity for the most fragile in society.

        The phenomenon of sexual abuse of children is a closed and concerning one, therefore the importance of research on it lies in the fact that it is a serious atte

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 05 2010
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
وقائع واوراق ندوة ( السياسة الخارجية الامريكية في عهد اوباما) / فرع الدراسات الدولية
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وقائع واوراق ندوة (السياسة الخارجية الامريكية في عهد اوباما) التي عقدها فرع الدراسات الدولية في 25 تشرين الثاني 2009

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